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Inventory is material that the firm obtains in advance of

need, holds until it is needed, and then used, consumes,
incorporates into a product, sells, or otherwise disposes it
of. A business inventory is temporary in nature.

Inventories are stock of any kind like fuel and lubricants,

spare parts and semi-processed materials to be stored for
future use mainly in the process of production or it can be
known as the ideal resource of any kind having some
economic values.
 The purpose of inventory management is to ensure
availability of materials insufficient quantity as and
when required and also to minimize investment in

 The right inventory management software offers end-

to-end inventory management, including an at-a-glance
look at everything you’ve got, the ability to scan
barcodes and QR codes, super-customizable item
details, and in-depth reporting.

 By effectively managing your inventory, you’ll always

know what items are in stock, how many of them there
are, and where they are located.

 For the purpose of the study, Kusalava

International Ltd. is selected, as being it is a
monopoly. Sponge iron manufacturing unit in
the country at the time when it was
established in 1980 as a public sector unit,
specially to meet raw materials requirements
of mini steel plants.

 Therefore, it is felt quite appropriate to make

a micro study on inventory control methods
and policies of the Kusalava International Ltd.
So as to find out the responsible factors that
caused for high inventory cost.

 Manage Inventory: Inventory management helps to manage

the stock of the company. it provides proper details of the
products what kind of raw material.

 Less Storage: When the inventory management provides

proper information to management, they buy according to
them which helps the company to store fewer products.

 Improve Productivity: Inventory management helps to

improve the productivity of the machines and manpower.

 Increase Profits: Inventory management helps to improve the

profits of the company. it helps to provide proper information
about stocks, that saves the unnecessary expenses on stocks.

v To understand the importance of Auto component

Industry in India.

v To examine the Management of Kusalava International


v To study the Inventory Management in kusalava

International Ltd.

v To identify the Aproblems if any, and to provide

appropriate suggestions for the improvement of the
Inventory management.
Methodology is a systematic procedure of collecting
information in order to analyze and verify a phenomenon. The
collection is done through two principle sources viz.

1)Primary data
2)Secondary data

1) Primary Data:
It is the information collected directly without any reference. In
this study it was mainly through interviews with concerned
officers and staff, either individually or collectively. Some of the
information had been verified of supplemented conducting
personal with observation.
The data includes:
Interviews with Kusalava International Ltd. employees.
Organization chart has been drawn through observation.
2) Secondary data:
The secondary data was collected from already
published source such as Pamphlets, annual reports,
returns and international records.

The data includes:

Methodology under study has been collected from

the annual reports of Kusalava International Ltd., in
house magazines, Publications, books, Journals on
Management and Websites.

 The study was conducted with the data available and the
analysis was accordingly.

 The Aanalysis is made on the basis of secondary data.

Time is the main constraint in completing the study with in
the stipulated period allowed. It became difficult to analyze
and study the performance of Kusalava International Ltd.

 The availability of data pertaining to 5 years is one of the

 As there is more dependency on secondary data realistic
conclusion may not be possible to be made.
 The study was conducted within the selected unit of
Kusalava International Ltd., Adavinekkalam.

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