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1 3

Question 1
When you were a child, where do you usually use/see a wood stick?
2 4

When you were a child, where do you usually
use/see a wood stick?

Furniture / Wood1crafts 50 Arnis / Fencing3 10

Firewood / Panggatong 40 Fence / Bakod 4 5

Stick Rod / Pamalo 30
1 3
Question 2
What skills are involved in playing baseball?
2 4

What skills are involved in playing baseball?

Hitting / Batting 50 Catching 3 10

Throwing 2 40 Running 4 5

Fetching 5 30
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the chapter, the students are expected to:

1. define and understand the nature, background, and

importance of Syato;
2. distinguish the materials, mechanics, and skills
involved in playing Syato; and
3. demonstrate one’s understanding of the game Syato.
History of Syato
• Shatong is a native Cebuano game.

• a traditional Filipino game that makes

use of two sticks, one longer than the
History of Pikyaw
• Popularly known as syatong or syato syatong in
Tagalog and Ilocano, or Pitiw chato/chatong or
shatungs in Bisaya.

• The history of pikyaw/pityaw comes from rural

areas where peasants play this stick game. This is
called the “sampuribot.”
Materials in Syato
A Stick Game. Stick game, better be good at it -
Two players, one long stick (usually 3’) and
one short flat piece (usally 6’’)
Mechanics of Syato

Number of
At least four players are needed to play shatong.

The players locate a wide outdoor space to play. But, it’s merrier when there are more participants in
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need the game. These players split to form two teams.
to dig a little furrow in the dirt.
One team plays the ‘hitters’ and the other serves as
the ‘fetchers’.

The players locate a wide outdoor space to play.
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need
All participants decide on where to dig a shallow
furrow on the ground. It’s on this furrow where the
to dig a little furrow in the dirt. shorter stick or ‘hit’ is launched.
Mechanics of Syato

Number of At least four players are needed to play shatong.

But, it’s merrier when there are more participants in
the game. These players split to form two teams.

The players locate a wide outdoor space to
One team plays the ‘hitters’ and the other serves as
the ‘fetchers’.

play. Preferably, the area is on a solid earth

as they need to dig a little furrow in the dirt.
Tools All participants decide on where to dig a shallow
The players locate a wide outdoor space to play.
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need Furrow
furrow on the ground. It’s on this furrow where the
to dig a little furrow in the dirt. shorter stick or ‘hit’ is launched.
Mechanics of Syato

Number of
At least four players are needed to play shatong.

The players locate a wide outdoor space to play. But, it’s merrier when there are more participants in
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need the game. These players split to form two teams.
to dig a little furrow in the dirt.
One team plays the ‘hitters’ and the other serves as
the ‘fetchers’.

The players locate a wide outdoor space to play.
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need
All participants decide on where to dig a shallow
furrow on the ground. It’s on this furrow where the
to dig a little furrow in the dirt. shorter stick or ‘hit’ is launched.
Mechanics of Syato
Number of players

The players locate a wide outdoor space to play.

At least four players are needed to play shatong.

Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need
to dig a little furrow in the dirt.

But, it’s merrier when there are more participants

in the game. These players split to form two
teams. One team plays the ‘hitters’ and the other
All participants decide on where to dig a shallow
The players locate a wide outdoor space to play.
Preferably, the area is the ‘fetchers’.
on a solid
to dig a little furrow in the dirt.
earth as they need Furrow
furrow on the ground. It’s on this furrow where the
shorter stick or ‘hit’ is launched.
Mechanics of Syato

Number of
At least four players are needed to play shatong.

The players locate a wide outdoor space to play. But, it’s merrier when there are more participants in
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need the game. These players split to form two teams.
to dig a little furrow in the dirt.
One team plays the ‘hitters’ and the other serves as
the ‘fetchers’.

The players locate a wide outdoor space to play.
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need
All participants decide on where to dig a shallow
furrow on the ground. It’s on this furrow where the
to dig a little furrow in the dirt. shorter stick or ‘hit’ is launched.
Mechanics of Syato

At least four players are needed to play shatong.

The players locate a wide outdoor space to play. But, it’s merrier when there are more participants in
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need the game. These players split to form two teams.
All participants decide on where to dig a
to dig a little furrow in the dirt. One team plays the ‘hitters’ and the other serves as
the ‘fetchers’.
shallow furrow on the ground. It’s on this
furrow where the shorter stick or ‘hit’ is
The players locate a wide outdoor space to play.
Preferably, the area is on a solid earth as they need
to dig a little furrow in the dirt.
1. The hitter places the short stick or
‘hit’ across the furrow. Then, he
launches it off into the air as hard as
he can. He must see to it that the
‘hit’ lands on the farthest distance.
The hitter makes sure that no fetcher
catches the stick.
2. When the hitter is successful in his launch, a
fetcher is obliged to retrieve the short stick from
where it landed. The hitter now rests the longer
stick or ‘bat’ right before the furrow and waits
for the fetcher to throw the short stick back to
the base.
3. However, if the hitter is unsuccessful in his
launch and a fetcher catches the stick in mid-air,
his team loses its turn to play hitters. They now
must take the role of fetchers.
4. On the other hand, the fetcher’s aim is to hit the
long stick with the short one. When he succeeds in
hitting the long stick, his team now takes the role
of hitters. But, if he fails to hit it, the hitter
proceeds to the Second Level.
1. The hitter suspends the short stick in the air and drops it.
But, while the stick is in mid-air, he must move quickly and
strike it as hard as he can. He makes sure that the short stick
lands on the farthest distance. At the same time, he hopes no
fetcher catches it. But, in case the opponent catches the short
stick, the hitter’s team loses its turn to play. The two teams
must now exchange positions..
2. However, if the stick is not
intercepted, the fetcher throws it
back to the hitter. But, this time, the
hitter aims to strike the stick back as
hard and as far as he can manage.
3. When the hitter succeeds in striking back the stick,
his team now earns points.

4. The hitters earn their score by measuring the

distance between the drop point of the short stick and
the furrow. They use the long stick as the measuring
5. Finally, the hitter proceeds to the Third Level.

6. But, if the hitter fails to strike back, his teammate

takes his turn to play. The second player begins with
First Level.
1. The hitter positions the
short stick at a 45-degree
angle against the furrow.
He makes sure that a good
part of the stick protrudes
enough for an easy hit.
2. Once ready, he hits hard the protruding part of the
short stick to launch it into the air. And while in mid-
air, he strikes it quickly to the farthest distance, making
sure no fetcher catches it.

3. The hitter is given only 3 attempts to launch the

‘hit’. If he fails, his teammate takes the turn to play,
starting from the First Level.
4. If the hitter succeeds in his
launch, they count their score
once more. The count starts
from the drop point of the ‘hit’
to the base. They add the score
in this Level to what they got
at the Second Level.
5. But, if the hitter fails to strike, or an opponent
catches the ‘hit’, the hitter’s team loses a turn.

6. If a hitter succeeds in all levels without the ‘hit’

intercepted, he turns over the game to his teammates.
The succeeding player repeats the process until
everyone gets a turn to play the bat and hit.
Of the losing
Punishment Of the losing team

1.He launches the ‘hit’ like what is done in the First Level. But this time, no
fetcher attempts to intercept it in mid-air. 

2.From the drop point, the player strikes the ‘hit’ forward to the farthest
distance (like what is done in the Second Level). Again, no fetcher is
allowed to catch the ‘hit’.

3.Finally, a representative of the losing team picks up the ‘hit’. And, holding
his breath, he runs towards the base screaming, “Shaaatoooooong”. 
Health benefits of
playing shatong
Health benefits of Playing Shatong

Strong Arms Hand-Eye Coord

Health benefits of Playing Shatong

trong Arms Hand-Eye Coordination Sharpen the min

Health benefits of Playing Shatong

ye Coordination Sharpen the mind Strong Arm

Skills involve in
playing shatong
Skills involve in playing shatong

Hitting Throwin
Skills involve in playing shatong

Hitting Throwing Timing

Skills involve in playing shatong

Throwing Timing Catching

Skills involve in playing shatong

Timing Catching Hitting

Identify the levels!
1. The hitter suspends the short stick in the air and drops it. But, while
the stick is in mid-air, he must move quickly and strike it as hard as he
can. He makes sure that the short stick lands on the farthest distance.
At the same time, he hopes no fetcher catches it. But, in case the
opponent catches the short stick, the hitter’s team loses its turn to play.
The two teams must now exchange positions..
2. The fetcher’s aim is to hit the long stick with the
short one. When he succeeds in hitting the long
stick, his team now takes the role of hitters. But, if
he fails to hit it, the hitter proceeds to the Second
3. The hitter places the short stick or ‘hit’
across the furrow. Then, he launches it off into
the air as hard as he can. He must see to it that
the ‘hit’ lands on the farthest distance. The
hitter makes sure that no fetcher catches the
4. If a hitter succeeds in all levels without the
‘hit’ intercepted, he turns over the game to his
teammates. The succeeding player repeats the
process until everyone gets a turn to play the
bat and hit.
5. The hitters earn their score by measuring the
distance between the drop point of the short
stick and the furrow. They use the long stick as
the measuring rod.

1. The hitter suspends the short stick in the air and drops it. But, while
the stick is in mid-air, he must move quickly and strike it as hard as he
can. He makes sure that the short stick lands on the farthest distance.
At the same time, he hopes no fetcher catches it. But, in case the
opponent catches the short stick, the hitter’s team loses its turn to play.
The two teams must now exchange positions..

2. The fetcher’s aim is to hit the long stick with the

short one. When he succeeds in hitting the long
stick, his team now takes the role of hitters. But, if
he fails to hit it, the hitter proceeds to the Second

3. The hitter places the short stick or ‘hit’

across the furrow. Then, he launches it off into
the air as hard as he can. He must see to it that
the ‘hit’ lands on the farthest distance. The
hitter makes sure that no fetcher catches the

4. If a hitter succeeds in all levels without the

‘hit’ intercepted, he turns over the game to his
teammates. The succeeding player repeats the
process until everyone gets a turn to play the
bat and hit.

5. The hitters earn their score by measuring the

distance between the drop point of the short
stick and the furrow. They use the long stick as
the measuring rod.

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