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Tourism Laws versus Hospitality Laws

traditions, natural resources and facilitate the

Tourism Laws involvement of the private sector & local communities

in tourism development activities.

Tourism Law is a unique area of law which involves

general government regulations and specific travel and

Hospitality Laws
hospitality industry rules. According to the United  Hospitality industry is an industry which involves

Nations’ World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the food service, travel, and lodging industries.

purpose of Tourism Law is to provide a legal and Hospitality Law is introduced to regulate hotels,

regulatory framework for the development and restaurants, bars, country clubs and other public

management of tourism, preservation of cultural accommodations, to provide safety measures within

the law to protect the customers.

Tourism Law
Tourism Law also reflects not only the rights of
international and local tourists,
but also the legal responsibilities of inbound-
outbound tour operators.
Tourism Law comes into play when it involves
goods and services rendered and situations
where laws are there to ensure restaurants are
serving food which are safe to consume and
premises which are free from danger.
Tourism Law also plays an important role in
cases or situations involving terrorism, natural
disasters, protests, and disease break-outs where
visitors and tourists should be aware of their
rights and the safety precaution measures that
should or could be taken at the time
Hospitality Law prevention, fire protection and fire-fighting
requirements. For example, the hotel
Every restaurant must abide by the food safety management must ensure that the sign (Exit)
and regulations to ensure purity of food being can indicate the escape route. This may
supplied to customers. inadvertently help to improve the reputation of
Restaurants must practice safe food handling business as the customers can rest easy by
and violation can lead to legal suit being knowing that the place is safe in the event fire
initiated or fine being imposed. breaks out.
On lodging industry, the hotel management has safety and security aspects play a very vital role
the responsibility to ensure that its buildings are in the hospitality industry. Hotel management
safe to be lived in and used. For example, shall at all times ensure no uninvited guest in the
Section 28 of the Fire Services Act 1988 states premise of the hotel and provide adequate
that every designated premise including hotels measure of protection to their guests from any
shall require a fire certificate which are to be criminal harm such as robbery and theft of
renewed annually. Section 29 of the Fire personal belongings arising from their own
Services Act 1988 further states that Fire and negligence.
Rescue Department shall carry out an annual
inspection on the premises to certify that the
premises comply with the life safety, fire
Kinds of Laws
According to Purpose
1. Substantive law is the set of laws that governs how members of a society
are to behave. It is contrasted with procedural law, which is the set of
procedures for making, administering, and enforcing substantive law.
2. Adjective law – , or rules of court, comprises the rules by which a court
hears and determines what happens in civil, lawsuit, criminal or
administrative proceedings. Protecting certain rights
According to Scope
1.Public law - this law applies to all the state or to particular class of persons in the
state , with equal force and obligation (ex. Political law, criminal law, International
2. Private law – this law relates to class of persons or things.(ex. Commercial Law,
Maritime law, Civil Law).
The preamble to the Philippine Constitution explains
that they are forming a government based on the
values. of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and
peace. It serves as a reminder to people in. a particular
country on how they have achieved their freedom and
what should they do.

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring

the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just
and humane society, and establish a
Government that shall embody our ideals and
aspirations, promote the common good,
conserve and develop our patrimony, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity, the
blessings of independence and democracy
under the rule of law and a regime of truth,
justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do
ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
Political Law
• Election Law
• Voting Rights Law
• Campaign Finance Law
• Legislative and Executive Ethics Code

Criminal Law
• Murder
• Theft
• Robbery
• Rebellion
• Rape
International Law
• Law in Diplomatic and Consular
• International Trade Law
• Human Rights Law
• International Humanitarian Law

Commercial Law
• Consumer Protection
• Business Transaction
• Consumer protection
• Maintain Their reputation
Maritime Law
• Govern private international domestic nautical
• Claim damages and certain benefits

Civil Law
• Family relation
• Libel
• Breach of Contract
• Negligence resulting in injury or death damage
to property
Election law is a branch of public law that relates
to the democratic processes, election of
representatives and office holders,
and referendums, through the regulation of
the electoral system, voting rights, ballot
access election management bodies, election
campaign, the division of the territory into electoral
zones, the procedures for the registration of
voters and candidacies, its financing and
propaganda, voting, counting of votes, scrutiny,
electoral disputes, electoral observation and all
contentious matters derived from them. It is a
discipline falling at the juncture of constitutional
law and political science, an involves "the politics
of law and the law of politics".

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