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Presented By: Dr. Indriati.P . SH., M.kes

Definition of Occupational Health and Safety

According to Government According to the ILO 2008, OSH

According to OHSAS 18001,
is a science for anticipating,
Regulation Number 50 of OSH is all activities to
recognizing, evaluating and
2012, OHS is all activities to ensure and protect the controlling hazards that arise in
ensure and protect the safety and health of workers the workplace that have an
safety and health of workers through preventing impact on the health and well-
through preventing work accidents and occupational being of workers, as well as the
accidents and occupational impacts that may be felt by the
surrounding community and the
general environment.
OHS Objectives
The application of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)
has 3 (three) objectives in its implementation based on Act
No. 1 of 1970 concerning Occupational Safety. The 3 (three)
main objectives of implementing OSH based on Act No. 1
of 1970 are:

1. Protect and ensure the safety of every worker and other

people in the workplace.
2. Ensuring that every source of production can be used
safely and efficiently.
3. Improve national welfare and productivity.

From the elaboration of the purpose of implementing OHS in

the workplace based on Act number 1 of 1970, there is

harmony regarding the application of OHS in the workplace

between Employers, Employees and the
Scope of OSH
The scope of OHS consists of various
aspects, namely technical protection or
protection of workers in order to be safe
from hazards that can be caused by work
tools or materials, and as an effort to
prevent the possibility of accidents and
occupational diseases. OHS must be
applied and implemented in every

1. Work environment
2. Work tools and materials
3. Working method
OHS Function
OHS is designed to provide a guarantee that work activities in
the company can run smoothly.

● Guidelines in identifying, assessing risks and hazards to

safety and health in the work environment
● Reference in providing advice on planning, organizing
processes, workplace design, and implementation of
● Monitor the safety and health of workers in the work
environment and provide advice on information,
education, and training on occupational health and safety
as well as work protective equipment;
● Guidelines in creating hazard control designs, methods,
procedures and hazard control programs.
● Reference in measuring the effectiveness of hazard

control measures and programs.

● A tool in managing first aid in accidents and other
emergency measures.
OHS Targets

The main objective of Protecting people around The safety of the

implementing OHS is to the workplace, namely production process includes
ensure the safety and residents around the the safety of tools and
security of workers workplace. materials used in the
production process.
Types of Hazard in OHS

Physics Chemical Ergonomics Biology Psychology

- Machine use Air contaminants are

- Procedure - Virus - Interpersonal
- Equipment gases, vapors and
- Working - Bacteria relationship
- Materials particulates. Like
position - Animal - Role
- Environmental toxic and radioactive
- Working tool - Plant - Responsibility
conditions gases.
- Lifting load - Mold - Stress
- Noise
- violence
- Vibration

- Temperature
- Lighting
OHS is a science and its application in an effort to prevent the possibility of accidents
and occupational diseases that have begun to develop since pre-historic times. The main
purpose of implementing OSH is to ensure the safety of every worker and other people in the
workplace, every source of production can be used safely and efficiently, as well as
increasing national welfare and productivity by taking into account the sources of OHS
hazards, both physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, as well as psychological hazards.
Matters regarding OHS have been regulated in various acts and regulations as well as
ministerial regulations, decree, circulars and instructions.

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