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What is difference between bias and

Prejudice – an opinion against a group or an
individual based on insufficient facts and
usually unfavourable and/or intolerant. 
Bias – very similar to but not as extreme as
prejudice. Someone who is biased usually
refuses to accept that there are other views
than their own.
Some of the most well-known types of prejudice
include the following:
•Religious prejudice.
What are the types of bias and prejudice?
People are often biased against others outside
of their own social group, showing prejudice
(emotional bias), stereotypes (cognitive
bias), and discrimination (behavioral bias).
What are the 4 theories of prejudice?
As described by Society: The Basics, the four
theories of prejudice include: the scapegoat
theory, authoritarian personality theory,
culture theory, and the conflict theory.
Which is the best example of prejudice?
An example of prejudice is having a negative
attitude toward people who are not born in the
United States. Although people holding this
prejudiced attitude do not know all people who were
not born in the United States, they dislike them due
to their status as foreigners.
What are the three example of prejudice?
Racism, which involves having a negative
attitude toward members of a certain racial or
ethnic group rooted in systems of power and
oppression. Religious prejudice, which involves
feeling negatively toward someone because of
their religious beliefs, practices, or ideologies
How do you identify a bias?
If you notice the following, the source may be
1.Heavily opinionated or one-sided.
2.Relies on unsupported or unsubstantiated claims.
3.Presents highly selected facts that lean to a
certain outcome.
4.Pretends to present facts, but offers only opinion.
5.Uses extreme or inappropriate language.

1. It is unfair to criticize someone that way when he/she

has not done you any harm.
A. an appropriate treatment
B. in accordance with the rules or standards
C. without cheating or trying to achieve unjust
D. not based on or behaving according to the principles
of equality and justice
2. While such judgments are naturally exaggerated, there is no
doubt that he takes the highest place among the poets.
A. answer choices
B. the formal act of approving
C. the act of accepting with approval
D. the expression of praise or approval
E. the process of forming an opinion or evaluation
3. If you are inexperienced in businesses and have
no prior knowledge of trading, you may need professional advice.
A. answer choices
B. coming after something in time
C. coming before in time, order, or importance
D. being at a time in the near future: soon or afterward
E. not having arrived, happened, or been done by the expected
4. We must not pander to unreasonable and irrational prejudices.
A. answer choices
B. according to the rules of logic
C. not governed by or according to reason
D. having sound judgment; fair and sensible
E. tending to be accurate and careful about details
• . 5. Not everyone is in favor of having vaccinated.
• answer choices
• at odds with
• in opposition to
• in conceptual contrast to
• in support or to the advantage of

1. Your neighbor blames teenagers for the increasing

number of crime incidents in your barangay despite the
absence of proof.

A. Prejudice
B. Bias
2. Sam's aunt is fond of black dogs like her own. She is always
more friendly and caring to them.
A. Prejudice
B. Bias
3. A successful businesswoman prefers women employees
because she thinks they are more efficient.
A. Prejudice
B. Bias
4. Your brother only follows people on social media who share
the same viewpoints as his.
A. Prejudice
B. Bias
5. You avoid places where indigenous people live because you
think they are dangerous.
A. Prejudice
B. Bias
6. Which of the following statements best describes bias?
A. People tend to form opinions without due knowledge.
B. People tend to dislike those who belong to a different group.
C. People tend to think that all members of a group are the same.
D. People tend to have an irrational attitude towards a particular
group, race, or religion.
7. Which of the following situations shows prejudice?
A. A group speaks hatred for other races and praise for their own.
B. A company hires a woman who shows expertise and has more
experience in the construction industry.
C. A member of the ruling party agrees with everything the government
says but disagrees with everything the opposition believes.
D. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, any person of Japanese descent
living in America was considered a suspect.
8. Which of the following statements best defines bias?
A. It is an inclination toward or against one way of thinking.
B. It is an opinion or judgment formed without due examination.
C. It is a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or
D. It is an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without
knowledge of the facts.
9. Which of the following does not show any form of bias and prejudice?
A. Refusing to listen to the opposing side
B. Identifying all East Asian individuals as carriers of the coronavirus
C. Choosing news sources that present stories that only support one's views
D. Evaluating all potential employees exclusively by their professional
10. What is reflected in the act of judging people unfavorably on
account of their ethnicity, religion, or organizational affiliation?
A. bias
B. fairness
C. prejudice
D. solidarity

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