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CRITERIA (Excellent) (Acceptable) (Poor) (Beginning - Does not

(APPLICATION) meet expectations)

Content Provides relevant ideas to Ideas are relevant to the Ideas are irrelevant to the Lacks relevant content and
the posted question. posted question. posted question. Content is does not fit the criteria.
The content is engaging and Content is appropriate and vague and unoriginal.
original. original.

Organization of Thought Paragraphs are impressively Paragraphs are coherent Weak organization, Does not contain apparent
coherent and cohesive. and cohesive. sentences are rambling and control over sentence
ideas are repeated. structures and word choice.

Grammar and spelling Few errors in spelling, Occasional errors in Frequent errors of spelling, Dominated by errors in
capitalization, sentence spelling, capitalization, capitalization, sentence spelling, capitalization,
structure and grammar. sentence structure and structure and grammar; sentence structure and
grammar, but meaning is meaning confused or grammar; meaning at times
not obscured. obscured. unidentifiable.

Style Extremely fluent and Reasonably fluent relation Ideas are unclear, Incoherent relation of
articulate relation of ideas; of ideas structure lacks inappropriate, and ideas, Inadequate
effective, structural design variety and/or complexity. repetitious of using words. transitions between ideas
versatile and complex. A Transitions clearly show Some transitions work well and paragraphs. Pacing is
variety of thoughtful how ideas are connected, but connections between uneven, the same point
transitions show how ideas but there is little variety. other ideas are fuzzy. repeated, or too much time
are connected. Pacing is Pacing is well-controlled, Pacing is well-controlled, on details.
well-controlled. but there is a lack of but sometimes the same
elaboration in some areas. point is repeated.

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