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A Basic Guide to Food

If you own a foodservice business, you know
that food plating and presentation are central to
keeping guests happy as they experience your
restaurant. However, plating is often
overlooked by chefs who are either too busy or
more concerned with the taste of their dishes.
People eat with their eyes, and
creative and thoughtful plating
enhances both the look and taste of
your food. Focusing on
presentation also allows chefs to
showcase their creations and
demonstrate to guests that they're
getting their money's worth.
While there aren't any hard and
fast rules when it comes to
"correct" plating, there are several
important concepts to keep in mind
as you prepare and present your
restaurant's delicious culinary
Things to Remember Before
You Begin Plating Food

Before you begin preparing your dish, you should

consider the kind of cuisine you're serving. Are
you making a hearty steak dinner, or are you
preparing a delicate side dish or appetizer? You
can't start building your plate until all of your
flavors are finalized, so it's wise to have your
ingredients prepared before you begin the actual
plating process.
Additionally, you'll want to consider
portion sizes before you begin plating.
To do so, focus on balancing your
protein, carbohydrate, and vegetable to
create a nutritionally balanced meal.
Ultimately, carefully placed ingredients
create art, but presentation should never
overshadow taste.
Guidelines for Plating Food
For tips and tricks on how to create a
beautiful plate.
1. Choose the Perfect Plate
Selecting the right plate for your meal is key to
attractive food presentation. Here are some things
to keep in mind:
Choose the right plate. One way to
conceptualize plating is to think of yourself as an
artist, the plate as your canvas, and the food as
your medium.
Choose the right size plate. Choose your
plate wisely by making sure it's big enough to
allow your food to stand out, but small enough
that your portions don't look too small.

Choose a complementary plate color. The

color of your plate is also significant. White
plates are popular because they create high
contrast and provide a neutral background for
your colorful creations.
Utilize white space by thinking of the rim as
your frame. When applied to cooking, the rule
of thirds prescribes placing the focal point of
your dish to either the left or right side of the
plate, rather than the center.
2. Placing Your Ingredients
Here are a few of the most important aspects to
consider as you build your dish:
Plate with a clock in mind. As you begin
plating your ingredients, picture the face of a clock.
From the diner's point of view, your protein should
be between 3 and 9, your starch or carbohydrate
from 9 and 12, and your vegetable from 12 and 3.
Use moist ingredients as your base.
Another rule of thumb is to plate moist or
runny ingredients first, as they tend to move
during delivery if they aren't held down by
other foods. One way to anchor runny
ingredients is by placing other foods on top of
them. For example, you can angle sliced meat
or vegetables against purees and mashed
Place food to create flavor bites.
Essentially, flavor bites are forkfuls of food
that combine all of the ingredients in your dish
into one bite. Creating flavor bites is the perfect
accompaniment to creative plating as it pleases
both the eye and the taste buds.
Don't overcrowd your plate.
Be sure to never overcrowd your canvas, and
keep it simple by focusing on one ingredient -
usually the protein. Finding a focal point also
ensures that the accompanying ingredients will
play a complementary, supporting role.
3. Pay Attention to the Details
As you plate your dish, you'll also want to pay
attention to the details:

Think about color and contrast.

One of the best-kept secrets to beautiful
plating is paying close 46attention to the
details. While your focus will obviously be on
the protein, considering how the other elements
of the plate create color and contrast is also
very important.
You can create a beautiful background for
your plate by adding green vegetables or
brightly colored fruits as accent points.
Similarly, try to pair ingredients with
complementary colors as this will further
enhance your dish's visual appeal.
Create height on your plate.
Another way to catch your guests' eyes is to
utilize the power of height. While compactly
stacking ingredients isn't as popular as it was 5-
10 years ago, creating a tall plate can go a long
way towards enhancing visual appeal.
You can also balance out taller ingredients by
leaning long, flat items against them. For
example, you can plate your steak on top of
polenta and lean asparagus spears against them at
a 45-degree angle.
Use texture to enhance your dish.
Finally, don't forget about texture. Contrasting
a smooth vegetable puree with crunchy onion
straws or topping a steak with crumbled blue
cheese creates appealing texture combinations
that are classic in high-end cuisine.
4. Design and Create with Sauces
Once you've plated your main ingredients,
you're ready to top your dish with delicious
sauces. Don't just pour the sauce carelessly all
over the plate, though. Instead, think of your
squeeze bottle or spoon as a paintbrush, and your
sauce as a medium. Then, use them to enhance
your plate.
One way to do this is to create accent dots on one
side of your plate or by lightly drizzling sauce
over the main ingredients so guests get a little bit
of sauce in every bite.
5. Use Garnishes Purposefully

Choose edible garnishes.

As you finish plating, remember that
garnishes must be related to the dish and should
always be edible. Ultimately, they're designed to
enhance and complement the flavors of the
entree you've created, not distract from them.
Place garnishes purposefully.
Similarly, never heap garnishes in one corner
of the plate. Instead, disperse them thoughtfully
in order to add color or texture. Also, avoid using
unappetizing garnishes like raw herbs, large
chunks of citrus, and anything with a strong odor.
Lastly, make sure your garnishes are quick and
easy to apply, so food still goes out piping hot.
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