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Antibiotic resistance

General considerations

 Resistance – ability of the target microorganism to inactivate or

negate harmful effects of the antibiotic which results in the survival
of the target microorganism

 Extends much further back than the antibiotic era

 Mutual competition of the environmental antibiotic producers

 Multiple drug resistance (MDR) indeed complicated the issue as

microorganism becomes resistant to different classes of antibiotics
 Resistance to at least 3 different classes of antibiotics

 Panresistance – resistance to ALL known antibiotics/classes in use


Ventola, 2015

Ceftazidime – 3rd gen. cephalosporin

Levofloxacin – Q
Linezolid – protein synthesis inhibitor
Daptomycin – cell membrane disruptor
Ceftaroline – cephalosporin

Ventola, 2015
…some major MDR species

 Major Gram (+) MDR organisms:

 MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus)
 VRE (vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus)
 Penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
 Clostridium difficile

 Major Gram (-) MDR organisms:

 Acinetobacter baumannii
 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
 Salmonella spp.
 E. coli
Mechanisms of resistance
Major 4 groups
 Enzymatic inactivation of the drug
 Β-lactamases
 Antibiotic inactivating enzymes in general

 Alteration of the drug target

 Ribosome protection
 Penicillin-binding proteins protection

 Reduced cellular uptake (due to porins)

 Alteration in cell membrane

 Increased efflux of the drug (due to efflux pumps)

 Variety of efflux pumps
 Significantly reduce the effective concentration of the antibiotic in
bacterial cell  no effect
Origins of resistance
 Conjugative plasmids – horizontal gene transfer
 R-factors

 Insertion sequences
 Activation of antibiotic resistance genes

 Transposons
 Mobile genetic elements; travel randomly within the genome

 Recombination of foreign DNA into the chromosome (genomic DNA)

 Mutations in bacterial chromosomes

 Antibiotic resistance genes are very common among soil antibiotic producers
 Play protective role for the antibiotic producing host
 Conjugative plasmids that are easily exchanged by the bacterial community,
carrying resistance genes to antibiotics and other antimicrobials

 Usually contain multiple resistance genes (to different classes) under the same

 RP4 in P. aeruginosa:
 Ampicillin
 Kanamycin
 Tetracycline
 R1 in different Gram (-)
 Ampicillin
 Sulphonamides
 Trimethoprim
 pSH6 in S. aureus:
 Gentamicin
 Trimethoprim
 kanamycin
Efflux pumps
 Protein complexes in the cell membrane in both Gram (-) and Gram (+)
that capture the antibiotic from the cytoplasm/periplasm and export it
outside of the cell

 Reduce the effective concentration of antibiotic

 Have a very wide substrate profile

 Of clinical relevance only when overexpressed



Origins of resistance

 Innate resistance associated with variations in the structure of the

cell envelope resulting in decreased permeability of antibiotics

 Reduced cellular uptake

 Phenotypic results from adaptation to growth and survival within a

specific (antibiotic containing) environment

 Microorganisms lose their resistance upon subculture into

conventional media that contains no antibiotic
Resistance to β-lactams
Enzymatic inactivation of the drug

 Predominantly affects natural antibiotics

 Β-lactams (e.g., penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems);
about 1000 β-lactamases (>20 different classes) are currently

 Enzymatically cleaves the chemical structure (e.g., β-lactam ring)

that is responsible for the antimicrobial activity of the antibiotic
 Can be encoded on the plasmids or chromosomally

 Occurrence in Gram – is higher than in Gram +

Resistance to β-lactams
Enzymatic inactivation of the drug

 Antibiotic combination with a β-lactamase inhibitor:

 Clavulanic acid
 No antimicrobial activity by itself!

 Augmentin – β-lactam (amoxicillin) + clavulanic acid

 Benefits?
 Metalloenzymes are mostly resistant to β-lactamase inhibitors!
Resistance to β-lactams
Alteration of PBPs

 PBPs – penicillin-binding proteins (e.g., transpeptidase)

 Bacterial enzymes involved in the late stages of peptidoglycan synthesis

 Modification of PBPs makes these enzymes invulnerable to binding of β-lactam

drugs  no inhibition of cell wall synthesis  no antimicrobial activity

 Occurrence higher in Gram + than in Gram -

Resistance to glycopeptides
 Vancomycin
 Inhibit cell wall synthesis – peptidoglycan assembly
 Bind to the peptidoglycan precursors and NOT the enzymes

 D-serine/D-lac in place of D-alanine – reduction in binding affinity of

 “Piling up” unlinked peptidoglycan precursors that soak up the

 Resistance emerged due:

 to wide-use of oral glycopeptides to treat C. difficile
 Glycopeptides as feed additives to animals

Hugo and Russell, 2011. Pharmaceutical microbiology)

Resistance to aminoglycosides
Drug modification
 Exert their effect by binding to ribosome and interfering with the protein synthesis

 Enzymatic modification of the drug (aminoglycoside) significantly reduces drug’s

ability to interact with its target
 Achieved by bacterial enzymes:
 Aminoglycoside phosphatases
 Aminoglycoside acetyltransferases
 Aminoglycoside nucleotidyltransferases

Ramirez and Tolmasky, 2010

 Methylation of the ribosome (ribosome protection) is responsible for

aminoglycoside resistance as well
 Exhibited by aminoglycoside producing organisms
 Little clinical relevance
Resistance to tetracyclines
 Block attachment of the amino acid-carrying tRNA to the 30S subunit of the
 Prevent the elongation of the growing peptide chain

 Major modes of resistance to tetracyclines:

 Ribosome protection
 Reduced cellular uptake
 Reduced expression of the pores
 Efflux of the drug

Doi and Arakawa,

Resistance to macrolides
 Prevent the elongation of the peptide chain
 Block peptidyltransferase activity

 Act mostly against Gram (+)

 Gram (-) are impermeable to macrolides – reduced cellular uptake

 Modes of resistance in Gram (+):

 Ribosomal protection (methylation)
 Macrolide efflux
 Abundant in S. aureus

 Ribosomal mutation that reduces binding of the macrolides:

 Clinical isolates of S. pneumoniae
Resistance to fluoroquinolones
 Inhibit DNA synthesis
 DNA gyrase and topoisomerase
 Broad spectrum (Gram + and Gram -)

 Major modes of resistance:

 Mutations in gyrase-encoding genes  FQ unable to bind  no antimicrobial

 Reduced drug uptake (in Gram (-) mostly)
 Not an issue for Gram (+)
 Drug efflux
 Only low levels of resistance
 S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, Bacillus sp., M. tuberculosis, E. coli
Resistance to trimethoprim and

Enzymes Enzymes Enzymes

PABA Dihydrofolic Tetrahydrofolic DNA and RNA
acid acid (THF)

 Major modes of resistance:

 Overproduction of DHFR enzyme

 Mutation in DHFR-encoding gene  synthesis of DHFR enzyme that
DOES NOT bind trimethoprim  no antimicrobial activity
Strategies to slow the spread of bacterial resistance

1.Use antibiotics only in cases where necessary

2.Prevent cross-infection among hospital patients
3.Development of new semi-synthetic β-lactams, tetracyclines and
4.Development of new antibiotic drug groups
5.Use of drug combination
Major MDRs or MDR candidates

CDC, 2015

 Life-threatening diarrhea
 Commonly hospital-acquired
 Treatable for now but resistance spreads super fast
 400% increase in fatal outcomes between 2000 and 2007
(resistant strains)
 50% of infections in under 65 y/o
 90% of deaths in >65 y/o
Major MDRs or MDR candidates

CDC, 2015

 Klebsiella and Escherichia spp.

 50% of those who contract bloodstream CRE infections die
 At least 1 type of CRE in every healthcare facilities in 44 states in
Major MDRs or MDR candidates

CDC, 2015
 Gonorrhea is the 2 most common infection in USA

 UTI and reproductive organs  reproductive complications

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