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OHES 4411
Spring 2023
Main terms & History

Asst. Prof. Selden CEPNİ

From Last Week
Organizational Safety Culture

PPT-106-01 3
Why to have
Why have a safety
a Positive cultre ?
Safety Culture?

• Accident = Tip of the iceberg!

• Total Cost of Injuries = Direct & Indirect Expenses
• Direct (insured costs) = e.g. wage loss, medical,
vocational and physical rehabilitation
• Indirect (uninsured, cost to company) = e.g.
downtime, equipment & building damage, morale of
injured worker/others in department, possible
• Overall total could be very costly

PPT-106-01 41
Benefits ofa Safety
Benefits of Culture
Positive Safety Culture

• Injury Rate

• Lost Time Rate

• Downtime

• Damage

• Accident cost

PPT-106-01 42
• Government

• Management

• Employee
Prevention Policies - Level of Prevention
Protection ways in OHS
– 3 main protection ways :

2. Personal Protective

Worker • Personal Protective Equipment

• Medical

• Hygiene
Path 3. Collective Protection

4. Full Protection

Source • Substitution

• Engineering

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

WHO : World Health Organization

ILO : International Labor Organization

ASM : Family Healthcare Center (aile

sağlığı merkezi)
What is ….
• Worker : The company (or person) that hires
workers . A service contract takes place
between worker and company. They have a
work contract according to law 4857 (work law)

• Work :With a service contract, made for the

production of goods or services actions in
return of money are called «work«

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

What is
• Employer : Employees who made workers
work for a fee with a service contract ,the
owner of the workplace. Employees who act
on behalf of the employer and who take part
in the management of the work, the
workplace and the employer are called the
representative of the employer

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

What is
• Workplace : Where the work takes place and
also ;
– Rest areas
– Breast feeding area
– Food area
– Washing – Toilet
– Examination and sickroom
– Education areas …etc

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

Who is ….
• Worker Representative: Employees
authorized to represent employees in matters
such as participation in work related to
occupational health and safety, monitoring of
work, requesting measures, making proposals,
– Union Representative
– Selected by election

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

Who is ….
• Occupational Health and Safety Specialist:
Authorized by the Ministry (ministry of labor
and social security) for occupational health
and safety
– Engineer, architecture
– Physicians
– Chemist
Highly Hazardous Work A class (4 years B class)
– Biologist
Hazardous Work B class (3 years C class)
– Technicians
Low Hazardous Work C class
Dr. Selden COŞKUN
Who is
• Work-place Doctor and Other Health
– Physician authorized by the Ministry to provide
services in the field of occupational health and
– Ministry certified to be employed in occupational
health and safety services :
• Nurse , Health Officer, Emergency Medical Technician

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

Who is
• Support Member : In addition to his primary
duty, he has appropriate equipment specially
appointed for prevention, protection,
evacuation, fire fighting, first aid and similar
matters related to occupational health and
• Young Worker : Employee who is 15 years old
but not 18 years old

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

Service Providers
• OSGB:A center that has been specially
established to provide OHS services to
businesses and has a job security specialist,
workplace physician and other health
personnel to operate and has defined
facilities. (ortak sağlık güvenlik birimi)

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

• Occupational accidents

• Occupational illness

• Health - is a state of complete physical,

mental, and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO)

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

Dr. Selden COŞKUN
Development of OHS in World

Before Industrial Revolution After Industrial Revolution

• A Greek Philosopher
• The relation between worker’s health and
work is first been studied by him
• He insisted on eating foods that gives energy
to be efficient at work.
Hippocrates (B.C. 470 – 410)
• Greek Doctor

• Known as father of the medicine (hippocratic


• Believes in good nutrition, sport and hygiene

• He observed the lead poisoning among miners.

• Writer, scientist and Roman Senator

• Hazards about zinc and Sulphur

• One of the first to advice masks made from

animal leather during works with hazardous
Georgius Agricola (1494-1555)
• Writer of De Re Metallica
– Fresh air is needed in mines
– Environmental pollution
– Management techniques (shift)
– Ergonomic
– Goat leather is been used for
respiration with mask
Paracelsus (1493-1591)
• All substances are
poisonous ; there is not
any substance that is
not poisonous. «The
right dosage is
separating poison and
• Father of toxicology
Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714)
• The book - Diseases of
• The harmony of worker
and work – ergonomics
• What is your
occupation? – for
medical evaluation
• The father of OHS
Percival Pott (1713-1788)
• The relationship between work, toxins and

• Especially chimney cleaners; hydrocarbons Vs

testicular cancer
Chimney Cleaner
After Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
• Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late
1700s, manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand
tools or basic machines.

• Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery,

factories and mass production. The iron and textile industries, along
with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the

• While industrialization brought about an increased volume and variety

of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living for some, it
also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the
poor and working classes.
A Film Advice 
• Charlie Chaplin – Modern Times
During the revolution …
• Mass production has taken the place of hand
made production
• With the change of machine and techniques ,
new unknown hazards come among.
• With mass production
– Child labor
– Long working hours
– Aggrevated circumtances
To deal with these problems in Britain…
• In 1802 with the law «the health and moral of apprentices», child
below 9 and at night below 18 can not be employed and made them
work more then 12 hours.

• Women can not be employed in mines, 1842

• With the report of Senator Chadwick, the work environment of

workers has got attention.

• 1847 , work time of 10 hour is been legalized.

• ILO is been established in 1919

OHS in Turkish History

Before Republic period After Republic period

Before Tanzimat reforms After Tanzimat reforms

Before Republic – before Reforms
• Master – foreman – apprentice relation
• No awareness of OHS
• Only – support funds (loncalar) ; beginning of
social security in Turkey
Before Republic – Period of Tanzimat

• 1850 , police regulations

• 1865, Dilaver Paşa regulations

• 1869 , Mine ( maadin) regulations – states

Republic Period
• 1921; Coal Mine Regulations
• 1924 ; Week Holiday Regulations
• 1930 ; General Health Policy ( Umumi
Hıfzısıhha Yasası)
• 1937; 1st work law
• 1945 ; Work Ministry
• 1977 ; Occupational Diseases Hospitals
But since 2013 , all education & investigation hospitals, University
Hospital can diagnose and treat occupational diseases.
• 2003 , 4857 ; the current labor law

• 2012 ,( but activated in 2013) 6331 ; the

current OHS law
The Scope of OHS
• Especially the most risky work places are the
ones to be handled firstly. BUT OHS is for all
workplaces !
Next Week

Occupational Disease &


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