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OHES 4411
Spring 2023
Occ. Accidents & Diseases

Asst. Prof. Selden CEPNİ

From Last Week
Industrial Safety
• First (main goal) ;
– To prevent the health and safety of Workers

• Secondly ;
– Prevention of work place
– Prevention of production

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

Important Terms
• Some of them to remember;
– Work place : where the work takes place and also;
• Rest areas
• Breast feeding area
• Food area
• Washing – Toilet
• Examination and sickroom
• Education areas …etc
WHO can BE …Occupational Health and Safety
Specialist: Authorized by the Ministry (ministry of
labor and social security) for occupational health
and safety
– Engineer, architecture
– Physicians
– Chemist
– Biologist
– Technicians

Highly Hazardous Work A class (4 years B class)

Hazardous Work B class (3 years C class)
Low Hazardous Work C class
Dr. Selden COŞKUN
What is …
– Support Member : In addition to his primary duty,
he has appropriate equipment specially appointed
for prevention, protection, evacuation, fire
fighting, first aid and similar matters related to
occupational health and safety
– Young Worker : Employee who is 15 years old but
not 18 years old

Dr. Selden COŞKUN

Important Abbreviations till now…
• OHS : Occupational Health and Safety

• WHO : World Health Organization

• ILO : International Labor Organization

• ASM : Family Health Center (aile sağlığı merkezi) – primary

health care center

• OSGB : Joint Health and Safety Unit ( Ortak Sağlık ve Güvenlik

Before Industrial Rev. After Industrial Rev.
• Hippocrates • Mass production
• Agricola
• Ramazzini • 1802 working time for
• P. Pott children

• 1842, 10 hour working time

HISTORY of OHS (Turkey)
Before Republic After Republic
• Support funds • 1930 ; General Health Policy

• Master – foreman – • 1937; 1st work law

apprentice relation
• 2003 , 4857

• 1869 Miner Regulation • 2012 ,( but activated in

2013) 6331
Turkey 2020
• Fatal Accidents : 2427 ( a small town population /
an indoor sports hall … etc. )

• 1079 – at the age btw. 28 – 50

• 2279 – male

• Agriculture, construction and health – top three

Turkey 2021
• Fatal Accidents: 2170 ( a small town population / an indoor
sports hall … etc. )

• % 86 working under social security

• % 29 cause of covid,then fall, transporting….

• 165 female / 2005 male

• Construction, Agriculture, and health – top three sectors

Dr. Selden COŞKUN
The Cost of a Simple Accident
• Event : A cut on finger

Activity Time (min.)

Time of accident 5
Showing to coworkers 10
Visiting Health Staff 30
Hospital 240
Talking with co workers 60
Filling the reports 60
Controlling the reports 10
Discussing in OHS Commitee 60

Total 475 min. (8 hr.)

Work Related Accident
• According to ILO ;
– An occurrence arising out of or in the course of
work which results in:
(a)fatal occupational injury
(b)non-fatal occupational injury

• According to WHO;
• An unplanned, most personal injury is an event that is caused by machines and
equipment, causing production to stop for a period of time.
The definition of occupational accident is stated in social
insurance and general health insurance law ;

  In this definition;
• At the insured's place of work,
• Due to the work being carried out by the employer,
• Due to the fact that the insurer is dispatched by the employer to the job
• At times when the pacified insured woman is leaving to give her child milk,
• If the insured is insured during the course of collecting and transporting the
insured person in a vehicle where the insured person is employed and the
insured person is immediately or permanently bodily or socially disrupted.
To have the event as an occupational accident;

1. Should be related to work,

2- Should be listed in list of law ,

3- Person should have an injury right or later

on Body or psychological Injury,
The importance of counting as
occupational health

The qualification of counting

as a work accident ensures
that the rights of the accident
victim are assessed within the
framework of labor laws.

Occ. Accident

Penalty Labor Insurance

Law Law Law

Causing Causing Material Immaterial

reckless reckless compensatio compensation
killing injury n

Compensatio Incapacity
n for loss of of work
Hazardous Behaviours
Hazardous Behaviours
Inadequate PPE
Inadequate PPE
Near Miss& Accident

Zero Cost Learning Tool

Accident notification system

Definition :If the conditions were

appropiate, there could have been an
accident and chain of events.
Or in brief the event or insecurity that
could lead to injury or damage.
Near Miss !
Near Miss& Accident

1. Problem analyses and solving

2. Tracing the solution
3. Communication
4. Risk analysis

 Approximately 500 people are expected to report 2500 near

misses per year at the construction site.
Not providing required equipment
Transfer with pump,
Unflammable materials should be used in closed systems
Inappropriate stacking
Occupational Diseases
Occupational Diseases

According to the insured's work, for a

repetitive reason or due to the working
conditions, temporary or permanent illness,
disability and is defined as a state of
mental malfunction.
Occupational Diseases

• Characteristics of Occupational Diseases:

1. A unique clinical picture

2.Well-defined disease effect (physical, biological,
chemical etc.)
3.Disease activity or metabolism in the biological
environment (blood, urine etc.)
4.Experimental creation of the disease
5.The most important feature is the high incidence of
the disease in that occupational group
To be counted as occupational disease by authorities…

1. There must be a relation between work and disease.

2. The worker should be insured according to insurance law.,
3. The realted disease must be in the occupational disease list of
Health Ministry.
4. The occurance of disease should be in the period of
commitment timeline.
5. The duration period of the insured worker must be appropiate.
6. The occupational disease murt be reported by the workplace
Liability Period

• The maximum time that the occupational

disease can occur after the worker left
her/his job which may caused the disease.

Over Begining
Liability Period
Work Disease
Some diseases & works according to their liability

Pulmonory oedema 3 day welding

Silicosis 5 years Dusts that contain

Asbestos 5 years Benzene, Toulene …

Leukosis 30 days X radiation

Beryllios 1 year Working with

Noise 3 month Working over 85db, for 2
Rheumatic pain 1 year Working under humidity
Exposure Time

• The minimum time needed after

coming across with the hazardous
factor, for the symptons to ocur.
ILO Occupational Disease List
1. Occupational diseases that occur with agents
(physical, chemical, biological)
2. Target organs and systems of occupational
diseases (respiratory, skin, musculoskeletal),
3. Occupational cancers
4. Thoughts and behavioral disorders
Classification of Occupational Diseases according to
Health Ministry of Turkey

Group A: Occupational diseases with chemical

Group B: Occupational skin diseases,
Group C: Pneumoconiosis and other
occupational respiratory system diseases,
Group D: Occupational infectious diseases,
Group E: Occupational diseases with physical
Solution Suggestions to Occ. Diseases & Accidents

1. “All accidents should be listed with near

miss accidents.
2. Workplace environmental measurements
should be done.
3. Periodically health controls should be done.
4. All chemicals that are used in the workplace
should have Safety Data Sheet.
Next Week

Protection Methods

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