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Power Plant Technology

Steam and Gas Cycle Power Plant

(Assignment 2)

Mohamad Firdaus Basrawi, Dr. (Eng)
Mechanical Engineering Faculty
[email protected]

1. Determine why Titanium cooling tower is the most suitable material for condensor
that works with sea water.

2. Characterize type of cooling towers that are used for power plants.

A simple Brayton cycle has a pressure ratio of 10, and air works as the working fluid.
Determine air temperature at turbine exit, thermal efficiency and net work output. It should
be noted that Cp= 1.005kJ/kg.K, k= 1.4, Tit= 1240K, Tamb=295K, nT= 0.87, nc=0.83.

A simple Brayton cycle has a pressure ratio of 10, and air

works as the working fluid. Determine air temperature at
turbine exit, thermal efficiency and net work output. It should
be noted that Cp= 1.005kJ/kg.K, k= 1.4, Tit= 1240K, Tamb=295K,
nT= 0.87, nc=0.83.

(b) qin  h3  h2  c p ( T3  T2 )  ( 1.005kJ / kg.K )( 1240  625.8 )K  617.3kJ / kg

qout  h4  h1  c p ( T4  T1 )  ( 1.005kJ / kg.K )(720  295 )K  427.1kJ / kg
wnet ,out  qin  qout  617.3  427.1  190.2kJ / kg

wnet ,out 190.2kJ / kg

(c) th    0.3081  30.8%
qin 617.3kJ / kg
(a) Consider turbine and compressor efficiency relations,
( k 1 ) / k
 P2 
  295K 10 
0.4 / 1.4
T2s  T1    569.6 K
 P1 
( k 1 ) / k 0.4 / 1.4
P   1 
T4 s  T3  4   1240K     642.3K
 P3   10 
h2 s  h1 c p T2 s  T1  T2 s  T1
C    T2  T1 
h2  h1 c p T2  T1  C
569.6  295
 295  =625.8K
h3  h4 c p T3  T4 
T    T4  T3  T T3  T4 s 
h3  h4 s c p T3  T4 s 
 1240  0.87 1240  642.3 
 720K
An ideal Brayton cycle has a pressure ratio of 8, compressor inlet of 300 K, and turbine inlet
temperature of 1300K. Assume specific heat at constant pressure and specific heat ratio at all
stages of the gas turbine as cp= 1.006kJ/kgK and k= 1.4, respectively. Determine
(a) Temperature at the compressor and turbine outlet. (b) Thermal efficiency.

1 Air-standard assumptions.
2 Steady state operating conditions exist.

An ideal Brayton cycle with air as working fluid has a pressure ratio of 12.
Compressor inlet and turbine inlet temperature are at 300K and 1000K,
respectively. If power output is 70MW, determine the mass flow rate.
Calculate for 2 cases,
(a) compressor and turbine isentropic efficiency are 100%,
(b) compressor and turbine isentropic efficiency are 85%.
Use cp=1.005kJ/kg and k= 1.4.

A gas turbine engine has compressor inlet temperature of 300K and pressure
of 100kPa, and then compressed to 700kPa and 580K. Combustion supply
heat of 950kJ/kg to the air before it enters a turbine. If the turbine efficiency
is 86%:
(a) the fraction of the turbine work used to run the compressor and
(b) the thermal efficiency.
are to be determined

Steam in ideal rankine cycle enters a turbine at 3MPa and 350oC and leaves a
condenser at a pressure of 10kPa.
(a) the thermal efficiency,
(b) the thermal efficiency if turbine inlet temperature rises to 600oC, and
(c) the thermal efficiency if the boiler pressure rises to 15MPa with turbine inlet
temperature of 600oC
are to be determined
(a) The thermal efficiency is determined as below:

State 1: P1  10kPa   h1  h f @10 kpa  191.81kJ / kg 

  3

Sat.Liquid   v1  v f @10 kpa  0.00101m / kg 
State 2: P2  3Mpa
s2  s1
 1kJ 
wpump ,in  v1  P2  P1   0.00101m 3 / kg   3000  10  kPa   3 
 1Kpa.m 
 3.02kJ / kg
h2  h1  w pump ,in  191.81  3.02  kJ / kg  194.83kJ / kg
State3 : P3  3Mpa   h3  3116.1kJ / kg 

T3  350C   s3  6.7450kJ / kg.K 
State4 : P4  10kPa  sat. mixture 
s4  s3
s4  s f 6.7450  0.6492
x4    0.8128
s fg 7.4996
h4  h f  x4 h fg  191.81  0.8128  2392.1 )  2136.1kJ / kg 
qin  h3  h2   3116.1  194.83  kJ / kg  2921.3kJ / kg
qout  h4  h1   2136.1  191.81 kJ / kg  1944.3kJ / kg
qout 1944.3kJ / kg
th  1   1  0.334 or 33.4%
qin 2921.3kJ / kg
(b) States 1 and 2 remain, and the enthalpies at state 3(3Mpa and 600oC) and
state 4 (10kPa and s4=s3) are determined to be

h3  3682.8kJ / kg
h4  2380.3kJ / kg  x4  0.915 
qin  h3  h2  3682.8  194.83  3488.0kJ / kg
qin  h4  h1  2380.3  191.81  2188.5kJ / kg
qout 2188.5kJ / kg
th  1   1  0.373  37.3%
qin 3488.0kJ / kg
(c) State 1 remains, but the other states change. The enthalpies at state 2 (15Mpa and s 2 =
s1), state 3 (15Mpa and 600oC), and state 4(10kPa and s4 = s3) are determined in similar
manner to be

h2  206.95kJ / kg
h3  3583.1kJ / kg
h4  2115.3kJ / kg
qin  h3  h2  3583.1  206.95  3376.2kJ / kg
qout  h4  h1  2115.3  191.81  1923.5kJ / kg
qout 1923.5kJ / kg
th  1   1  0.430  43.0%
qin 3376.2kJ / kg

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