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We have discussed the factors affecting the climate of an


Surrounding Bodies of Water
Ocean Current
Climate Change
Climate change is the change in Earth's overall
climate. Climate change is a long-term change in the
average weather patterns that have come to define
Earth's local, regional and global climate.
Effects of Climate Change;

Extreme Heat
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Severe Weather
Health Issues
What are the causes of
Climate Change?
Burning Fossil Fuels
What do you think is the effects of burning of
fossil fuels to our environment?
Burning fossil fuels refers to the burning of oil, natural
gasses and coal to generate energy, We use this energy
to generate electricity and to power transportation.
Burning fossil fuels creates air pollution that is
harmful to human's health and to the surroundings.
Burning fossil fuels generates toxic emissions that
drive climate change. 
From the electricity that lights our home to the cars we drive to work,
all of them was built on burning fossil fuels. 
What do you think is the best way to lessen the use of those fossil
What do you think is the reason why deforestation caused climate change?
Deforestation causes flooding, soil
erosion and ecological destruction.
Deforestation can be defined as a
large scale of removal of trees
from forest or other land for the
human sake or activities. 
What do you think you can do to prevent deforestation?
Extreme Livestock Farming
What do you think will be the effect of extreme livestock farming on our
Extreme livestock farming is
responsible for more greenhouse
gasses emission. Emissions are
caused by food production,
fermentation, and animal waste.
Nearly 15% of total global greenhouse gas emission is produced by extreme
livestock farming, which is greater than all the transportation emissions combined.  
What do you think will happen if humans continue burning
fossil fuels, deforestation and extreme livestock farming?

-Extreme Climate Change.

-Gasses Emission will increases.
-Health Issues will be the number one
-Air and Water Pollution
-Earth will no longer be habitable.
What do you think are the effects of climate change
on human health?
Facts or Bluff
Mother Earth Task

Each group need to;

-Pick one planet Earth. ( Each planets has a corresponding task. )

-Each group will need to complete the given task on time ( 15 Minutes )
-Once completed, the groups will present their work in front of the class.
Rubrics in Scoring the Task.
To be written in ½ dross wise of paper, list down 5 things that you can do as a student to help conserving energy
inside your homes. 
Previous Lesson:
Calculated the amount of substance used to produce in
a chemical reaction. 
Hi, I’m
Milo and I
need your
Milo's house is full of dirt, dust, stain and the dirt
invited flies, mites and cockroaches all over his room
and kitchen. Cleaning the dirt with simple water and
cloth alone will take a longer period of time and will
require so much energy to completely finish the task.

What do you think is the best way to clean his house?

Understanding the Chemistry of
Households Cleaning Products. 
What is Chemistry?

chemistry is the science that deals with the

properties, compositions and structures of
the substance. 
Cleaning Materials/Products
Boric Acid

Bleach is the generic name for any chemical product

that is used industrially or domestically to remove
color (whitening) from fabric or fiber or to clean or to
remove stains in a process called bleaching.
Cleaners with bleach like Lysol All Purpose are
best for cleaning and disinfecting bathrooms and
kitchens. Clorox Clean-Up and professional
strength Clorox Healthcare bleach cleaners are
excellent for cleaning stains, disinfecting and
If we accidentally ingest the bleach what will happen to us?

Ingestion of bleach products can cause injury to

esophagus, stomach, irritation and vomiting. In case
we accidentally ingest, we must ask our doctors for
first aid and to avoid more complications.
Boric Acid
Boric acid and its sodium borate salts are active
ingredients in pesticide products used as insecticides,
algaecides, herbicides, fungicides and as wood
This is harmful if ingested and/or inhaled.
Borax is a powdery white substance, also known as
sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium
tetraborate. It's widely used as a household cleaner and
a booster for laundry detergent.
Another uses of borax are;

1.Teeth bleaching Products

2. Household Cleaner
3. Flame Retardant
4. Home Insulation
5. Laundry Booster
6. Pesticides
Formalin is a 37% solution of formaldehyde gas in water.
Diluted to 5% formaldehyde it is an effective disinfectant;
at 0.2% - 0.4% it can inactivate bacteria and viruses.

Unlike chlorine, formalin does not corrode stainless steel.

 Household products such as glues, permanent press fabrics, paints,
coatings, and paper products; Preservatives used in some medicines,
cosmetics and other consumer products such as dishwashing liquids
and fabric softeners; and. Fertilizers and pesticides, contains formalin.

Formalin is used in laboratories for the preservation of animal specimens

also use for embalming. 
What will happen if we ingest formalin?
 can result in severe corrosive injury to the esophagus
and stomach. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
pain, inflammation of the stomach and even death.
A detergent is a substance or a mixture containing
soaps and/or surfactants (any organic
substance/mixture) intended for washing and cleaning
Lye are commonly used for soapmaking and pH
adjustment. They can also be used on their own,
directly, for cleaning purposes. While they can be very
effective when used for cleaning, they are also
corrosive with inherent hazards that must be respected.
What specific type of cleaning product is lye?
Lye (also known as caustic soda or sodium hydroxide)
is sometimes found in drain and oven cleaners. These
types of cleaners are used to unclog sink drains or in
the bathroom. They should not be stored in the kitchen
or bathroom cabinets.
A non-corrosive, chlorine-free hard surface
cleaner. Removes and stops regrowth of algae, moss
and fungi. Suitable for use on walls, paths, roofs, tiles,
patios and other hard surfaces.
This is used as a swimming pool disinfectant.
If you swallow these chemicals your throat will burn
and this may cause death

Chemicals are very harmful to our health, though this is very helpful in cleaning usage. We need to use these
chemicals with extra care. 
Sample Scenario:
Your bathroom is dirty and you want to
clean it, though you are allergic to
bleach products. What kind of cleaning
products can you use aside from
Fact of Bluff
My Own Cleaning Products.

Cleaning Products Name.

Directions, Caution Warnings, Ingredients and Storage
and Disposal Instructions.
What makes your product unique from others?
Rubrics in Scoring the Task
How important are cleaning products in our daily lives? 

To be written in ½ dross wise of paper, list down 5

cleaning products that you can see at your home and
make an explanation on how this products helps you
and your family in daily household cleaning activities. 

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