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The female reproductive organs deal with copulation, fertilization,
growth and development of the fetus and its subsequent delivery.

Classification of female reproductive organs

1. External genitalia- vulva ( Mons pubis, Labia majora, Labia minora Clitoris,
Vestibules, Urethral orifice, vaginal orifice, Hymen, Bartholin gland)
2. Internal genital organs-(a) vagina (b) uterus (c) fallopian tubes (d) ovaries
3. Accessory reproductive organs- mammary glands or breasts
Internal genitalia
Vagina is a , musculomembranous tube which connects uterine cavity to introitus at vulva.
Vaginal canal is 2.5 cm wide. It is widest (3.5 cm) at its uppermost part and narrowest at the lower end (introitus) but
is very distensible as seen during coitus and parturition.

Vaginal walls- 4 walls

• anterior wall (6-8 cm long),
• a posterior wall (7-10 cm long) and
• two lnlernl walls.

Fornices- 4 fornics
• anterior (shallowest),
• two lateral and
• one posterior (deepest) called recto-uterine pouch or cul-de-sac or pouch of Douglas
Relation with others parts of genitalia
Anterior relation-
• Upper one third vagina is related to bladder and uterus
• Middle one third- bladder neck
• Lower one third is related and fused to urethra
• Vesicovaginal septum (connective tissue) separating vagina from bladder and urethra.
Posterior relation-
• lower one third- perineum
• Middle one third- Rectum
• Rectovaginal septum in between rectum and vagina
• Upper one third- is separated from rectum by the rectouterine pouch
Lateral relation-
• Lowermost one third – Vestibular bulb, Bartholin glands and levator ani muscles
• Middle one third- levator ani muscles
• Upper one third- cardinal ligaments, perimetrium
There are four layers in vagina from inside to outside.
1. Mucus membrane is non-comified stratified squamous epithelium with rugae but is devoid of secreting
2. Submucous layer of connective tissue
3. Muscular layer (inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle)
4.Fibrous (adventitial) layer

Blood supply
i. Cervicovaginal branch of uterine artery (a branch of internal iliac artery) supplies upper one-third of vagina.
ii. Vaginal artery, a branch of internal iliac artery, supplies the middle one-third of vagina.
iii. Middle rectal and internal pudendal branches of internal iliac artery supply lower one-third of vagina.

Nerve supply
 Parasympathetic- S2,S3,S4 nerves
 Sympathetic nerves- hypogastric plexus

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