Life Before Prophet Hood.

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570 AD – 609/610 AD

• The Prophet (PBUH) was born in a well-known tribe, the Quraysh “care takers of the Kaabah” who had a
place of honor in the Arabian society. The Prophets family was Banu Hashim. His grandfather Abdul
Muttalib had twelve sons: one of them was Hazrat Abdullah. Abdul muttalib married his son Abdullah to
Aminah (a pious women with many excellent qualities) belonged to Zahra tribe. After marriage” Hazrat
Abdullah travelled to Syria on his way back he died in Madinah and buried.

• After the death of the Prophet’s(saw) father and the return Aminah to Makkah, a few months passed by,
On a Monday in the morning of 9thRabiulawal 570/571 AD THE Prophet came to this world. When his
grandfather Abdul Muttalib was informed of his birth he was overjoyed. He picked up Prophet SAW
kissed him on the forehead pressed him to his heart and take him to make a tawaf of the. He gave him
the name of Muhammad to him, which was a new name and the people were surprised at it. They
asked Abdul Muttalib for its meaning and he said it means the “praised one.” “(Hazrat Aminah fed the
Prophet SAW milk for some days and then the freed slave girl of Abu lahab “Sobia” fed him for some

• It was the general custom of the Arabs living in towns to send their children’s away to Bedouin wet
nurses so they might grow up in the free and healthy surroundings of the desert and also learn the pure
Arabic languages. Shortly, after the Prophet’s birth wet nurses visited Makkah from the surroundings,
they took babies in the care but none offered to take the Prophet (PBUH). He was an orphan, so they
did not expect high wages from his guardian. A wet nurse Halima Saadia RA from the tribe of Banu Saad
did not get any baby and also did not want to return empty handed so accepted Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) after consulting her husband.

• They had a she camel whose milk was never sufficient for one person but now it could satisfy the whole
family. The she camel was also very slow but on returning to their village Bani Saad, camel started
running very fast. Likewise, earlier she lived in poverty, but now after the arrival of the Prophet (PBUH)
she became well off. After two years of the Prophet’s stay Hazrat Haleema (RA) requested to keep the
Prophet for more time, and was accepted by Hazrat Aminah (RA).

• As narrated By Hazrat Anas (RA) in Sahih Muslim: “Jibrael Came down and ripped his chest open and
took out the heart, he then extracted a blood clot out of it and then said “that was the part of Satan in
you” and then he washed it with water of zamzam in gold basin after that the heart was joined together
and restored to its place the boys and the playmates came running to his mother, i.e. his nurse and said
“ Verily, Muhammad (PBUH) has been murdered.” They all rushed towards him and found him all right
only his face was white.” (it is also report that “angels also preserve the sign of Prophet hood between
his two shoulders at that time.”) At that time the Prophet (PBUH)was 4 years. After this even, Hazrat
Halima (RA) was worried about the Prophet (PBUH) and returned him to his mother with whom he
stayed until he was six.

• In respect of the memory of her late husband. Hazrat Aminah took the Prophet (PBUH) to the Madinah
to visit the grave. Hazrat Umm e Aiman (RA) her slave accompanied them. On the way back Hazrat
Aminah dead and was buried at “Abwa”. Umm- e -Aiman returned to the Makkah with the Prophet
(PBUH) and entrusted him to Abdul Muttalib the Grandfather.

• When he was 8 years old his grandfather also died. Before his death he entrusted him to the care of his
uncle Abu Talib ( the next leader of the tribe after Abdul muttalib ) who loved him like his son even
never had meal with the Prophet(PBUH). Abu Talib also make him sleep on his own bed. The Prophet
(PBUH) never participated in any sinister activity even in his boyhood. “once of few boys of Quraysh
forced him to enjoy a marriage celebration where there was dance and music too but as he reached the
spot he was overtaken by sleep and kept sleeping the whole night and got up only when the assembly
had dispersed.”

• At the stage of twelve, his uncle Abu Talib intended to travel with the caravan of Quraysh to Syria.
Seeing his grief uncle took along with the caravan. During this journey, at the place of Basra Christians
monk by the name of Jurjais (known as Bahira) meet the caravan and forecasted an outstanding future
for the Prophet (PBUH) and said: “ this is the master of all humans. Allah will send him with a message
which will be mercy to all being.” Abu talib asked “how do you know that,” He replied “when you
appeared from the direction of the Aqaba , all stones and trees prostrated themselves, which they
never do except for a Prophet(PBUH). I can recognize him also by the seal of Prophet hood which is
below his shoulder ,like an apple. We have got to learn this from our books” Ultimately, he advised Abu
Talib to send him back to Makkah and not to take him to Syria for fear of the Jews Abu talib obeyed and
sent him back to Makkah with some of his servants.

• When Prophet was 14/15 years, a war broke out between the Quraysh and the Qais tribe over a pretty
revenge issue. It was called al-fajr . Prophet (PBUH) didn’t actually participate in any of the hand fighting
nor did he charge the enemy himself. His job was only to gather the arrows for re-use by his own sides
archers. The war lasted around for 4 years but neither side won any battle. A short time later, a peace
agreement was formed and several people took pledge to obey it, called Hulf-ul-fuzul.

• Not only in Makkah but also throughout Arabia his virtues, a uprightness, honesty and truth worthiness
become known to everyone and they called him as SADIQ and AL AMIN instead of calling him by his
name. When the Prophet (PBUH) grew young, he started trading and the people were very happy
because of his fair dealings and graceful behavior. One of the Prophet(PBUH) companions ,Hazrat Saib
(RA) stated his experience ( when he was his business partner in ignorance period ) in the presence of
the Prophet(PBUH) ; “ may my mother and father sacrificed for you, once you had been my partner in
business and you always made fair dealings”.
• When the Prophet (PBUH) was about 22/23 years old, the fame of his exemplary character had already spread all over.
Hazrat Khadija (RA){a business women of great honor and fortune} who was by now looking for such a man of
excellent character to look after her business, as her father had died in the battle of fajar and left her a large fortune.
Many notables of Quraysh recommended the Prophet(PBUH) for the task, therefore she sent a message to
Prophet(PBUH) stating that ’if he agreed to take her merchandise to Syria then she would pay him twice as much she
payed to others’ the Prophet(PBUH) with the approval of Abu Talib accepted her offer and went towards Syria. She also
sent her slaves, Maysara, along to secretly watch how Muhammad (PBUH) behave and conduct himself. The trip was a
stunning success and on return to Makkah Maysara greatly praised the Prophet (PBUH) ‘s virtues and trading skills ,
saying: “Among all the young men of Makkah whom I know well, there are non comparable to Muhammad (PBUH).“
Hazrat Khadija (RA) was already predicted by Waraqa bin Naufal (RA) ” about the apostleship of Muhammad (PBUH)
and impressed by these qualities too, so after few days she sent marriage proposal through her close friend Nafisa.
After consulting with the uncle Abu Talib, the Prophet (PBUH) accepted her proposal. The marriage was not delayed.
Within three months of his return from Syria, Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija (RA) was married. Abu Talib
solemnized the Nikkah, the Prophet (PBUH) was 25 years of age and Hazrat Khadija (RA) was 40.
• Due to the heavy rains and flood the walls of Kaabah sustained the damage. Thus, it was the decide to
reconstruct the Kaabah building. Abu Wahab bin Amr (the Prophet’s uncle) suggests people to donate only
pure money in this cause, because “Allah is pure and he accepts only pure” . All the people including the
Prophet (PBUH) contributed physically and financially to this construction actively, though initially they were
reluctant when the time came for the laying of Hajre Aswad at its place, there a disagreement occurred
amongst tribes. Every tribe wanted this honor and soon the tribal leaders began to quarrel and unbuckled their
swords. This dispute lasted for four days and then an old and wise men, “Umayyah bin Mughaira” suggested:
“let the first one who enters the gate name Al Safa in the morning, decide the matter for us” The next morning,
the Prophet (PBUH) was the first one to enter the Haram and the people cried but: “it is Muhammad Al Amin!
We will abide by his decision”. The Prophet asked for a sheet, put Hajre Aswad on it and directed the chiefs of
every tribe to hold the corner of the sheet and took it to the place where it is to be placed. Then he himself
lifted the stone by his hands and put it at the designated corner. Though, the Prophet (PBUH) wisdom and his
intelligence saved the Makah’s from the dreadful war. At that time Prophet was 35 years old.

• He was 32 or 33 years of age when he developed in himself a love for seclusion and privacy. He naturally
hated polytheism. Once during a meeting, the pagans served him some food which had already been
dedicate to the idols. He put it aside towards Zaid bin Amr. But he also refused to eat saying:” We don’t
eat from the food that was offered to idols “. During the hours of privacy, he would ponder over divine
powers and kept praising his Lord, the more he was drawing near the age of 40, the more he felt
attracted to privacy.

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