Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

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Class :- X
Subject :- Science
1) Magnetic field and Field lines :-
a) Magnetic field :-
The region around a magnet where the force of attraction
or repulsion can be detected is called magnetic field.
Magnetic field around a magnet can be detected by using
a magnetic compass.
b) Magnetic field lines :-
Magnetic field lines are the paths around a magnet along which the
north pole of a magnetic compass needle tends to move.
The magnetic field lines around a magnet can be observed by
sprinkling iron filings around a magnet. It can also be observed by
moving a magnetic compass around a magnet.
i) The magnetic field lines emerge at the north pole and merge at the
south pole.
ii) The magnetic field lines are closer at the poles.
iii) The magnetic field lines do not intersect each other.
2) Magnetic field due to a current carrying conductor :-
If a magnetic compass is placed near a conductor carrying current
(wire), the needle is deflected. This shows that a conductor carrying
current has a magnetic field around it.
If the direction of the current is from north to south, the deflection of
the magnetic needle is towards the east.
If the direction of the current is from south to north, the deflection of
the needle is towards the west.
The magnetic field around a current carrying straight conductor is in
concentric circles. It can be observed by passing a current carrying
straight conductor through a cardboard and sprinkling iron filings on


Right hand thumb rule :-
The direction of the magnetic field around a conductor is given by the
Right Hand Thumb Rule.
It states that ‘ If a current carrying conductor is held in the right hand
such that the thumb points in the direction of current, then the fingers
wrapped around the conductor shows the direction of the magnetic
field ’.
3) Magnetic field due to a current through a
circular loop :-
When current is passed through a circular conductor
(loop) the magnetic field produced is in the form of
concentric circles around the conductor. Towards the centre
the arcs of the circles become larger and appears as
straight line.
4) Magnetic field due to current in a solenoid :-

- A solenoid is a circular coil

of wire in the shape of a

- Often the core of a

solenoid is made of soft iron

- When current passes

through a solenoid it
produces a magnetic field
around itself just like a Bar
Solenoid as a Bar Magnet
The strength of the
magnetic field depends

- Magnitude of current

- Number of turns in coil

- Material of the core

Solenoid – North and South Pole

Each end behaves either as a North Pole or as a South pole

depending upon the direction of the current.

If the end we are looking at is carrying current in the

anticlockwise direction then that end behaves as the North Pole.

If the end we are looking at is carrying current in the clockwise

direction then that end behaves as the South Pole.

Clockwise Anti Clockwise

5) Electromagnet :-
If electric current is passed through a wire wound
around a piece of soft iron, it behaves like a magnet.
Such a magnet is called an electromagnet.

A solenoid can be made to behave like an

electromagnet and it has many useful applications:

⮚Electric Bell
⮚Electric Motors
⮚Magnetic Cranes
⮚Magnetic Locks
Differences b/w Electromagnet & Permanent Magnet

Permanent Magnet Electro Magnet

Magnetic Field Cannot be switched Off. Magnetic Field Can be switched Off.
Magnetic Field Strength can deteriorate over
time. Magnetic Field Strength does not deteriorate.
Polarity of a permanent magnet cannot be Polarity can be reversed by changing the
reversed. direction of the current.

Magnetic field strength can be altered by

Magnetic Field Strength is fixed. changing the amount of current in the circuit.

Does not require electrical Energy. Requires electrical energy for functioning.
6) Force on a conductor carrying current in a magnetic
field :-
If a current carrying conductor produces a magnetic field and exerts a
force on a magnet, then a magnet should also exerts a force on a current
carrying conductor.
Eg :- If an aluminium rod is suspended horizontally by a wire between the
poles of a horse shoe magnet and current is passed through the wire,
then the aluminium rod is displaced. If the direction of current is
reversed, the direction of displacement is also reversed. The force
exerted is maximum if the conductor is perpendicular to the magnetic
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule :-
The direction of force (motion) of a current carrying conductor in a
magnetic field is given by Fleming’s Left Hand Rule.
It states that ‘ If we hold the thumb, fore finger and middle finger of
the left hand perpendicular to each other such that the fore finger
points in the direction of magnetic field, the middle finger points in the
direction of current, then the thumb shows the direction of force
(motion) of the conductor’.
8) Direct and Alternating current :-
a) Direct current (DC) :- A current that always flows in one direction
only is called direct current.
The current we get from a battery is a direct current.
b) Alternating current (AC) :- A current that reverses its direction
periodically is called alternating current.
Most power stations in our country produce alternating current. AC
changes direction every 1/100 second and its frequency is 50 Hertz
One advantage of AC over DC is that it can be transmitted over long
distances without much loss of energy.

Direct current Alternating current

Current Current
0.01s 0.02s
Time (s)
9) Domestic electric circuit :-


Earth wire Distrbution box

with main switch
and fuses

Electric power to homes is supplied through the mains. It has two wires. One
is a live wire (positve wire) with red insulation and the other is a neutral wire
(negative wire) with black insulation. The potential difference between the two
wires is 220V. The earth wire with green insulation is connected to a metal plate
kept in the ground.
Two separate circuits are used. One is of 15A for appliances with high power
rating like gysers, air conditioners etc. The other is of 5A for fans, bulbs etc. The
different appliances are connected in parallel so that every appliance gets equal
voltage and even if one is switched off the others are not affected.
The appliances having metallic body like electric iron, refrigerators etc., their
metallic body is connected to the earth wire so that if there is leakage of current,
it passes to the earth and prevents electric shock.
10 a) Electric fuse :-
Electric fuse is a safety device used in electric circuits to protect
the circuit and appliances from damage due to overloading and short
circuit. It is a wire having high resistance and low melting point. If
excess current flows through the circuit, the fuse wire melts and breaks
the circuit. Fuse wire is made of a metal or an alloy of metals like lead,
tin, aluminium and copper. Fuse wire is connected in series with the live

b) Overloading :-
Overloading is caused due to increase in voltage, or if the live wire
and neutral wire comes in contact or if too many appliances are
connected to a single socket. It results in overheating of the wires and
can cause damage to the circuit and appliances.

c) Short circuit :-
Short circuit is caused when the live wire and neutral wire comes in
contact and the current suddenly increases in the circuit. It causes
spark, fire and damage to the circuit and appliances.

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