Hubco Class

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Link between Competitive Advantage and CSR

Jabeen Alam and team

 Incorporated in 1991 as a public limited company as a joint venture between
Pakistan’s company, the house of Habib and US based company, Southern
 The first and largest Pakistani Independent Power Producer (IPP) with a
combined installed power generation capacity of 3250 MW.
 Main focus is to generate and supply reliable and affordable electricity to
National grid, meeting the energy demands of the country.
 Generates electricity through various sources including thermal, coal, and wind
Major Power Plants
HUBCO currently operates three major power plants

1. Hub power plant: Hub river estuary, Balochistan (1292 MW)…accounts for 10% of
Pakistan’s total power generation capacity.

2. Narowal Energy Limited :Narowal, Punjab (225 MW).

3. Laraib Energy limited:Azad JammuKashmir (84MW).

Other Power Plants

1. China Power Hub Generation Company: Hub River estuary, Baluchistan.  

2. Thar Energy Limited: Tharparkar district, Sind.  

3. ThalNova: Tharparkar district, Sindh.

How Electricity Reaches our Homes

HUB National (HESCO)
Power Grid (QESCO) Consumers
Company (PEPCO) (SEPCO)
Competitive Advantage and
Corporate Social
Counterproductive Efforts by Firms

• They pit business against the society, when the

two are actually interdependent in nature.

• They think of CSR in generic ways.

To Practice Strategic CSR
1. Identify point of intersection between your company and society.

2. Select social issues to address.

3. Mount a small number of initiatives that generates large and

distinctive benefits for society and your company.
Zero-Sum Game Theory

Corporate Success Social Welfare

Philanthropic Initiatives are described in terms in terms of dollars and

volunteer hours but almost never in terms of impact.
Firm Infrastructure

Human Resource Management
Technology Development


Inbound Outbound Marketing & After-Sale


Logistics Logistics Sales Services

looking inside out: Mapping the social impact of the value chain
from firm
and rivalry

Factors Local
input demand
conditions conditions


looking outside in(social influences on competiveness)

Four Prevailing Justifications for CSR

01 Moral Obligations 02 Sustainability

03 License to Operate 04 Reputation

Current CSR

Education Health Infrastructure Livelihood

 HUBCO collaborate with The Citizen Foundation for spreading the light of education and hope
for a better future for the generations to come.

 Eight schools in the Hub and Lasbela District including three adopted government schools.

 Quality education to over 1500 children from the local villages.

 A Reverse Osmosis (RO) treatment plant was installed by HUBCO at the Main School Campus.

Narowal Energy Limited (NEL) subsidiary of HUBCO

Has funded around 20M for the construction of a new TCF NEL campus. 2 acre land worth 3M is also handover to
TCF for the school.

Laraib Energy Ltd

Upgraded the IT lab of Afzalpur Degree College for women.
2 Community schools were provided with 225 chairs.
Regularly conducts awareness sessions.
 HUBCO has established several basic health units and dispensaries around its area of
 At Hub, HUBCO has placed a dedicated team comprising of a Lady MBBS doctor, two Lady
Health Visitors (LHVs), a dispenser, and a local driver.
 It cover 28 village with population from 500-4000.
 HUBCO collaborates with Al-Baseer Eye Hospital to set up annual Eye Camps

 Narowal Energy Limited’s

 CSR team has established two basic health facilities in the village area of Poong and Arood
 Instalment of a 9 KW solar system at Jam Ghulam Qadir Hospital at Hub to provide continuous
power supply to its OPD, operation theatre and laboratory.

 Through water tanker, HUBCO also provides clean drinking water to the neighbouring villages,
several government schools, and Government Jam Ghulam Qadir Hospital Hub.
 Vocational training to local Baloch youth. After completion of the training, jobs given
to them.

 A regular two-year apprenticeship training program is maintained at the Hub plant

and has so far produced 224 graduates from the local Baluchistan community. NEL
and LEL also offering Apprenticeship programs.
Strategic CSR
Electricity Conservation
Campaign: “Sustainable Living, Better Life”
 Fossil Fuel based company having impact on environment.
 Taking initiatives aimed at minimizing environmental degradation.
 Example: tree planting, wildlife conservation, or supporting renewable
energy projects.
Providing Lanterns and Solar Panel Systems to the
villages in Pakistan who are deprived from Electricity
in their area.
Energy Conservation

 Initiating campaigns aimed at educating the

public on energy conservation.

 Encouraging the use of energy-saving bulbs,

and turning off electrical appliances when not
in use.
Employee Safety Measures

Campaign: “ ‫ے‬%‫ہانہ‬%‫و َج‬%%‫ے ت‬%‫انہ‬%‫“ ج‬

Life is more valuable than anything else.
Some of the common safety issues that employees of HUBCO face include:
 Electrical Hazards.
 Chemical Hazards
 Heat and Noise.
 Radiation Hazards.
Initiatives to promote a safe work environment and
protect the health and well-being of their employees

 Health and Safety Trainings (electrical safety, chemical safety, personal protective equipment, and
emergency procedures).

 Safety Audits(conduct regular safety audits to identify potential hazards)

 Ergonomic Assessments(ergonomic hazards that may arise from prolonged exposure to vibration,
noise, or repetitive motion)

Solutions: Adjustable working stations, proper lifting techniques, job rotation.

 Health and Wellness Programs(fitness classes, healthy eating initiatives, stress management
workshops, and smoking cessation programs)

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