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Transportation Engineering

Engr. Jabir Ali keerio

Lecturer Civil Engineering Technology
BBSUTSD Khairpur Mirs

BSc – 20 Batch
Transportation Engineering

Transportation engineering is the main branch of Civil


It deals with planning, designing, operation and maintenance

for safe, economical, comfortable and efficient transport system
for the movement of vehicles, bicycles, goods and pedestrian.
Importance of Transportation

Every product needs Transportation

Easy access from one place to another
Availability of raw materials can be provided to manufacturing
People of remote area can come closer to the city or town
It saves time.
Reduce distance
Importance of Transportation

Economic growth
Preservation of quality of goods
Industrial development
Agricultural development
Helpful in the time of war
Beneficial in reducing the cost of goods
Modes of Transportation

1. Highways
2. Railways
3. Airways
4. Waterways
5. Pipelines
6. Cables
Modes of Transportation

1. Highways
It is the major source of transportation
It provides door to door service
Other modes of Transportation depend on it
It requires small investment for Government
Motor vehicles cheaper than other carriers
It saves time for short distances
High degree of accidents
Modes of Transportation

2. Railways
Railway is the cheapest source of transportation
Huge amount of goods can be transported at
lowest rate
It depends upon roadways
Safer as compare to road transport
Modes of Transportation

3. Airways
 It is fastest mode of transportation among all
other modes

It is more comfortable

It saves lot of time

Modes of Transportation

4. waterways
 It is slowest mode of transportation among all

It can be possible between ports on sea routes

or along the river

Modes of Transportation

4. waterways

Docks & harbors

• It is used to carryout International trade
It is known as Shipping
• Huge amount of goods can be transported internationally at
cheapest rate
• No restriction on the no. of ships to travel in sea
Modes of Transportation

5. Pipelines
This mode is used for transportation of Water,
oil and gases
Modes of Transportation

6. Cables
This mode of transportation is restricted to small places
likely in hilly areas where due to steep gradients it is not
possible to construct a road
 These are also used in elevators in high rise buildings
These are also used in fun lands and Disney places.
Types of Road

1. National Highway
2. State Highway
3. District Roads
4. Village Roads
Types of Road

1. National Highway
o The highway that runs through the length
and width of country

o It connects capitals, large cities, foreign

highways, ports and other roads
Types of Road

2. State Highway
o All other main roads of state or province
connecting up with national highway

o Connecting large cities and head quarters

within state
Types of Road

3. District roads
o Roads traversing each district, serving areas of
production and markets.

o These are connected with highways and railways

o Capable of taking road traffic into the rural areas
Types of Road

4. Village roads
o These types of roads are used in rural areas to
connect villages with each other.

o These are connected with nearest district roads

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