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Group no : 2
Roll no : 7/ 8 /10 /13 /14/ 16 /45
 Introduction to Project Selection Methods
 Strategic Alignment Method
 Benefit-Cost Analysis Method
 Scoring Model Method
 Expert Judgment Method
Introduction to Project Selection Methods
 Project selection is a crucial process for any organization.
Choosing the right projects can determine the success or
failure of a company. There are several methods that
organizations use to select projects.
 The first method is based on financial criteria. Projects are
evaluated based on their potential return on investment,
payback period, and net present value. This method is
useful for organizations that prioritize profitability over
other factors.
Strategic Alignment Method
 Thestrategic alignment method evaluates projects
based on how well they align with the
organization's goals and objectives. Projects that
contribute to the overall strategy of the
organization are given priority.
 Thismethod is useful for organizations that have a
clear strategic plan and want to ensure that all
projects support that plan.
 Benefit-Cost Analysis Method
 The benefit-cost analysis method evaluates projects based
on their total benefits and costs. Benefits may include
increased revenue, improved customer satisfaction, or
reduced expenses. Costs may include labor and materials.
 Projects with a higher ratio of benefits to costs are given
priority. This method is useful for organizations that want
to maximize the overall value of their project portfolio.
 Scoring Model Method
 The scoring model method assigns scores to different
projects based on various criteria, such as strategic fit,
financial impact, and technical feasibility. Projects with
higher scores are given priority.
 This method is useful for organizations that want to take a
holistic approach to project selection and consider multiple
factors in their decision-making process.
 Expert Judgment Method
 The expert judgment method involves consulting with
experts in the field to evaluate different projects. These
experts may include industry professionals, consultants, or
 This method is useful for organizations that have limited
experience in a particular area or want to ensure that they
are making informed decisions.
Topic no:2
Development of a Project Charter
 Introduction
 Developing a project charter is an essential part of any project management
process. It outlines the project's goals, objectives, scope, stakeholders, and
deliverables. The project charter serves as a roadmap for the project team to
follow throughout the project lifecycle.
 The project charter provides a clear understanding of the project's purpose, which
helps the team stay focused on the project's objectives. It also helps in identifying
potential risks and issues that may arise during the project and prepares the team
to handle them effectively.
 Key Components of a Project Charter
 The key components of a project charter include the project's scope, objectives,
timeline, budget, stakeholders, and potential risks. The project scope defines what
is included and excluded from the project. The objectives outline what the project
aims to achieve and how success will be measured.
 The project timeline identifies the start and end dates of the project and any
critical milestones along the way. The budget outlines the financial resources
required to complete the project. The stakeholders are the individuals or groups
who have an interest in the project's outcome. Finally, potential risks are identified
and assessed to ensure they are managed effectively throughout the project.
 Benefits of Developing a Project Charter
 Developing a project charter has several benefits. It ensures that all stakeholders
have a clear understanding of the project's purpose and objectives. This helps in
aligning everyone's expectations and reducing misunderstandings. It also helps in
identifying potential risks and issues that may arise during the project and
prepares the team to handle them effectively.
 The project charter serves as a communication tool for the project team and
stakeholders. It provides a common understanding of the project's scope, timeline,
budget, and objectives, which helps in keeping everyone on the same page.
Finally, it serves as a roadmap for the project team to follow throughout the
project lifecycle, ensuring that the project is completed successfully.
Developing a Project Charter
 Developing a project charter requires collaboration between the project sponsor,
project manager, and other stakeholders. The project sponsor is responsible for
providing the necessary resources and support for the project. The project
manager is responsible for developing the project charter and ensuring that it
aligns with the project's goals and objectives.
 The project charter should be developed using a collaborative approach that
involves all stakeholders. This ensures that everyone has a clear understanding of
the project's purpose, objectives, and scope. Once the project charter is developed,
it should be reviewed and approved by all stakeholders before the project begins.
Tpoic no: 3
Project Management Plan
 Introduction to Project Management Plan
 Developing a project management plan is a crucial step in ensuring
the success of any project. A project management plan outlines the
approach, processes, and procedures that will be used to manage a
project from start to finish.
 The plan should include details such as the scope, schedule, budget,
resources, communication, risk management, and quality control. It
should also define roles and responsibilities, identify stakeholders,
and establish a framework for monitoring and controlling the
 Creating a Schedule
 Developing a project schedule is another critical component of the
project management plan. The schedule should outline all the tasks
and activities required to complete the project, along with their
dependencies and durations.
 It's important to create a realistic schedule that takes into account
any potential delays or roadblocks. The schedule should also be
regularly reviewed and updated throughout the project to ensure that
it remains on track.
 Managing Resources
 Managing resources is another key aspect of the project
management plan. This includes identifying the necessary personnel,
equipment, and materials required to complete the project, as well as
developing a plan for acquiring and managing these resources.
 It's essential to ensure that the right resources are available at the
right time to avoid delays or cost overruns. The project manager
should also establish clear communication channels with the team
members responsible for managing the resources.
 Risk Management
 Identifying and managing risks is a critical component of the project
management plan. The plan should include a risk assessment, which
involves identifying potential risks and their likelihood and impact
on the project.
 The project manager should develop a plan for mitigating and
responding to these risks to minimize their impact on the project. It's
also important to regularly review and update the risk management
plan throughout the project to ensure that it remains effective.
 Quality Management
 Quality management involves ensuring that the project meets the
required quality standards. The quality management plan outlines
the approach to be taken to ensure that the project deliverables meet
the customer's expectations.
 The quality management plan also includes the process for quality
control, which involves monitoring and verifying that the project
deliverables meet the specified requirements and standards.
 Quality Control
 Ensuring quality control is another essential aspect of the project
management plan. The plan should outline the quality standards and
procedures that will be used to ensure that the project meets the
required level of quality.
 The project manager should establish a system for monitoring and
controlling the quality of the deliverables throughout the project.
This may involve conducting regular inspections, testing, and audits
to ensure that the project meets the required standards.

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