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The yellow

Yesim Zengin
Antía Pazos Lomba
Mariña Soto Arias
Marcos Campos Ballesteros
Charlotte Perkins Gilman

🠶 Born in Hartford in 1860

🠶 Feminist, sociologist, novelist, poet
🠶 Experienced nervous disorder
🠶 Rest cure treatment by Weir Mitchell
🠶 Commit suicide in 1931

🠶 Angel in the house

🠶 Domestic Sphere

🠶 Uncontrollable experience of strong


🠶 Diagnosis for women

Rest cure
🠶 Treatment for nervous disorder
🠶 Keeps women inactive, being isolated

🠶 First person narrator

🠶 Untrustworthy narration
🠶 Stream of conciousness technique

🠶 Exposition: description of the characters and house

🠶 Rising action: Being obsessed with the pattern

🠶 Climax: Psychotic Attack, tearing off all the wallpaper

🠶 Absence of conclusion or Dénouement

🠶 Individual vs society
🠶 “Personally I disagree with their ideas(…) I believe
that congenital work, with excitement and change,
would do me good”

🠶 Between individuals
🠶 “You are better, whether you can see it or not”
🠶 “It is so hard to talk with john about my case”
🠶 Individual vs herself
🠶 “I confess it makes me feel bad”
🠶 Round characters
🠶 3 main characters:
🠶Protagonist: the narrator
🠶Antagonist: John
🠶Minor characters: nanny, relatives, the doctor
The protagonist
🠶 Young woman, upper-middle class
🠶 We know her name at the end of the story
🠶 She suffers from a mental disorder
🠶“temporary nervous depression – a slight hysterical tendency”

🠶 Not comfortable with her situation

🠶You see he does not believe I am sick! and what can one do?
🠶Personally, I disagree with their ideas
The protagonist
🠶Evolution through her journal and the wallpaper

🠶“I wish I could get faster. But I must not think about that. This paper looks to me
as if it knew what a vicious influence it had”

🠶“I think that woman gets out in the daytime! and I´ll tell you why- privately- I´ve
seen her”

🠶“I have watched John when he did not know I was looking, and come into the
room suddenly on the most innocent excuses and I´ve caught him several times
looking at the paper! And Jennie too”

🠶“I´ve got out at last” said I, “in spite of you and Jane. And I pulled off most of
the paper, so you can´t put me back”.
🠶 Doctor and husband of the narrator
🠶 Practical in extreme.
“John is practical in extreme, he has no patience with faith, and an intense
horror in superstition,and he scoffs openly any talk of things not to be felt
and seen and put down in figures”
“John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to
suffer, and that satisfies him”

🠶 He is overprotective and infantilizes his wife:

🠶 ’blessed little goose’” “bless her little heart¨
🠶 Sister in law of the protagonist
🠶 Perfect domestic wife

🠶 “She is a perfect and enthusiastic housekeeper, and hopes for no

better profession. I verily believe she thinks it is the writing which
made me sick”
“Of course I didn´t do a thing. Jennie sees to everything now”
🠶 Place
The house The room The yellow wallpaper.
🠶 “I would say a haunted house”. “I will proudly declare that there is
something queer about it”. “I am afraid, there is something strange
about the house”.
🠶 “the color is repellant, revolting and unclean yellow”; “irritating
Outside of the house
🠶 “the most beautiful place
🠶 “a delicious garden
🠶 “lovely country, beautiful shaded lane, people walking”.

🠶 Time
- In the summer at United States in the 19th century.
- Journal entries :
- “Well, the Fourth of July is over!” “
- our lease will be up in three weeks..”
- “there are only two more days to get this paper off”
- “Hurrah! This is the last day”
🠶 Social context

🠶Her illness postpartum depression rest cure

🠶Work housekeeper patriarchal society

🠶 Atmosphere and mood

🠶 Inside the house: Odd, gothic and glooming atmosphere
-House: haunted house , queer house, there is something
strange about the house...
-Room : windows are barred, astrocius nursery…
-Paper : worse paper in my life, dull enough, the color is
repellant and revolting...

🠶 Outside the house: perfect atmosphere


🠶 Dramatic irony

🠶 Situational irony

🠶 Verbal irony:
“John laughs at me of course, but one expects that in marriage.”
“I am glad my case is not serious!”

🠶 Moon & sun: the duality between men and women.

🠶Causes changes on the wallpaper
“By moonlight-the moon shines in…I wouldn’t know it was the same

🠶 The yellow wallpaper :domestic submission

🠶 The diary: manners of the time and a rebellion against John.


🠶 The confinement and lack of self-expression can lead

someone to madness.

🠶 Curing is not always helpful method for trying.

🠶 The subordination of women to man motivate a not free

and corrupted mind.
Thank you
for listening

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