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Entropy Change of a Solid and Liquid

The liquids and solids can be approximated as

incompressible substances since their specific
volumes remain nearly constant during a process.
Thus, dv≈0 for liquids and solids, and property
relation equation for this case reduces to
T ds  du  P dv  ds 
since Cp=Cv=C and du=CdT for incompressible
dT  T2 
Liquids, solids: s2  s1   C (T )  Cavg ln  
1 T  T1 

Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 1
(8.77/8.60) A 4 L jug of milk at 25°C is placed in
your refrigerator where it is cooled down to the
refrigerators inside constant temperature of 5°C.
Assume the milk has the property of liquid water
and find the entropy generated in the cooling
C.V. Jug of milk
Continuity equation : m2  m1  m
Energy equation: m u2  u1   1Q2  1W2
Entropy equation: dS net  dSc.m.  dSsurr    Sgen
1 Q2
m  s2  s1    1 S 2 gen
Process : P  constant  atmospheric pressure
Engineering Thermodynamics 2
State 1: T1  25o C, V  0.004 m 3
Table B 1.1  v1  v f @ 25o C  0.001003 m3 /kg,
h1  h f @ 25o C  104.87 kJ/kg,
s1  s f @ 25o C  0.3673 kJ/kg.K
V 0.004
m   3.988 kg
v1 0.001003
State 2 : T2  5 C
Table B 1.1  v2  v f @ 5o C  0.001 m3 /kg,
h2  h f @ 5o C  20.98 kJ/kg,
s2  s f @ 5o C  0.0761 kJ/kg.K

Engineering Thermodynamics 3
Process : P  constant  1W2  mP  v2  v1 
Energy equation: m u2  u1   1Q2  1W2
 1 Q2  m  h2  h1 
 3.988   20.98  104.87 
 334.55 kJ
The total entropy generation
1 Q2
1 S 2 gen  m  s2  s1  
 334.55 kJ 
 3.988 kg   0.0761  0.3673  kJ/kg   
 5  273 K 
 0.0421 kJ/K

Engineering Thermodynamics 4
(8.81/8.67) Find the total work and the heat engine
can give out as it receives energy from the rock bed
as described in problem (7.61/7.63) : Write entropy
balance equation for the control volume that is the
combination of the rock bed and the heat engine.

2 m3 , 400 K  290 K To  290 K

C.V: Heat engine + Rock bed out to T0 , W and QL goes out

Energy Eq. : (U 2  U1 )rock = - QL  W
m  ρV  2750 kg/m3  2 m3  5500 kg
QL  T2 
Entropy Eq. : (S2  S1 )rock    mC ln  
T0  T1 
 290 
 5500  0.89  ln    1574.15 kJ/K
 400 
QL  T0 (S 2  S1 ) rock  290 K  (-1574.15) kJ/kg = 456504 kJ

The energy drop of the rock -(U 2  U1 ) rock equals QH of Heat engine
(U 2  U1 ) rock  mC (T2  T1 )
=5500  0.89  (290  400) = -538450 kJ
W  (U 2  U1 ) rock  QL  (  538450) - (456504)  81946 kJ
(8.83/8.65) A 12 kg steel container has 0.2 kg
superheated water vapor at 1000 kPa, both at 200oC.
The total mass is now cooled to ambient
temperature 30oC. How much heat was taken out
and what is the total entropy generation?

C.V. Steel container and water

Energy equation: m u2  u1   1 Q2  1W2
Entropy equation: dS net  dSc.m.  dSsurr    Sgen
1 Q2
m  s2  s1    1 S 2 gen
Process : V  constant  1W2  0

Engineering Thermodynamics 7
State 1: m  0.2 kg, P1  1000 kPa, T1  200o C
Table B 1.3  it is superheated
v1  0.20596 m 3 /kg
u1  2621.9 kJ/kg
s1  6.6939 kJ/kg.K
State 2 : T2  30o C, saturated condition, constant volume process
v2  v1  0.20596 m 3 /kg
Table B 1.1  v f  v2  vg
v2  v f 2 0.20596  0.001004
x2    0.006231
v fg 2 32.8922
u2  125.77  0.006231  2290.81  140.04 kJ/kg
s2  0.4369  0.006231  8.0164  0.48685 kJ/kg.K

Engineering Thermodynamics 8
1 Q2  m u2  u1 
 msteel Csteel T2  T1   mH 2O u2  u1 H O

 12  0.42 30  200   0.2 140.04  2621.9 

 1353.2 kJ
The entropy generation
1 Q2
1 2 gen  m ( s 2  s1 ) 
 T2  1 Q2
 msteel Csteel ln    mH 2O  s2  s1 H O 
 T1  Tsurr

 403   1353.2 
 12  0.42 ln    0.2  0.48685  6.6939    
 473   303 
 0.98 kJ/K

Engineering Thermodynamics 9
(8.128/155) Two tanks contain steam, and they are both
connected to a piston/cylinder as shown in Fig. Initially
the piston is at the bottom, and the mass of the piston is
such that a pressure of 1.4 MPa below it will be able to
lift it. Steam in A has a mass of 4 kg at 7 MPa and
7000C, and B has 2 kg at 3 MPa, 3500C. The two valves
are opened and water comes to a uniform state. Find the
final temperature and total entropy generation.
Control Mass: All water, mA  mB
Continuity Eqn. : m2  mA  mB
Energy Eqn. : m2u2  mA1u A1  mBuB1  1Q2  1W2   1W2
Entropy Eqn. :m2 s2  mA1s A1  mB sB1  1 S 2, gen
State A1: PA1  7000 kPa, TA1  700o C, mA  4 kg
 Superheated (B.1.3)  vA1  0.06283 m 3 /kg, u A1  3448.5 kJ/kg
s A1  7.3476 kJ/kgK, VA  0.2513 m3
State B1: PB1  3000 kPa, TB1  350o C, mA  2 kg
 Superheated (B.1.3)  vB1  0.09053 m3 /kg, uB1  2843.66 kJ/kg,
sB1  6.7427 kJ/kgK,VB  0.1811 m
Assume V2  VA  VB  P2  Plift , 1W2  P2 (V2  VA  VB )
Substituting in Energy eqn.:
m2u2  mA1u A1  mBuB1   P2 (V2  [VA  VB ])
m2 h2  mAu A1  mBuB1  P2 (VA  VB )
 4  3448.5  2  2843.7  1400  0.4324
 h2  3347.8 kJ/kg
State 2 : h2  3347.8 kJ/kg, P2  1400 kPa  Superheated
v2  0.2323 m3 /kg, s2  7.433 kJ/kgK, T2  441.90 C
V2  m2v2  1.394 m3  VA  VB  0.4324 m3
1 2, gen  6  7.433  4  7.3476  2  6.7427  1.722 kJ/K
(8.130/8.150) Water in a piston/cylinder is at 1
MPa, 500°C. There are two stops, a lower one at
which Vmin = 1 m3 and an upper one at Vmax = 3 m3.
The piston is loaded with a mass and outside
atmosphere such that it floats when the pressure is
500 kPa. This setup is now cooled to 100°C by
rejecting heat to the surroundings at 20°C. Find the
total entropy generated in the process.

State 1: P1  1000 MPa, T1  5000 C, V1  Vmax  3 m 3
Table B 1.3  it is superheated
v1  0.35411 m / kg, u1  3124.34 kJ/kg, s1  7.7621 kJ/K

V1 3
m 
v1 0.35411
 8.472 kg
State 1a : P1a  500 MPa, v1a  v1  0.35411 m 3 / kg
At P1a  500 MPa  v f  0.35411  vg  Saturated mixture
T1a  151.86o C  Tfinal  100o C
Process 1  1a : V  C

Vmin 1 m3
State 1b : P1b  500 MPa, v1b  
m 8.472 kg
 0.11803 m3 /kg
At P1b  500 MPa  v f  0.11803  vg  Saturated mixture
Process 1a  1b : P  C and T1b  151.86o C  Tfinal  100o C

State 2 : v2  0.11803 m , T2  100 C

3 0

Table B 1.1  T2  1000 C  v f @100 C  v2  vg @100 C

0 0

 It is a mixture  x2  0.0699
u2  418.91  0.0699  2087.58  564.98 kJ/kg
s2  1.3068  0.0699  6.048  1.73 kJ/K

W2  1aW1b   PdV  P V1b  V1a 

 500  1  3   1000 kJ
Q2  m u2  u1   1W2
 8.472 564.98  3124.34    1000   22682.8 kJ
S2 gen  m  s2  s1   1

 22682.8 
 8.472 1.73  7.7621   
 293.15 
 26.27 kJ/K

(8.131/8.153) A cylinder fitted with a frictionless
piston contains water. A constant hydraulic pressure
on the back face of the piston maintains a cylinder
pressure of 10 MPa. Initially, the water is at 700°C,
and the volume is 100 L. The water is now cooled
and condensed to saturated liquid. The heat released
during this process is the Q supply to a cyclic heat
engine that in turn rejects heat to the ambient at
30°C. If the overall process is reversible, what is the
net work output of the heat engine?

Energy equation: m u2  u1   1Q2  1W2
Process : P  C 
1W2   PdV  Pm  v2  v1 

State 1: P1  10 MPa, T1  700o C, V1  100 L  0.1 m 3

Table B 1.3  it is superheated
v1  0.04358 m3 / kg,
h1  3870.52 kJ/kg
s1  7.1687 kJ/kg.K
m  2.295kg

State 2 : P2  10 MPa, Saturated liquid
Table B 1.2  v2  v f  0.001452 m3 / kg,
h2  h f  1407.53 kJ/kg
s2  s f  3.3595 kJ/kg.K
1 Q2  m u2  u1   1W2
 m u2  u1   Pm  v2  v1 
 m  h2  h1 
 2.295 1407.53  3870.52 
 5652.6 kJ

Heat transfer to the heat engine:
QH   1 Q2  5652.6 kJ
Take control volume as total water and H.E.
Process: Reversible  Snet  0  m  s2  s1  
Qc.v.  TL m  s2  s1 
 303.15  2.295 3.3595  7.1687 
 2650.2 kJ
QL  Qc.v.  2650.2 kJ
Wnet  QH  QL
 5652.6  2650.2  3002.4 kJ

(8.134/159) A piston/cylinder assembly contains 2 kg
of liquid water at 200C, 100 kPa and it is now heated
to 3000C by a source at 5000C. A pressure of 1000
kPa will lift the piston off the lower stop. Find the
final volume, work, heat transfer, generation entropy.

C.V.: Water out to source at 5000 C

Energy equ : m u2  u1   1 Q2  1W2
Entropy equ : m  s2  s1   1
 1 S 2, gen
Process : V  V1 if P  Plift or P  Plift if V  V1
State 1: m  2 kg, T1  20o C, P1  100 kPa
 compressed liquid
v1  v f @ 20o C = 0.001002 m3 /kg, u1  u f @ 20o C  83.94 kJ/kg
s1  s f @ 20o C  0.2966 kJ/kgK
V1  mv1  2  0.001002 m3 /kg = 0.002 m3
State 1a: assume P1a =1000 kPa, v1a  v1  0.001002 m /kg
 Compressed liquid T1a  179.90 C

State 2 : P2 = 1000 kPa, T2 = 3000 C  Superheated vapor

v2 = 0.25794 m3 /kg, u2  2793.2 kJ/kg, s2  7.1228 kJ/kgK
V2  mv2  2  0.25794  0.51588 m3  V1  0.002 m3
 assumption is correct, the piston will lift

1 2  PdV  P2 (V2  V1 )  1000 kPa (0.51588  0.002) m
 513.9 kJ
1 Q2  m u2  u1   1W2  2 kg (2793.2  83.94) kJ/kg  513.9 kJ
 5932 kJ
1 S2, gen  m( s2  s1 ) 
5932.4 kJ
 2 kg (7.1228  0.2966) kJ/kg.K 
773.15 K
 5.98 kJ/K  0

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