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Subject: IT-402

Topic: Digital Documentation

Grade: X

CB/X/2122 Digital Documentation (Advanced) 1 of 35

Learning Outcomes

 Create and apply styles in a document

 Insert and use images in a document

 Create and use a Template

 Create and customize a Table of contents

 Implement the Mail Merge

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 A style is a set of text formatting characteristics such

as font size, color, and alignment.

 Used to apply a set of formatting choices consistently

throughout your document.

 Styles can be located on the Home tab and Design

Tab, in the  Styles group.

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Style and Formatting window
• The Styles and Formatting window includes the most complete set of
tools for styles.

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Types of Styles
 Paragraph
It contains both paragraph and text formatting attributes:
indents, tabs, font, text size and so on.

 Character
  It formats only characters, not paragraphs.

 Linked
  It is a combination style that can be applied to both
paragraphs and individual characters.

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Types of Styles
 Table

It is applied to tables, to add lines and shading to the table

cells contents.

 List
It is used for presenting information in the form of lists.

The styles can include bullets, numbers, indentation, and

other formats typical for the parts of a document that present
lists of information.
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Creating a new style using drag-drop

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Applying a Style

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Styles and Formatting window

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Style and Formatting window

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Fill Format
 It is used to apply a style to many different areas quickly without

having to go back to the Styles and Formatting window and

double-click every time.

 It is useful when you need to format many scattered paragraphs,

words, or other items with the same style.

 It is easier to use than making multiple selections first and then

applying a style to all of them.

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Fill Format

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Fill Format

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Creating and updating new style
 You can create a new style from the formatting of an object in

the current document.

 For instance, you can change the formatting of a paragraph or

frame until it appears the way you like it , and then you can

turn that object's formatting into a new style.

 This saves time, as you do not have to remember all of the

formatting settings.
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Creating and updating new style

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Creating and updating new style

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Load style from another template or document

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Load style from template or another document

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Creating a new style using drag-and-drop

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Creating a new style using drag-and-drop

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Insert Images in a document

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 A template is a model document that is used to create other documents.

For example: You can create a template for business reports that has your

company’s logo on the first page. New documents created from this template

will all have your company’s logo on the first page.

 Templates can contain text, graphics, a set of styles, and user-specific

setup.information such as measurement units, language, the default printer, and

toolbar and menu customization.

 All documents in LibreOffice are based on templates.

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Using a Template

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Creating a Template

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Creating a Template

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Setting a custom default template

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Table of contents
 The table of contents feature lets you build an automated table of contents

from the headings in your document.

 These entries are automatically generated as hyperlinks in the table.

 Any changes made to the text of a heading in the body of the document or

the page on which the heading appears automatically appear in the table of

contents when it is next updated.

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Creating a Table of Contents (TOC)

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Mail Merge Process
Mail Merge tool allows us to produce multiple
documents from a single document using a data

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Benefits of Mail Merge Process
 Easy to make a change in a single letter and for that change to

reflect in every letter e.g. change the date

 Once the merge has been set up, thousands of letters can be

produced very quickly

 It is easier to proof read just one letter than thousands of

individual letters
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Benefits of Mail Merge Process
 Letters can be sent to people who meet specific


 A standard letter can be saved and reused

 Letters can be personalised

 The same data source and be reused - reducing the

risk of error
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To create a starting Document

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Customizing the Address List

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Customized Address List

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