Festivals in China

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Festivals in China

Starting Questions
• What is your favorite festival?
• Why?
• What do people usually do on the date of the
festival? Is there any special rituals for it?
• What do people usually eat on the date of
the festival?
Discussion Questions
• Do you have memory that you won’t forget
about any festival?
• Is it good or bad?
• Could you share with us?
New Year in China
• Why is it called the Spring Festival?
• Holiday marks the end of the coldest days.
• People welcome spring and what it brings:
– Planting
– New beginings
– Fresh starts
New Year in China
• Is there set date for this holiday?
• No, Chinese New Year ranges from January
21st to February 20th .
• From the first day to the 15th day of the first
moon in a new year.
• In 2019, it occurs on February 5th . Year of the
Pig .
New Year in China
• With whom do you celebrate it?
• With a family.
New Year in China
• Are there special foods connected with the holiday?
New Year in China
• What color is the
symbol of New Year?
• Red
• What does it
• Red is the symbol of
happiness, success,
beauty, and good
New Year in China

• Do you get some present for New Year?

• Red envelope.
• What is in it?
• Money.
• What do you usually buy for it?
• According to the tradition, the money can
be spent for food and clothes as a wish of
prosperity and happiness.
New Year in China
• Why do people use the firecrackers during
Spring Festival?
• Tradition is based on the myth of Nian, the evil
monster, who is afraid of the loud voice of the
Lantern Festival
• According to tradition, when did the Lantern
Festival originate?
• During the 1st century.
Lantern Festival
• When is the Lantern Festival celebrated?
• The 15th day of the first month of the Chinese
New Year.
Lantern Festival
• Again according to tradition, whom did the
festival honor?
• Buddha
Lantern Festival
• What is the meaning of releasing the
• It symbolises people letting go of their past
selves and embracing new identities for the
coming year.
Lantern Festival
• Why has the Lantern Festival sometimes been
called the Chinese Lovers Festival?
• Because it provided a rare occasion for young
men and women to meet.
Lantern Festival
• What is one of the oldest customs of the Lantern
• Lantern riddles
• Riddles are traditionally posted on the surface of th
lanterns for people to solve. Gifts, prizes and even
money are given to the clever people who solve the
Mid-Autumn Festival / Moon Festival
• Do you know what festival do Asian people
celebrate on the 15th the eight month?
Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival
• How do people celebrate it?
• They eat dinner and mooncakes under the full
Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival
• What is the name of a special, sweet cake that
people usually eat on Mid-Autumn festival?
• Mooncake
Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival
• Why are the mooncakes round?
• They represent the full moon.
Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival
• What is the main ingredient of a tradition
• Egg Yolk
Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival
• What is the animal associated with this
• Rabbit

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