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Lived Experiences

Academic Achievers
Aldea, Forfieda, Prado, Galas, Tumnog, Bardago
Background of the Study

• Honor students face various struggles and challenges

• They experience stress, anxiety and burnout
• They make a lot of sacrifices
• Social and academic setting can add stress
• They may experience self doubt and anxiety
• It will investigate the challenges they face
• It will investigate their coping mechanisms
Purpose of the Study
• This study’s purpose is to enlighten the readers

• To gain practical skill and knowledge

• Factors that contribute to their academic success

• Factors that contribute to their well-being.

• Provide information about high-achieving students

• To investigate the impact of academic stress

Potential Significance
• Honor students performance may improve
• Parents may understand their children better
• School administrator
• Future researchers may gain more information
• Enlighten the readers about the topic
Scope and Limitaton
• Investigate the different areas of the topic
• The respondents are Senior High School students
• The respondents are persistent honor students
• Respondents are students of Palawan Adventist Academy
• Respondents will be chosen through random sampling
• Will be conducted on May 2023
• Will use quantitative and qualitative research methods
Statement of the Problem
• Will investigate the phenomenological study of students
• What challenges do consistent honor students face
• How doe pressure affect students mental health
• What are the students coping mechanisms?
• How does school environment affect their performance?
Definition of Terms
Operational Definition
• Lime light stealer – to get more attention than anyone or anything else in the situation.
• Impostor syndrome – the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or
has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills. (Oxford
Technical Definition
• Academic performance – represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to
which a person has accomplished specific goals.
• Mental capacity –sufficient understanding and memory to comprehend in a general way
• Valued learning – developing personal values as motivational objectives and behavioral
guidelines is a challenging task.
Review of related literature
• Motivation strategies • Honors and Non-Honors
Gbollie, C. and Pearl Keamu, H. (2017) Buckner, E. and Shores, M. et al (2016)
Cognard, B., Andrew, J. and Spisak, A.L (2019) Hartung, J. (2021)
Carmezo, M. (2020) Plominski, A. and Burns, L. (2017)
Cognard, B., Andrew, J. and Spisak, A.L (2019)

• Stress and Depression • Experiences of Honor students

Jarrad, T., Dry, M. Semmler, C. et al in (2019) Escalera, J., Dimakulangan, M., Escalera, E. (2019)
Closson, L. and Boutilier, R. (2017)
Picone, S. and Slovak, A. (2021)
Apdol, J. and Dioso, T. et al (2021)
• Influences
Cuevas, A. Schreiner,L. et al (2019)
Research Design
• The researchers will use qualitative method
• the researchers will adjust their approach
• This seeks to understand a certain phenomenon
• Participants will describe their past experiences
Ethical Consideration
• Questions can cause harmful to mental health
• Private information will not be leaked
• Ask the legal guardian for permission
• The interview has no other malicious intent
• Questions will be gathered from honor students
• Respondents will be approached with formal manner
• Information that will strengthen their mental stability
Data Gathering Procedures
● Researchers will conduct a face to face interview
● Researchers will observe their respondents closely
● Researchers will use tools to conduct the study
● It will also include open-ended question
● Qualitative interviewing is also use in data gathering
● To provide more participants answers to questions
● Participants may include some other data collection
Data Analysis
● Information gathered from participants will be analyzed
● First step researcher will familiar the data
● Identify all statements in the accounts
● Read the transcript and identify significant statement
● Organize and formulate meanings into clusters themes
● Researcher ralidates their findings to the participants
● Lastly, the researcher will return the findings
Results and discussions
Table 1. Pressure in Meeting Expectations

Pressure experienced by consistent honor students from others

 High expectations from others due to being an honor student
 Family members pressuring them

Difficulties in meeting expectations

 Unspoken disappointment from others
 Tendency to push oneself beyond limits
Table 2. Motivations that contribute to their academic success

Consistent Honor students’ motivation

 Motivated by dreams of success
 Hard working parents
 Goal-focused mindset

Seeking Motivation and Inspiration

 Inspiration from others

 Teachers give support and motivation to students’

Table 3. Difficulties faced by consistent honor students’
Difficulty in balancing academic and social life
 Students’ prioritize friendships over school activities
 Intense dedication to academics led to neglect social life

Lack of motivation and focus

 Lacks focus due to social media

Challenges faced by consistent honor students

 Time management
 Need to prioritize academic performance for financial relief
Table 4. The impact of environment to the Consistent Honor Students’
Impact of family to the consistent honor students
 Role of loved ones in helping individuals navigate challenges
 Right circle of friends

 Parents consistently encouraging their children’

Environment contributing on building a good character

 Growing up in a Seventh Day Adventist family

 Going to a Seventh Day Adventist School
Table 5. factors that contribute to being a Consistent Honor Student
Tasks and responsibilities appointed and carried by consistent honor
 Often chosen as a leader
 led and assist slower learners in their class
Characters that consistent honor students must posses
 Consistent hard work
 Being diligent and persevering
 Maintain balance in actions and decisions

 Actively listen and be receptive

Table 6. Benefits and attributes of being a consistent honor student

Perks of being a consistent honor student

 Opens a path to greater opportunities
Consistency in being an honor student have contributed to the students’ growth
and improvement

 Developed mentally, socially, physically and spiritually

 Learned a valuable lesson of discipline

 Responsibilities molded their characters

Table 6. Consistent Honor Student’s approach to hardships
Coping mechanisms of consistent honor students
 Finding hobbies to relax their mind
 Casting their worries unto the Lord
Strategies and practices that consistent honor students employ
 Reviewing at night or early in the morning
 Pays attention to the teacher and write down important lessons
 Group studies
 Determination to overcome any challenges with God’s guidance

● Pressure in meeting expectations

● Motivations contribute to consistent honor academic
● Difficulties faced by consistent honor students
● Environment’s impact to the consistent honor student
● Factors that contribute to consistent honor student
● Benefits of being a consistent honor student
● Strategies to approach being a consistent honor student
● Consistent honor student struggles on other aspect
● Struggles on maintaining grades and high expectations
● Environment has a big impact on them
● Social media distracts their motivation and focus
● Pandemic causes them negative and positive effects
● A consistent honor student has different benefits
● Consistent honor student can be a leader
● Key recommendations for faculty and other educators
● It may assist and help school administrations
● Counseling centers put in place improved services
● Develop supportive skills like talking and sharing
● Help students learn “Techniques in managing stress”
● Workshops, seminars and conferences on “Time management”
● Equip students with ways of coping with stress
Biblical implication
 mind, character and personality vol. 2
‘I keep your case before me, and I am grieved that you are troubled in
mind. I would comfort you if it were in my power. Has not Jesus, the
precious Saviour, been to you so many times a present help in times of
need? Do not grieve the holy spirit, but cease worrying. This is what you
have many times talked with others. Let the words of those who are not
sick, as you are, comfort you, and may the Lord help you, is my prayer.’
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
1. Can you describe your journey as a consistent honor student? What
challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
2. How has being a consistent honor student influenced your personal and
academic growth? In what ways have you developed as an individual?
3. Could you share an instance when your commitment to academic excellence
clashed with other aspects of your life? How did you handle this situation and
maintain a balance?
4. As a consistent honor student, what strategies or habits have you developed to
maintain your academic achievements? How do you stay motivated and
focused on your studies?
5. In your opinion, what are the key factors that have contributed to your
consistent academic success? How have your family, teachers, or school
environment influenced your journey as an honor student?
6. How do you cope up with academic burnout or stress?
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Significant Statements
Transcript Page Lines

No. No. No.

“…mas malapit ka sa
opportunities kapag
1 1 3
consistent honor student

“nakita kong negative don,

syempre mataas yung
1 1 5
expectation sayo ng tao,
Appendix G
Significant Statements Formulated Meanings
Ano syempre challenge sa ano The statement suggests that the
family ‘yung pressure” pressure experienced by the
individual is caused by their
Appendix H
Formulated Meanings Theme clusters Emergent themes
The person frequently finds it Difficulty in Difficulties faced by
difficult to balance their social balancing academic Consistent Honor
and academic obligations. and social life Students.
Thank you!
A picture is worth a thousand words

Habits Mars Mercury Venus

Habit 1

Habit 2

Habit 3

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