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OHES 4411
Spring 2023
OHS Regulations

Asst. Prof. Selden CEPNİ

6331 Legislation
TBMM Acceptance Date : 20.06.2012
Date of Issue : 30.06.2012
Effective Date : 01.01.2013
Law Number : 6331
As a result from last lecture 6331

• OHS commitee , ( above 50)

• Workplace hazard sources

• Workplace risk evaluation ,

• In the risk assessment, problematic issues, responsibilities

and settlement dates are determined and the process is
followed, İşyeri acil durum planı yapılır,

• Employee entry health exams are completed, filed.

• OHS education is given to worker,

Implementing regulation
Following rules and
regulations help employees
understand what is expected
of them and what will happen
if they violate the rules. It
makes for a stable office
environment where people feel
safe to come to work, to be
themselves and to go about their
Once a health and safety act is passed, then a minister (usually the Minister of Labour),
national government will develop detailed regulations. Regulations are fully supported by
law so employers are required to comply with them, just like the overall act which they

Regulations tend to cover specific industries or hazards and state the mandatory minimum

standards and objectives for hazard control, “safe levels”, training, etc. and they apply to
specific workplaces.

Regulations cannot be stronger than the act which they accompany. We must become familiar
with the health and safety regulations in our country (if they exist) to know more about the
specific rights that we are guaranteed.

There are nearly 41 regulations under the law 6331

• 1.Communiqué on the registration and training of persons • 11.Ministry of Labour and Social Security Occupational
authorized to carry out periodic checks of work Equipment. Health and Safety Regulations of September 2013.
• 2.Regulations on occupational health measurement, • 12.Communiqué on the qualification and selection
testing and analysis laboratories. procedure of worker representatives in the area of OSH,
• 3.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security 2013.
on the duties, powers and responsibilities of the • 13.Regulations on the protection of workers from risks of
occupational health and safety research and development vibration.
institute's Presidency. • 14.Regulations on Occupational Health and Safety on
• 4.Regulations on occupational safety and health services Fishing Vessels.
organized by employers or their representatives. • 15.Regulations on safety and health in working with
• 5.Legal Notice of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security chemical substances.
on the support for Occupational Health and Safety • 16.Regulations on safety and health in working with
Services. carcinogenic or mutagen substances.
• 6.Regulations on the prevention of major industrial • 17.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social
accidents. Security of August 2013 on analysis laboratory
• 7.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security undertaking occupational hygiene measurement and
of December 2013 on the Promotion of Occupational testing.
Health and Safety Services. • 18.Regulations on the manual handling of loads.
• 8.Regulation on Occupational Health and Safety Signs. • 19.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social
• 9.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security Security of July 2013 on protection of workers from risks
on occupational health and safety in mines. related to noise.
• 10.Regulation on Occupational Safety and Health in • 20.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social
Construction. Security of July 2013 on working conditions at night for
women workers.
• 21.Regulation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of July
• 32.Regulation on the Use of Personal Protective Equipment at
2013 on education, duties, powers and responsibilities of
occupational physicians and other health personnel. Workplaces
• 22.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of July • 33.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of
2013 on health and safety measures to be taken in workplace February 2013 on the National Occupational Health and Safety
buildings and annexes. Council.
• 23.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of July • 34.Regulations on safety and health regarding asbestos.
2013 on the vocational education of personnel working in hazardous
and extremely hazardous occupations. • 35.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of
• 24.Regulations of the Labour and Social Security Ministry on the January 2013 on Occupational Health and Safety Committees.
tasks which may be preformed for a maximum of 7 and a half hours • 36.Regulations of the Labour and Social Security Ministry of
or less per day given the health rules. January 2013 on the Health and Safety measures with respect to
• 25.Regulations on the protection of workers from exposure to Asbestos.
biological agents. • 37.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of
• 26.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of June August 2013 on occupational health and safety requirements for
2013 on emergency situations in the workplaces. temporary or fixed-term employment.
• 27.Legal notice of the of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of
June 2013 on the Occupational Safety Specialists class (C) to be
• 38.Communiqué of the Ministry of Economy of December 2012 on
allocated to extremely dangerous Jobs. the imports of certain products influencing the occupational
• 28.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of May health and safety
2013 on the Principles and Regulations for Occupational Health and • 39.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of
Safety Training of Employees. December 2012 on Occupational Health and Safety Services.
• 29.Regulation on the Health and Safety in the use of Work • 40.Regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of
Equipment. December 2012 on occupational health and safety risk
• 30.Regulations of the Labour and Social Security Ministry of April assessment.
2013 on the protection of Workers against Exposure to Dangerous
or Explosive Atmospheres. • 41.Legal Notice of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of
• 31.Regulations of the Social and Security Ministry of March 2013 on December 2012 on Workplace Occupational Health and Safety
Stop Work Orders in Workplaces. Related Hazard Classes.
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General
Application) Regulations -Display Screen Equipment
• «Display screen equipment” means any alphanumeric or graphic display screen, regardless of the display process

• “employee” means an employee who habitually uses display screen equipment as a significant part of his or her
normal work;

• “workstation” means an assembly comprising display screen equipment, which may be provided with a keyboard or
input device or software, or a combination of the foregoing determining the operator and machine interface, and

• (a) a work chair and work desk or work surface,

• (b) any optional accessories and peripherals, and

• (c) the immediate work environment of the display screen equipment.

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General
Application) Regulations -Display Screen Equipment
• This Chapter does not apply to—

• (a) drivers' cabs or control cabs for vehicles or machinery,

• (b) computer systems on board a means of transport,

• (c) computer systems mainly intended for public use,

• (d) portable display screen equipment not in prolonged use at a workstation,

• (e) calculators, cash registers and any equipment having a small data or measurement display required for direct
use of the equipment, and

• (f) typewriters of traditional design, of the type known as “typewriter with window”.
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General
Application) Regulations -Display Screen Equipment
• Duties of employer. (1) An employer, when providing display screen equipment for use by an employee at a workstation, shall—
(a) ensure that the general use of the equipment is not a source of risk for the employee,
(b) perform an analysis of the workstation in order to evaluate the safety and health conditions to which it gives rise for the employees,
particularly as regards possible risks to eyesight, physical problems and problems of mental stress, and, on the basis of that evaluation, take
appropriate measures to remedy any risks found, taking account of—
(i) the minimum requirements specified in Schedule 4, and
(ii) any additional or combined effects of any such risks so found,
(c) plan the activities of the employer's employees in such a way that daily work on display screen equipment is periodically interrupted
by breaks or changes of activity which reduce workload at the display screen,
(d) without prejudice to section 9 of the Act, provide information to the employer's employees in relation to the measures applicable to
workstations which have been implemented under this Regulation and Regulation 73,
(e) without prejudice to section 10 of the Act, provide training to employees in the use of workstations before commencing work with
display screen equipment and whenever the organization of the workstation is substantially modified, and
(f) ( perform a further analysis of the workstation as referred to in subparagraph (b where—
(i) an employee transfers to a new workstation, or
(ii) significant new work equipment, change of equipment or new technology is introduced at an individual's workstation.
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General
Application) Regulations -Display Screen Equipment
• Provision of eye tests and corrective appliances.
An employer shall, taking into account any entitlement which an employee may have to any tests and appliances provided by
the State relating to eyesight and appliances, ensure that—

• (a) the provision of an appropriate eye and eyesight test, carried out by a competent person, is made known to and is
made available to every employee—
(i) before commencing display screen work,
(ii) at regular intervals thereafter, and
(iii) if an employee experiences visual difficulties which may be due to display screen work,

• (b) if the results of a test under this Regulation show that it is necessary, an ophthalmologic examination is carried out on
the employee concerned, and

• (c) where the results of a test or an examination under this Regulation show that it is necessary, and if normal corrective
appliances cannot be used, the employee concerned is provided with special corrective appliances appropriate to his or her
Regulations should give answer to :

• To whom it may concern to

• To whom it does not concern to

• Responsibilites

• Tests / Applications
The main regulations governing occupational health and safety
for workers in relation to hazardous substances/chemicals

These relevant regulations to hazardous substances include:

• Occupational Health and Safety (Carcinogens) Regulations

• Occupational Health and Safety (Chemical Agents) Regulations
• Occupational Health and Safety (Biological Agents) Regulations
• Occupational Health and Safety (Exposure to Asbestos)
• Occupational Health and Safety (Deconstruct of Asbestos)
• Occupational Health and Safety (General Applications) Regulations
OHS Committees
According to labor law item 80

• According to this law, every employer is obliged to establish an occupational health and
safety committee in workplaces that are considered to be industry, employ at least fifty
workers continuously, and where continuous work is carried out for more than six

• Employers are obliged to implement the decisions made by the occupational health and
safety committees in accordance with the occupational health and safety legislation. The
formation, working methods, duties, powers and obligations of occupational health and
safety committees are indicated in a regulation to be prepared by the Ministry of Labor
and Social Security.

a) Employer or his representative,

b) Engineer or technical staff in charge of occupational safety,
c) Occupational physician,
d) A person in charge of human resources, personnel, social affairs or
administrative and financial affairs,
e) Civil defense expert, if any,
f) Foreman, foreman or foreman in charge of the workplace,
g) The person to be elected by the union representatives among themselves, if
there is no union representative at the workplace, the worker to be elected by
open vote at the meeting in which more than half of the workers in that
workplace will attend,
h) Health and safety worker representative.

1. Chairman of the Board; Employer or Employer's Representative.

2. Secretary of the Board; It is an engineer or technical staff in charge of

occupational safety.

3. Engineer or technical staff in charge of occupational safety,

4. Occupational physician,

5. A person in charge of executing human resources, personnel, social

affairs or administrative and financial affairs

6. ,Civil defense expert, if any

7. They are assigned by the employer or his representative.

8. Foreman, foreman or master in charge of the workplace;
The foreman, foreman or foreman in the workplace is the
person elected by open vote at the meeting in which
more than half of the foremen will attend.

9. The person to be elected by the union representatives

among themselves, if there is no union representative at
the workplace, the worker to be elected by open vote at
the meeting in which more than half of the workers in that
workplace will attend.

The backups of these selected persons are selected by the

same methods.

By the employer to the board members and their substitutes,

OHS providing training on the subject.
• Duties and powers of the Board,
• National legislation and standards on OHS issues,
• Causes of frequent work accidents and dangerous cases,
• Effective communication techniques,
• Emergency measures,
• Occupational diseases,
• Special risks of workplaces



Occupational health and safety applications to the nature of the workplace

• to prepare the internal regulation,

• to submit it to the approval of the employer or his representative,

• to monitor the implementation of the internal regulation,

• to report the monitoring results and

• to determine the measures to be taken and to put them on the agenda of the board.

• to guide employees in the workplace on occupational health and safety issues.

• evaluating the hazards and precautions related to occupational health and safety in the workplace,

• determining the precautions, notifying the employer or his representative.


• To carry out the necessary research and examination in every work accident and

dangerous case or occupational disease or in case of a danger related to occupational

health and safety, to determine the measures to be taken with a report and to give them to

the employer or his representative.

• To plan occupational health and safety education and training in the workplace, to prepare

programs related to this subject and rules, to submit to the approval of the employer or

employer's representative, and to monitor the implementation of these programs.

• To plan the necessary safety measures in maintenance and repair works to be carried out

in the facilities and to control the implementation of these measures.


• To monitor the adequacy of the measures related to fire, natural disasters,

sabotage and similar in the workplace and the work of the teams,

• To prepare an annual report on the health and safety situation of the

workplace, to evaluate the work of that year, to determine the issues and

agenda in the next year's work program according to the experience gained,

to make an offer to the employer, to ensure the execution of the planned

agenda and to evaluate its implementation,

Committee; in an order that provides for review, monitoring and warning:It meets at least once a
• The agenda, place, day and time of the meeting are notified to the board members at least 48
hours in advance.
• The agenda is determined in order of importance of problems and projects. Members can
request changes in the agenda. If the request is approved by the board, the agenda is changed.
• In cases of serious work accidents and in important cases that require special precautions, one
of the members may call the board for an extraordinary meeting.
• In terms of occupational health and safety, when the worker, who is faced with an imminent,
urgent and vital danger that will impair his health and endanger his bodily integrity, applies to the
committee, the committee meets urgently on the same day and makes its decision. It determines
the situation with a report and the decision is notified to the worker in writing.
• The duration of ordinary meetings cannot exceed 24 hours per month in total. It is essential that
the meetings are held during the daily working hours. Members of the Board cannot be harmed
financially or morally due to their duties.

• The Board convenes with the majority of the members, and the decisions are taken by the majority of

the attendees. In the event of a tie, the chairman's vote determines the decision. In cases where the

majority is not achieved or the meeting is not held for any other reason, a minutes is drawn up stating

the situation.

• At each meeting, a report containing the decisions taken on the discussed issues is prepared, signed

and notified to the Employer for necessary action. Minutes and decisions are kept in a special file.

• Decisions taken at the meeting are announced to the relevant parties for action. Issues that are

deemed beneficial to be announced to the workers are announced in the workplace.


Employer or employer's representative;

To provide space, tools and equipment for the meeting, Keeping the meeting minutes
prepared by the Board, the investigation reports of accidents and other incidents, the
board reports regarding the inspection results of the board at the workplace, in order
to enable the Labor Inspectors to examine them Implementing the decisions made in
accordance with the legislation.

WORKERS;To comply with the rules, prohibitions and

decisions and measures taken for the protection and
improvement of health and safety,To cooperate with the
board on the determination and implementation of health
and safety measures and compliance with the measures
taken,By informing the board about the difficulties
encountered in practice,
Next week – Quiz (topics on the 7th,10th and 11&12th weeks will
be included)

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