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• Fidya ayu
• Muhimmatul ulya
• Alfina nurlaily

Deixis is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic things we do with
utterances. It means ‘pointing’ via language. It is clear that deixis is a pragmatic study.
Deixis is a word, phrase or expression whose reference can change depending on who is the
speaker, the time, the place where the unit of language is spoken. Any linguistic form used
to accomplish this ‘pointing’ is called a deictic expression.
Types Of Deixis Attributive

Person Deixis Spatial Deixis Temporal Deixis

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Person Deixis

Person Deixis clearly operates on a basic three-part division. Exemplified by the pronouns for first
person (i), secont person (you), and third person (he, she or it).

In many languages these deictic categories of speaker, addressee, and other (s) are elaborated with
markers of relative social status (for example, addressee with higher status versus addressee with lower

Deictic words in person deixis are the variations of personal pronouns and objective pronouns, such
as:I, You, We, They, She, He, It, Us, Me, Them, Him, and Her.
Spatial Deixis Temporal Deixis
The concept of distance already Temporal deixis is another category of
mentioned is clearly relevant to spatial deictic expressions. It refers to an event
deixis, where the relative location of of an utterance, which takes place any
people and things is being indicated. time relative to the speaking time and is,
In considering spatial deixis, however, it therefore, represented by tense, time
is important to remember that location adverbials and sometimes by spatial
from the speaker’s perspective can be prepositions such as in the evening, at
fixed mentally as well as physically midnight, on time . The psycological
speakers temporarily away from their basis of temporal deixis seems to be
home location will often continue to use similar to that of spatial deixis. We can
‘here’ to mean the (physically distant) treat temporal events as objects that
home location, as if they were still in move toward us (into view) or away
that location. from us (out of view). In English, people
An example would be “here” and “now” can find some examples of temporal
in the sentence “You read this here and deixis. It can be found in the use of time
now”. “Here” is an example of spatial signal, such as: now, soon, recently, then,
deixis, and “now” is an example of yesterday, this year. Besides, it is usually
temporal deixis. found in the use of tenses.
The basic distinction presented so far for person, spatial, and
Deixis and temporal deixis can all be seen at work in one of the most
common structural distinctions made in english grammar-that
Grammar between direct and indirect (or reported) speech.
Their interpretation depends on the contexs, the speaker’s
intention, and they express relative distance.

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