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September 2011
Session-wise Plan

Session I & II
• User creation
• Access to user profiles
Session III & IV
• Authorization rights
• Sign-on & password reset
• Sign-on deactivation & password reactivation

At the end of this session, participants will

 Appreciate security management system of T24
 Know how to set up security at various levels including user, application, field and function
Introduction to SMS
Security Management System (SMS)

Security – Prime concern of Banks, irrespective of their size and network

Bank requires safeguard of:
 Secrecy of Customers and their Accounts,
 Exposure levels,
 Access to data,
 Authorization of financial commitments, etc.

 Detects & Stops usage of the system

• Aids in avoiding fraudulent transactions
 Records unauthorized usage of the system
• All activities of the users are recorded and a log can be maintained
SMS in T24
User Creation
Why User?

 Bank user/Banker
 For implementing various banking operations through T24
 Banker -> Allowed to perform only specified or enabled operations
 Enhances the security of banking
User Creation

 Enter USER, I <User-name>

 Enter the mandatory fields
 Commit the record
User Creation - Input Fields
New User – Sign On

 Use assigned IP address for T24 browser Sign on

 Enter the User name and password
 Repeat the password to sign into T24
New User – Sign On

User is successfully signed-on

Access to User Profiles
User Profile Access

 Based on the business profile of user,

• Access is given to the relevant applications
• To perform the permitted operations/functions
 Helps in maintaining the confidentiality of the information available in the system
User Profile Access

 Access restricted to each individual or group of users through -> USER Application
 Any changes to user profile is reflected only when
• User logs off the system
• Logs in again using the same user name
Access Restriction

 Company level restriction is set using “Company Restr” field

 Application level restriction is set using “Application” field
• ALL.PG -> Allows access to all application
• <Application-name> -> Allow specific application to the user
 Version level restriction is set using “Version” field
• <Version-name> -> Version of application set in “Application” field
Access Restriction

Function level restriction is set using “Function” field

 A – Authorise
 C – Copy
 R – Reverse
 D – Delete
Access Restriction

 H – History Restore
 I – Input
 P – Print
 S – See
 V – Verify
 Q – Auditor Review

Create a User who is restricted to use:

 Account application with
 Copy, Input, Print and See functions
 In “GB0010001” company
Access Restriction
Access Restriction

Time Out Minutes

 Refers to the maximum time after which T24 will log off automatically
 The maximum value allowed in this field is 999 i.e. equal to 10 minutes
Access Restriction

 Specifies the number of unsuccessful Attempts to sign on allowed using the Sign on
name of the User record, before the Password is Disabled
 User records Disabled in this way are shown in the Password exception list
 The maximum value allowed in this field is 9
Unsuccessful User Attempt

 Field ‘ATTEMPTS.SINCE’ -> Stores no. of unsuccessful Attempts to Sign on

 Error Appears as shown, when ATTEMPTS.SINCE is greater than ATTEMPTS
User Access

 Application ‘PASSWORD.RESET’ -> Reset the password

 Above Application restricted to Bank Administrator
User linking with Protocol file

 Specifies whether or not a record should be written to the Protocol file, recording every
time this User Signs On/off
Note: Unsuccessful attempts to SIGN.ON are always logged, regardless of the value in this
 Specifies whether or not a record should be written to the Protocol file, every time this
User accesses any of the Security Management Applications
User linking with Protocol file

 Specifies whether or not records should be written to the Protocol file, recording every
Application accessed by this User
 Specifies whether or not full details of every
• Application,
• Function and
• record ID accessed by this User should be recorded in the Protocol file

 Grouping of Users having same user rights

 Allows definition of restriction at Application & Function level
 Creation of Logical groups that can be attached to User profile
 Avoid repetition of related application in different User profiles

Define the required

conditions for a
particular user group
Grouping – Application Level

 User profiles can be group using ID of USER.SMS.GROUP

 Field ‘Application’ -> Attach group name prefixed with ‘@’ symbol
Grouping – Application Level

 Error appears as shown, preventing user from using the Application attached in
Grouping – Field Level

Field level grouping of user profiles can be done using ID of USER.SMS.GROUP

Use fields:
 Field No
 Data Comparison
 Data from
 Data to
Grouping – Field Level

 Define Conditions, based on which the corresponding application is accessed by the

respective user profile
 Fields -> Interlinked fields
Grouping – Field Level
Grouping – Field Level

 Any FT record created by this User can only have ‘AC’ as the Transaction Type
Grouping – Field Level

 Error appears as the User is not allowed to input Transaction type other than ‘AC’ in the FT
Grouping – Attribute Level

 Attach different attributes to different Users, based on the job specification

 User will be provided access to Menu provided using the field ‘Attribute’
Grouping – Attribute Level

 COMMAND.LINE -> User is allowed to use command line

 EXPLORER -> Allows the user to use the Application explorers
 ENQUIRY.INDEX -> Allows access to the enquiry index, where the user is given access
only to enquiries

 REALTIMEENQUIRY -> Allows the use of real time enquiries for this user
 LOCK.PREFERENCES -> Prevents the user from gaining access to various Desktop
settings including file locations and some system administrative functions

 SUPER.USER -> Allows user access

• To all of the features
• For all future functionality with the exception of REALTIMEENQUIRY
 LOCK.DEACTIVATION -> To Disable "Deactivation profile" menu item on desktop menu

 LOCK.DESIGNERS -> To disable all Designer's menu items on Desktop menu bar.
 LOCK.MISC.ITEMS -> Prevents the user from gaining access to
• user toolbar
• list of enquiries and
• list of reports in desktop
Authorization Rights

T24 generates two types of messages:

 Override message
• Messages that can be overridden by the User
 Error message
• Messages should be corrected before the transaction is committed
• Otherwise, the transaction would be aborted or could not be committed
Example of Override Message
Example of Error Message

 Warning messages pertaining to a transaction

 Prompted to the user before committing a transaction
 User -> Accept/Reject transaction with the warnings
 Accepting Override message will complete the transaction
Tables Involved

Three applications are linked with Override

 OVERRIDE.CLASS.DETAIL -> Define classification & condition
 OVERRIDE.CLASS -> Define Override message & ID of Override Class detail
 OVERRIDE -> Define Override message & Application name

 Override message returns variable data elements

 Specify different Override Classes depending on the variable data element
 ID of OVERRIDE.CLASS.DETAILS -> attached to the Field ‘Override Detail’ of

Define conditions for Override contract Authorization

Data Def
 Define order of the variable data element
 Define Classifications for Override Class
 Specifies the classification type for the override message
 Allow the user to define different levels of approval within each application, according to
the nature of the override

Data Def No.

 Define Field No.
 Field No. called based on application defined in Override Application
 Define field level conditions
 It is an operator linking the Data Def in field 1 to the values for comparison in fields 5 & 6
(Data From & Data To)

 ID -> Application name e.g. FUNDS.TRANSFER

 Override text
• Allows the user to define specific classifications for the override messages of the ID application
• Should be the same as defined in Override application
 Define Record Id from OVERRIDE.CLASS.DETAILS in field ‘Override Detail’

 Override Message can be :

• a simple text e.g. NO LINE ALLOCATED
• a variable text e.g. Unauthorized overdraft of USD 10000 on account 14613
• Where, the Currency, Amount and Account number are variable values
 Define valid data type e.g. CCY for Application defined in field ‘Application’
User Access

User Application -> Attach Override Classification name in field ‘Override Class’
User Access

Input a contract in FT module, and approve the OVERRIDE in the contract

FT Contract
FT Contract - Authorization
Override - Approval

 ID of the final authorizer -> Appended to the Override Message pre-fixed with a *
 Authorize the record using the User attached with the Override ‘MNGR’
Sign-On Reset

Arises when:
 User closes their PC without closing T24
 Hardware or system failure occurs
Types Of Sign Off

 User Initiated
 Inactive Session
 Hardware Failure
Password Reset

 Arises when User has forgotten the password

 Security Administrator can use PASSWORD.RESET to clear the old password
Sign-On De-activation/ Password Reactivation

 User profile can be deactivated and reactivated

 Use -> Tools Menu -> My Profile -> Deactivate Profile
 Enter Deactivation Date & Reactivation Date
Sign-On De-activation/Password Reactivation

Set up of security management system in T24

 Security at various levels including user, application, field and function levels – USER
 Process level approval – OVERRIDE application

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