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Capstone Project

First Name: Sheillja

Last Name: Kanojia
Task 1: Target Audience and Your Consumer
Task 1
a) Define the target audience for Uber

Ans: According to Uber's vision, we can conclude that Uber tries to convey these values to its users:
reliability, safety, cost efficiency and convenience. So according to this the market segmentation
depends heavily on income, occupation and age of the consumers.

● The Demographics can be

○ Age: 18 – 24 and 26 - 45
○ Income:
○ Occupation: Students, employees and professionals
● Psychographics: lifestyle (preferably struggler/hustlers), attitudes
b) Consumer Persona

Pain Points: As a
bank manager
<Photo> Place: New Delhi
she has to travel
Profession: Bank
a lot for her work
and during peak
Income: 9 LPA
hours she fears

Interest & Hobbies:

Name: Bhagyalaxmi Bhagyalaxmi has high
Maurya presence on social media.
Age: 29, Female She enjoys cricket very
much especially when she
Preferred Mode of is with her friends and
Transport: Cab family. Collecting favourite
cricket player‘s in trend
accessories etc.
Task 2: Competition
Task 2
a) Identify top competitors of Uber in the assigned market

Ans: Uber Technologies , it is the massive omnipresent ride-sharing company. It has dominated the
industry since its inception in 2009. With this it is trying to attract to its company are people who do not
have a car, don’t like to drive themselves, or people who don’t want to go themselves to a party, want to
travel in style, or want a cost-efficient cab waiting for them at their door. People who don’t like travelling
in public transports like taxis and metros but have limited. Uber has many competitors like local taxis
and lyft, rapido but then Ola Cabs are one of it‘s top competitors in the assigned market.
b) Identify the target market for each competitor brand

● Considering Ola Cabs to be one of it‘s top competitors in the assigned market. I believe that it
operates in business segments such as Cab services for passengers, for corporate customers
through Ola Shuttle i.e. daily office goers through fixed routes and Ola outstation. The target
audience of OLA is I believe every Tier 1 & 2 city resident, employee and visitor over 16,female and
male who is interested in professional, valued and safe transport services and wantsto enjoy their
ride with OlaCabs. Every person in Tier 1 & 2 cities is a potential customer andshould be satisfied
by the taxi service of Ola. The prior need of a customer is to get from point Ato point B. Every
customer expects good service for a fair charge.
c) SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
a. Fees paid in case of canceling the ride.

a. Satisfy different Customers. b. Less availability of cars when rides are
b. Easy app to use and safety guaranteed. needed.

Opportunities Threats
a. Technology and relations with Ooredoo
O T a. Changes in oil’s price
b. GCC countries’ political
b. World Cup 2022. problems.
Task 3: Choosing Digital Marketing Channels
3 the digital marketing channels you want to use. Define the social
media channels separately
Choose the digital marketing channels that you want to use (at
least 6), identify the objective for each one of them and then
specify the reason you have chosen this channel mix.
Digital Marketing Channels Objectives Reason

1. Social Media Influencer on SoM channels and Aim to encourage people to take safe and The brand can ask its Influencers to write
Website (affiliate marketing) luxurious rides over local taxis. on SoM channels if they have had a
positive experience that they would like to
2. Re-Marketing This will target those share. Also, having customer testimonials
on their website

3. Podcasts and Blogs Creating content will engage their customer even The content theme cricket is an emotional
when they are taking uber transport one and it will help to nourish a very
positive response towards the our
4. Paid Ads over Display , website banners, It will help the company to reach its customers.
Facebook ads and YouTube ads
Creating content in this form will engage
their customer even when they are not
5. Push marketing This will help the customers to take more rides taking Uber transport this will eventually
more than usual. push them to towards taking Uber ride.

6. Pull marketing This will bring the those customers back who
taking ride other than from Uber.
Task 4: Content Ideas & Calendar
Task 4
Define the content themes/idea you would like to use for each channel ( at least
one per channel), the content formats for each channel ( at least one per channel)
and then define the KPIs of each channel.

Content Theme/Idea Content Formats KPIs

1. World cup 2022 via SoM Influencers Video in form of reel and small 1 minute film, Likes and shares, comments, Influencers
Memes, Images and Videos can be very mentions, keyword Rank, Sentiment analyses,
interactive and relatable word of mouth

2. Branded Gaming guides or kind of Video computer or mobile games and ps4 Downloads and also referal links in it
gamification to tap into the cricket fever

3. Interesting facts over website and backlinking Blogs, promo-codes Re-shares, creating hashtags, page per session,
them. time of page, scroll depth

4. Lean into a cricket theme at trade shows and Virtual Reality (VR) and Aaugmented Reality(AR) Footfall, word of mouth
events games and VR exhibitions, physicall challenges

5. Arcade-style games Video games. batting machines. balling. Mini Foot-fall

cricket. All regular fixtures in an amusement

6. Digital Advent Calendar (this always trends in This can be the best option if world cup happens Likes and shares, comments, Influencers
germany) for football to happen near christmas mentions, keyword Rank, Sentiment analyses,
word of mouth
d).Create a content calendar for the campaign - pre launch, launch and post

Pre Launch Launch Post Launch

‘Trailor‘ post on Social media channels for Match schedule Uber Gift hampers to those won their
VR cricket theme and keeping in matches
association with Uber in mind

Cricket interesting facts VR experience video view post as in sitting Giving Miniature figures of their
in the stadium watching those who favourite cricket player to those poeple
registered for the event. (registerents) who attended the event.

Highlight those people who have taken part Low cost rides to those who attended the SoM media sharing of their Wow
in the Cricket VR Game event, making a blog and SoM post for it Moment

One minute film on taking uber ride to VR Post over informing the audience for their Testimonials of the riders and from their
gaming event and Information on earning Testimonials of the riders and from their drivers over newspaper and SoM
Uber promo codes in taking rides to VR drivers over newspaper and SoM channels channels
gaming event place.
e).Mention which brands/influencers Uber can collaborate with for increasing
awareness and consideration for their brand (mention at least 2)

1. Rohit Sharma (showing him as a main star collaborator)

2. Virat Kohli as a co-partner
Task 5: Video Submission
Task 5

Record a 1-1.5 minute video of you presenting a summary of the project. Make sure
you include the following points in your video.

● The task and the objective

● Process and steps of finalising your strategy
● Main content ideas and channels
● Key learnings from the project

Upload the video in an MP4 format. Upload the video on your Google Drive and do not
forget to give access to "Anyone With This Link"

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