Resistivity Logging

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Resistivity Logging

Resistivity & SP Tools

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Reference Books
• The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs by Malcolm Rider and
Martin Kennedy
• Chapter 7
• Open hole log and Formation Evaluation by Richard M Bateman
• Chapter 11 For numerical part

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

• Formation: Reservoir quality
• Fluid: Oil, Gas or Water
• Borehole: Environmental factors

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Formation Properties
• Radioactivity
• Porosity
• Grain density
• Pore Size
• Stratigraphy
• Bedding, Dip
• Sonic Velocity
• Seismic Velocity

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Fluid Properties
• Salinity (Resistivity)
• Density
• Saturation
• Pressure
• Temperature
• Viscosity
• Mobility
• Bubble Point

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Borehole Properties
• Depth
• Caliper
• Spontaneous Potential
• Temperature
• Cable Tension
• Deviation, Azimuth

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Basic Resistivity

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Formation Resistivity

Rmc Rs

Adjacent Bed
Rxo Rt
Invaded Rw
h Virgin Zone
Zone Sxo Sw

tmc - mud cake thickness

Adjacent Bed Rm


NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Mud Invasion

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Mud Invasion

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Resistivity Logging
• Electrode type tools (resistivity)
• Laterolog
• Micro Speherically Focused (MSFL)
• Induction Tools (conductivity)
• Dual Induction/HRI
• Array Induction Tools

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Electrode Type Tools
• Force (AC) current between two (or more) electrodes.
• Measure voltage between two intermediate electrodes.
• Force current to flow in zone of interest by using ‘bucking’ currents.
• Do not work in nonconductive muds such as OBM.
• Can give extremely high resolution and depth of investigation.

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Laterolog Principle

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Bucking Currents

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Dual Laterolog Tools
• Two depths of investigation – LLD and LLS
• Deep current returns to a surface electrode.
• Insulated bridle to give a far deep voltage reference.
• Normally run together with MSFL to give Rxo.

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

MSFL Principle

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

• Pad based tool, similar to density.
• Pad is kept in contact by a caliper.
• Pad uses a spherical pattern of bucking currents to focus measure
• Can be affected by hole rugosity.
• Pad is rubber and can be damaged.

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Induction Principles

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Dual Induction Tools
• Two coil arrays emit a high frequency signal to excite the formation.
• The formation current generates a weak secondary signal which is detected by
receiver coils.
• Strong direct signal from transmitter is (approx) 90 degree out of phase with
formation signal.
• Formation signal is focused by combination of coils in array and by source
receiver spacing.
• Reading will be compromised by highly conductive (saline) water-based muds.
• Normally poorer vertical resolution and depth of investigation than laterolog

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Array Induction tools
• Large number of simpler coils at many different spacings.
• The data from all the coils at different frequencies and phases is used
at surface to compute focused Resistivity readings.
• Depths of investigation and vertical resolution become software
• Can be focussed as close as 10” horizontally and 12” vertically.
• More sensitive to erratic tool motion.

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Resistivity Log

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Resistivity Test 1
1. Which three of the following are normally measured in the invaded zone: Rw,
Sxo, Rxo, Rt, Rmf, Sw?
2. In a fresh mud system where Rmf>Rw the deep resistivity would normally be
(HIGHER/LOWER) than the shallow?
3. What is the definition of conductivity?
4. Name the tool types that are normally referred to as ‘electrode’ type tools.
5. On electrode type tools why do we not normally measure voltage at the same
electrodes as the current flows to/from?

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Resistivity Test 2
6. How to we focus the current to flow in the zone of interest?
7. On a laterolog tool where do the shallow and deep currents flow
8. Why does a laterolog use an insulated bridle?
9. What other tool is normally run in combination?
10. Which of the following tools has a built in caliper? (Array Induction,
Dual Laterolog, MSFL, Dual Induction)

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Resistivity Test 3
11. Name two factors that can affect the MSFL reading.
12. Why does the formation signal for an induction tool not get swamped by the
direct signal from the transmitter coil?
13. Induction tools work best in which mud type (Saline/Non Conductive).
14. Laterolog type tools work best in which mud type (Saline/Non Conductive).
15. MSFL type tools work best in which mud type (Saline/Non Conductive).

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Resistivity Test 4
16. SP is an acronym for what borehole property?
17. The SP measures a voltage or a current?
18. The SP system uses 2 electrodes – where are they located.
19. If the SP deflects in the same direction as the GR is Rmf greater or
less than Rw?
20. Name two causes of bad SP logs.

NFC intitute of Engineering & Technology , Multan

Induction Log
• The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs by Malcolm Rider and
Martin Kennedy
• Chapter 5 Page 79
• Open hole log and Formation Evaluation by Richard M Bateman
• Chapter 12 For numerical part
Induction Log
• Induction logs measure the formation conductivity rather than
• Formation conductivity is related to formation resistivity as below:

C= Conductivity in milliohm/m (milliSiemens)
R= Resistivity in Ohm-m
• An induction tool consists of several transmitting coils that emit a high
frequency AC current of constant intensity.
• This alternating current induces currents in the formation.
• These currents flow as ground loop currents perpendicular to the axis
of logging tool and create electromagnetic field which induces signals
in the receiver coil.
• The responses of the individual coils are combined in such a way as to
minimize the effect of materials in the borehole.
• That is the invaded zone and the other nearby formations.
The Induction log
• The induction log works best in a wells containing non conduction
fluids in the borehole (such as air and oil-based mud or freshwater
• They are most affected by salty muds.
• Induction logs work best in low to moderate formation resistivities.
• The uncertainty in the measurements increases at high formation
resistivities making induction log less desirable than Laterolog for high
resistive formations (In which resistivities are greater than about 100
Current Paths
Distribution of
the Formation
Fluids in the
vicinity of the
Resistivity Correction for skin effect
• Rxo= Resistivtiy of the Flushed zone
• Ri= Resistivtiy of the Invaded zone
• Rt= Resistivtiy of the uninvaded (true) zone

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