Factors Affecting The Improper Waste Disposal in Nabua NHS

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Research I 7-SOC1

Factors Affecting
the Improper Waste
Disposal in Nabua ➛
National High
Group 5 Research
Table of contents

01 02 03
Introduction Objectives Statement of The
➛ Problem ➛

04 05 06
Assumption Of Hypothesis Significance of the
The Study Study
Table of contents

07 08 09
Scope and Review of Related

Definition of Terms Delimitations Literature and Studies ➛

10 11 12
Synthesis of the State – Research Gap Notes
of – the – Art
Table of contents

13 14 15
Methodology Result and Data Conclusion
➛ Analysis ➛
Introduction of our Research Problem
Waste management plays a crucial role in handling, disposing of, and cleaning up
various forms of waste, with the aim of minimizing the negative impacts on our
health, the environment, Earth's resources, and aesthetics. It encompasses effective
waste management practices to reduce the release of pollutants, maintain ecological
balance, protect human health, and optimize resource utilization

One of the primary objectives of waste management is to minimize the adverse

environmental impact of waste. Inadequate waste disposal can lead to contamination of the
air, water, and land, causing imbalances and pollution. By implementing efficient waste
management methods such as recycling, composting, and waste-to-energy technologies, we
can reduce the release of hazardous chemicals into the environment and safeguard our
ecosystems for future generations.
Waste management also plays a vital role in safeguarding human health. Improper handling of
certain waste categories, such as hazardous substances and biological waste, can pose
significant threats to individuals. By implementing effective waste management measures,
including safe disposal procedures and public awareness campaigns, we can minimize
potential hazards associated with waste and protect communities from harmful effects.

Additionally, waste management aims to optimize the productive utilization of Earth's resources.
Many waste items contain valuable components that can be recovered or reused. By implementing
recycling programs and initiatives to reduce waste generation, we can conserve natural resources,
reduce energy consumption, and foster a more sustainable approach to material utilization. Waste
management supports the transition towards a circular economy, which emphasizes reusing and
recycling materials to minimize the need for extracting new resources
In line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), waste management
directly contributes to several targets. It aligns with SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-
being) by minimizing health risks associated with waste. It also supports SDG 6 (Clean
Water and Sanitation) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) by preventing
water and land pollution and promoting sustainable urban development.
Furthermore, waste management contributes to SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and
Production) by promoting resource efficiency and reducing waste generation

In conclusion, waste management is vital for reducing the negative impacts of waste on our health
the environment, and Earth's resources. By implementing efficient waste management practices,
we can minimize pollution, protect human health, optimize resource utilization, and contribute to
the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals .
Goals of our Research Study
General Objectives: Reduce spreading of waste in Nabua NHS

Specific Objectives:
• Reduce pollution and prevent the spread of diseases linked to waste.
• Implement effective waste management practices to minimize environmental pollution
and safeguard public health.
• Avoid complications arising from improper waste disposal.
• Prioritize and improve waste management strategies to create a cleaner and healthier
environment for all.
Statement of the
The Explanation of our research study that describes the
issue that is in our study. 
Statement of the Problem
1. Is there any programs that help to prevent waste management?

2. What factors contribute to the increase in waste generation?

 Students
 Teacher
 Guest

3. What type of waste are getting thrown every day?

 Plastic
 Paper
 Plastic Wrappers
 Paper Bag
Statement of the Problem

4. Based from the finding of the study, what program can be

developed to eliminate waste in NNHS.
Assumption of
the Study
Our Assumption what will happen if the problems in our
study have been solved
Assumption of the Study
Furthermore, our study anticipated that the implementation of recycling bins and
waste segregation systems within schools would contribute to a significant reduction
in plastic paper, plastic wrappers, and paper bag waste. Additionally, educational
campaigns and workshops organized by the Student Supreme Government (SSG)
would raise awareness among students about the importance of responsible waste

To address the issue at its root, our study proposed the integration of environmental
sustainability modules into the curriculum, ensuring that students receive comprehensive
education on waste reduction and recycling. Moreover, collaborations with local
businesses and organizations could be established to encourage the use of eco-friendly
alternatives, such as reusable bags and containers, thus minimizing the production of
single-use waste materials.
Assumption of the Study
By actively involving the SSG in the formulation of programs and policies, we
expect a holistic approach towards waste management, fostering a sense of
responsibility and accountability among students. Through consistent monitoring
and evaluation of these initiatives, adjustments can be made to ensure their
effectiveness in achieving long-term waste reduction goals.
Our idea that is proposed for the sake of argument so that it
can be tested to see if it might be true
The Null Hypothesis of this study are

There are no specific factors that cause that growth of waste in NNHS.

There are no specific waste disposal in NNHS.

03 There are no specific policy that help with improper disposal.

Significance of the Study
The Groups/People that will be Benefited by our Study
Significance of the Study
The results of this study hold significant implications for various stakeholders within
the educational ecosystem. First and foremost, the students themselves stand to
benefit greatly from the outcomes of the study. The implementation of waste
reduction programs and policies will create a cleaner and more beautiful workspace
for students, providing them with an aesthetically pleasing environment that enhances
their overall learning experience.

Furthermore, teachers will also reap the benefits of these initiatives. A cleaner and more
organized workspace can contribute to a more positive and productive teaching environment,
allowing educators to focus on their instructional duties without unnecessary distractions.
The improved ambiance can have a positive impact on their well-being and job satisfaction,
ultimately translating into enhanced teaching performance and student engagement.
Significance of the Study
Guests, such as visiting educators or external stakeholders, will also be positively
influenced by the study's results. A well-maintained and visually appealing
educational environment creates a positive impression and reflects the commitment of
the institution towards sustainability and responsible waste management. This not
only enhances the overall reputation of the school but also provides a conducive
atmosphere for effective collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Moreover, the non-teaching personnel, including administrative staff and facility

management teams, will experience practical benefits from the study. Clear waste
management systems and policies enable more efficient waste disposal and recycling
processes, reducing the burden on support staff. This allows them to allocate their time and
resources more effectively, leading to improved operational efficiency and cost savings for
the educational institution.
Significance of the Study
In summary, the outcomes of this study have far-reaching implications for the
students, teachers, guests, and non-teaching personnel within the educational
ecosystem. It not only creates a more beautiful and functional workspace, but also
Definition of Terms
The meaning of words in our study
Definition of Terms
Waste Management - includes the processes and actions required to manage waste
from its inception to its final disposal. This includes the collection, transport,
treatment and disposal of waste, together with monitoring and regulation of the
waste management process and waste-related laws, technologies, and economic

Improper waste disposal - is the disposal of waste in a way that has negative consequences
for the environment. Examples include littering, hazardous waste that is dumped into the
ground, and not recycling items that should be recycled .
Definition of Terms

Ecosystem health - is a metaphor used to describe the condition of an ecosystem.

Ecosystem conditions can vary as a result of fire, flooding, drought, extinctions,
invasive species, climate change, mining, fishing, farming or logging, chemical
spills, and a host of other reasons.

Sustainable resources - are classified as natural resources that are renewable and can be
replenished at the same rate, or faster than they are being consumed. For a natural resource to
be sustainable, it must be Renewable.
Definition of Terms

The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of seventeen

interlinked objectives designed to serve as a "shared blueprint for peace and
prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future". The SDGs are: 
no poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; 
gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; 
decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; 
reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; 
responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; 
life on land; peace, justice, and strong institutions; and partnerships for the goals. .
Scope and Delimitations
The coverage of our Study
Scope and Delimitations
Our research concentrated on examining elements within Nabua NHS, specifically
waste disposal facilities. However, since we were unable to thoroughly examine every
relevant factor, it is crucial to recognize the limits of our study. Flooding and poor
cleanliness on campus may be caused by a variety of factors, including community
practices, infrastructure, drainage systems, waste generation rates, and infrastructure.

The importance of thorough studies to address the underlying causes of these issues is
highlighted by the recognition of these limitations. The creation of more efficient strategies
and treatments for Nabua NHS will be made possible by broadening the scope of future study
and collecting more thorough data.
Review of Related Literature
and Studies
Studies that are Related to ours
Review of Related Literature and Studies
The damps caused by solid waste are having a devastating impact on the conditions
in disadvantaged countries. It is easy to see that improper disposal of solid waste has
a negative impact on the ecology in any nation that is experiencing economic
growth. Since there is insufficient proper planning and funding, the situation
regarding the management of solid waste is deteriorating at an alarming rate. A
problem in the management of solid waste as a result of rapid industrialization,
growing urbanization, and a limited budget. Because of the incorrect disposal of
solid waste, infectious diseases are spreading across the study area. According to the
findings of the research, inefficient solid waste management systems may be linked
back to a number of issues.
Review of Related Literature and Studies
These problems include rapid population growth, increases in the formation rate of
solid waste, management defects, a lack of legislative implementation, and
inadequate funding. The unintentional invasion of the city, harsh weather conditions,
lack of social awareness or community participation, inappropriate resources,
particularly inappropriate equipment, and a lack of money are the key causes of
inadequate municipal solid waste management systems. A municipal solid waste
management system that is inefficient may be the cause of serious environmental
issues, including the spread of infectious diseases, the contamination of land and
water, the clogging of sewers, and the reduction of biodiversity.
“Environmental Impacts of Improper Solid Waste Management “ by Anil Shirgire,
Kishor. B. Waghulde, Abhay Shelar, Vijaykumar Javanjal, Sarika Patil, Atul Patil
Review of Related Literature and Studies
The management of waste is a global concern and a responsibility of each
individual. There are several types of waste: solid waste, industrial waste,
agricultural waste and hazardous waste. Solid waste (SW) is the type produced by
individuals; it includes non-liquid and non-gaseous unwanted material. Schools
constitute a major source for solid waste production. Managing solid wastes in
schools necessitates knowledge about reducing, reusing, and recycling. There are
different types of schools in Lebanon. Few are ‘eco- friendly’ or ‘green schools that
receive certificates for this designation. The majority, especially public schools, have
neither environmental focus nor initiatives.
Review of Related Literature and Studies
In fact, most public and many private schools do not have a school health nurse who
can play the role of a champion for promoting health and preventing disease in the
school community. Instead, they use science school teachers or school assistants
whose vital responsibilities include creating educational programs to promote
community health. Very few possess a program on environmental health. Hence,
developing a prototype curriculum for science school teachers and school assistants
on waste management to be rolled out to students helps to cultivate the concept of
waste management among students and to motivate them to reduce, reuse and
recycle wastes.
“Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Solid Waste: A Curriculum for School Teachers” by Shereen
Bessel Omar
Synthesis of the State – of –
the – Art
The similarities of our study to other studies
Synthesis of the State – of – the – Art
The similarities of the studies above are:

According to a study conducted by Shereen Bsssel Omar, incineration

technique through littering waste in a garbage can near the school and burning it
has been identified as a factor contributing to waste production in NNHS. This
practice is problematic because it can lead to environmental pollution and health
risks associated with the release of harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air.
It is essential to address this issue and promote proper waste management
practices to mitigate the negative impacts.
Synthesis of the State – of – the – Art
In line with the research conducted by Anil Shirgire, Kishor. B. Waghulde, Abhay
Shelar, Vijaykumar Javanjal, Sarika Patil, and Atul Patil, implementing Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) can help address the challenges associated with improper
waste management. By reducing reliance on nonrenewable resources and increasing
the reuse and recycling of materials, we can effectively eliminate waste, decrease
pollution, cut costs, and foster green development.

Schools can introduce initiatives such as upcycling projects or implementing systems for the
collection and redistribution of gently used items, promoting a culture of resourcefulness and
waste reduction.
Synthesis of the State – of – the – Art
In summary, addressing the issue of improper waste management, such as the
incineration technique observed near schools, requires a multi-faceted approach. By
integrating SDGs and implementing sustainable waste management practices, we can
eliminate waste, decrease pollution, cut costs, and foster green development. It is
crucial to raise awareness, establish proper waste management infrastructure,
collaborate with relevant stakeholders, and promote a circular economy mindset.
These efforts will contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment for
present and future generations.
Research Gap
The gaps/deferens of our study to other studies
Research Gap
The gaps with the studies above and our study are:

Based on the studies it seems that our study discusses the general importance and
objectives of waste management, highlighting its role in environmental
protection, human health, resource utilization, and its alignment with the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It provides a broad overview of the
significance of waste management practices. On the other hand, the second
study (Factors Influencing Waste Management in Malaysia)
Focuses specifically on waste management practices in Malaysia and proposes a
conceptual framework to improve waste and recycling management by local
Research Gap
government, generate wealth, and contribute to sustainable development and
economic growth. It mentions the factors influencing waste management practices,
such as educational, socio-economic, and institutional factors, and emphasizes the
potential for waste management to generate wealth . Based on the given information,
the research gap between these two studies can be identified as follows:

Our study provides a general discussion on the importance and objectives of waste
management, while the second text narrows the focus to waste management practices in
Malaysia and proposes a conceptual framework for improvement.
Research Gap
Therefore, the research gap lies in the need for a more specific and detailed
examination of waste management practices in Malaysia, particularly in relation to
the factors influencing these practices and their potential impact on sustainable
development and economic growth.

In other words, the second study aims to fill the research gap by investigating the
specific factors (educational, socio-economic, institutional) that influence waste
management practices in Malaysia and exploring how these practices can contribute to
generating wealth and achieving sustainable development. It builds upon the general
understanding of waste management from the first study and provides a more context-
specific analysis for the Malaysian context.
Research Gap
Based on the provided information, it appears that our study discusses the
importance of waste management in minimizing negative impacts on health, the
environment, and resources. It outlines the objectives of waste management, such as
reducing pollution, protecting human health, and optimizing resource utilization. It
also mentions the contribution of waste management to achieving Sustainable
Development Goals.

The study by Shereen Bsssel Omar focuses on the specific context of waste management
in schools in Lebanon. It highlights that while there are some eco-friendly or green
schools that prioritize waste management, many schools, especially public ones, lack
environmental initiatives.
Research Gap
It mentions the absence of school health nurses and the limited presence of programs
on environmental health in schools. The research project aims to develop a
prototype curriculum to train teachers in Lebanon on solid waste management and
guide them in teaching their students about waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.

Based on this information, the potential research gap between the two studies could be:
1. Lack of comprehensive waste management education in schools: The first part of the text
emphasizes the importance of waste management and its impact on health, the
environment, and resources.
Research Gap
However, the second part points out that many schools in Lebanon, especially public
schools, do not have dedicated programs or initiatives for waste management. This
suggests a research gap regarding the extent and effectiveness of waste management
education in schools, specifically in Lebanon.

2. Limited focus on waste management in the school curriculum: The second part of the
text introduces a research project aiming to develop a prototype curriculum for teachers
on waste management. This suggests that there may be a research gap in terms of the
availability and integration of waste management education within the existing school
curriculum, particularly in Lebanon.
Research Gap
To further assess the specific research gap, additional information about existing
studies, literature reviews, or empirical research in the context of waste
management education in Lebanese schools would be necessary. This would help
identify the current state of waste management education and highlight any gaps or
areas for improvement.
Reference, Article, and Website that was use in our study
● https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-7653-6_15
● https://scholarworks.aub.edu.lb/bitstream/handle/10938/23988/OmarShereen_2023.pdf?
● http://eprints.stmdigipress.com/id/eprint/877/
● https://cdn.fbsbx.com/v/t59.2708-
● Arthur’s: Farah Saniah Mohd Zabidi, Noor Azlin Mohd Kasim, Sarimah Ahmad, Nor Hazanah
● https://cdn.fbsbx.com/v/t59.2708-
● 7&_nc_sid=0cab14&_nc_eui2=AeHMeIdrPXUhAoQT4yUws1q6166PEkK
● Arthur’s: Anil Shirgire, Kishor. B. Waghulde, Abhay Shelar, Vijaykumar
Javanjal, Sarika Patil, Atul Patil
● https://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
The method we use to get information
Based on the information we have gathered, our objective is to conduct tests and
gather additional information to identify the contributing factors to the
improper waste disposal issue in NNHS (Nabua National High School). By
systematically analyzing various aspects such as waste management practices,
awareness levels among students and staff, infrastructure limitations, and
communication channels, we aim to pinpoint the key factors that are
responsible for the inadequate disposal of waste within the school premises.
This comprehensive approach will enable us to develop targeted strategies and
interventions to address the issue effectively and promote a culture of proper
waste management in NNHS.

We Gather information

We analyze We brainstorm possible

Result answers

We interview Possible
To gather more information for our research study, we utilized surveys and interviews
as our primary methods. We conducted surveys and interviews with a sample size of
10 students from NNHS (Nabua National High School). The results obtained from
these data collection methods provided valuable insights into the factors contributing
to improper waste disposal within the school. Through the surveys, we obtained
quantitative data regarding waste management practices, awareness levels, and
perceptions among the student population. The interviews allowed us to delve deeper
into the students' experiences, perspectives, and suggestions regarding waste disposal
at NNHS. These findings will serve as a crucial foundation for our research, aiding in
the identification of key issues and informing future strategies and interventions
aimed at improving waste management practices in the school.
The survey for our study was conducted using Google Forms, an online platform that
allowed us to gather data efficiently and conveniently. Additionally, we conducted two
face-to-face interviews at NNHS (Nabua National High School), which provided
valuable insights and personal perspectives on the subject matter. Combining the
responses from the online survey and the in-person interviews, we obtained a
comprehensive set of data that allowed us to analyze and draw meaningful
conclusions for our research.
The Findings from Our Survey are:
Result and Data Analysis
Results from surveys and interview
Result and Data Analysis
From the survey and interview we have conducted the results are:
27.3% or 3 out of the 11 respondent are from 7-SOC1 while 18.2% or 2
students are from 9-Atis and the remaining 54.6% or 6 students are from 7-
SPA, 7 Fucsia, 7-Yellowbelle, 8-Jade, 8-Turqouise, and 9-SOC1. In terms of
age 54.4% or 6 students are 13 year old, 27.3 or 3 students are 14 year old and
18.2% or 2 students are 15 year old. The respondents gender are 54.5% or 6
students are female and the 45.5% or 5 students left are Males. 63.6 Or 7
students know a program that help with the solving improper waste
management while 36.4% don’t know a program.
Result and Data Analysis
On our survey 83.3% or 10 students are the reason for waste production while
41.7% or 5 students say other students or students from other school is a factor
to the problem while guest and teacher both have 33.3% or 4 students say they
are also contributes. 75% or 9 students said that Plastics and Plastic Bottle are
the most thrown waste followed by Paper and Plastic Bag with 50% or 6
students; Paper Bag and Plastic Cup with 33.3% or 4 students; Paper Cups with
16.7% or 2 Students and Plastic Wrappers with 8.3% or 1 students. 54.5% or 6
students said that sometimes they throw garbage in the wrong place while
27.3% or 3 students says often while 9.1% or 1 students says rarely same with
never with 9.1%.
Result and Data Analysis
36.4% or 4 students says they practices the 3r’s sometimes while another
36.4% of students says always while 18.2% or 2 students says they do it Rarely
while 9.1% or 1 students says doing it often. 45.5% or 5 students says that they
pick up pieces of plastic that is spread out everywhere even it's not yours often
while 36.4% or 4 students says they do it sometimes and 9.% or 1 students says
they never do it and another 9.1% say they always do it. 54.5% or 6 students
says they maybe purchase item with many packaging while 27.3% or 3 students
say they don’t so it and 18.2% or 2 students says yes. Based on our survey, it is
evident that students are significant contributors to waste production, with
plastic and plastic bottles being the most frequently discarded items.
Result and Data Analysis
However, it is important to note that while students play a major role in
generating waste, there are additional factors that contribute to this issue. One
such factor is the lack of self-discipline among individuals.
Addressing the issue of waste production among students requires a multi-
faceted approach. Educational institutions can play a vital role in promoting
environmental awareness and encouraging responsible waste management
practices. By incorporating waste reduction programs into the curriculum,
schools can instill a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness
among students. Additionally, raising awareness about the detrimental effects of
excessive waste production and the importance of Students who recycle are
better able to
Result and Data Analysis
appreciate the importance of their activities.
In addition, building a feeling of community and group accountability is crucial
for addressing the waste problem. Students can take an active role in decreasing
trash and promoting an environmental conscience by planning activities,
campaigns, and initiatives that support sustainable practices. Encouragement of
student-led projects can enable students to take responsibility of waste
management procedures and set an excellent example. Examples of such
projects include composting systems and recycling drives. Despite the fact that
students are known to be major producers of trash, it is crucial to acknowledge
that other factors, such as a lack of self-discipline, also contribute.
Result and Data Analysis
We may encourage kids to take action by fostering self-discipline,
implementing waste reduction programs in the classroom, and supporting
student-led projects.
In conclusion, our study highlights the crucial role of waste management in
minimizing negative impacts on health, the environment, and Earth's resources.
By implementing efficient waste management practices, such as recycling and
waste-to-energy technologies, pollution can be reduced, and ecosystems can be
protected. The study specifically focuses on the issue of waste spreading in
Nabua National High School (NNHS) and identifies factors that contribute to
waste generation and improper disposal. Through surveys and interviews with
NNHS students, it is evident that plastic items are the most commonly
discarded waste, indicating the significant role students play in waste
To address this issue, the study suggests incorporating waste reduction
programs into the school curriculum, which can enhance environmental
awareness and promote responsible waste management practices among

Thank you For Listening

Michael Vince Poseidon John Mavrin Margret

Allyn Albao Jacob Gastilo Felix

Angel Marian R. Poseidon John Mavrin Margret

Niebres Jacob Gastilo Felix

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