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Virtual Classroom Rules

Be Polite
Be Prompt
Be Present
Learning outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
1. define trends and fads;
2. categorize trends and fads;
3. demonstrate how trends are shaped;
4. examine the growth of a trend based on the factors affecting it;
5. appraise the growth of trends and fads;
6. produce an essay on the emergence of a trend that the students consider a
part of.
What is a trend?
■ It is a pattern or a conceptualized idea that has the prospect of
providing or having a continuing influence for a longer period of time.
■ It has an increasing or sustained presence and effect or even demand
among its consumers in the case of a product.
What is a trend?
■ Product-use/consumption trend
– There is a sustained, continuous use, and appeal of the product
among its consumers because of its effectiveness, popularity, high
market demand, and influence over a sustained period of time.
■ Trends and fads serve as basis of most companies when they introduce
new ideas, goods, and services in the market.
What is a fad?
■ Trend ≠ fad
■ flash in the pan
■ Appeal to consumers is relatively small and has a shorter
staying power in the market.
■ When a fad reaches a certain point of its popularity, it
declines and eventually dies in the market.
Difference between a fad and a trend
Categories Fads Trends
• The new things that we currently do • The way we do things
Notion of change fades away when the feeling of
novelty is gone

• Being “in,” me-too mentality • Meets needs, solves problems and

Effects issues
• Intense • Sustained behavior that turns into
Behavior lifestyle, mindset, and values

• Appears suddenly but suddenly • Sticks around

disappears • Gets stronger over time
Time and Nature of growth • Enormously popular
• Unexplainable growth

• Single industry/ company is • Can cross many companies and

Scope and limitation affected industries
Factors shaping Trends

■ Human needs
■ Cultural needs
■ Historical forces
■ Globalization
■ Digital connectivity and social media
Human needs

■ Humankind will instinctively tend to its needs. Our desire to

build a better world and improve the quality of life compels us
to discover, invent, and explore new technologies, products,
services, forms of knowledge, and skills.
■ We enhance our intelligence, creativity, and social skills that in
turn increases our chance for survival.
Cultural needs

■ Products and services that appeal to a particular group of

people may dictate if a particular product will be a trend or not.
Historical forces

■ History bears changes, upheavals, conflicts, issues, and

solutions carried on by humankind.
■ Humans respond to create an equilibrium until the next
disruptive event occurs.
■ The global exchange of
goods and services,
including human
capital, and the erasure
of time and space as
barriers to connectivity
have increased the
interaction between
states and societies.
Digital connectivity and social media
■ Social media grows each day
and has grown into multi-use
environment, catering to
businesses and
entrepreneurial initiatives
where information about
services and goods are
■ Twitter “Trending”
■ Form a group with four
members each.
■ Identify a specific trend (event,
phenomenon, idea, or product)
in the Philippines today.
■ Explain why this event,
phenomenon, idea, or product
Activity #1 is a trend. Make a PowerPoint
presentation that explains the
rise, development, or popularity
of this particular trend in the
Philippines. Be able to explain
as well why this is considered a
trend and not simply a fad.
Activity #2 -
■ Write a paper of not less than 100 words about a trend in the
Philippines today. Trace its beginnings and eventual rise to
prominence as a trend in the society. Identify the factors that
enable it to remain as a trend.
■ Criteria for grading
– Content 60%
– Logical Reasoning 30%
– Grammar and Mechanics 20%

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