Exness Strategy Pack - 2022

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Exness Strategy

2022 Strategy Pack

Exness Strategy - Management Pack 1

Executive Summary
We are proud to have grown massively in size over the years, reaching record-breaking Our Internal Strategy supports all the above and our growth through
$2tn trading volume mark. We have achieved this through doing it the “Exness Way”, building a healthy enterprise and most importantly developing our Exness People. We
which is all about a balanced approach to business.
focus on other key areas: software and development capacity, IT security, data
Balance is at the heart of Exness Way. We accept the fact that everything we do has two governance & management and refining our structures & processes built in 2021, as
opposite sides, and the further we go in one direction the more impact we face from the part of Exness Transformation.
other side.
Like any organisation, internally we cannot deliver everything simultaneously, we
Balance should also be embedded in our values. We believe in doing business developed priorities to align our resources & time on a common goal. We swing every
ethicality, whilst leveraging mathematics, algorithms and an academic approach through year between People and Process priorities and 2022 is the year of the People Priority.
our tech professionals. If we balance this with creating things which disrupt the market,
Additionally, we have three new key strategic focuses in 2022, which should be
whilst sustaining a reliable product, we can create a radically different experience for
embedded everywhere in Exness: Crypto, Risk Mitigation and Brand Awareness.
We aim, through our strategy and its successful execution, to continue to maximise our
Our Vision is to “To become the largest broker, globally recognized as a science-
profits and achieve attractive shareholder returns including our employee
driven market maker who consistently provides the best pricing and execution to
shareholders, so we can continue to grow Exness and reap the benefits of a future
traders around the world.” Our strategy defines ways to achieve this, embedding the
growing share price.
balanced approach at the heart of it; it is about striking a balance between our Existing
Business Model & New Business.

Within our Existing Business Model, we focus on 4 main pillars which are, Trading
conditions, Payments, IB network and Customer Service. We focus on generating new
business, through new countries, acquisition channels and types of traders.

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Balanced Approach ……….……….……….

1. 4

3 Our Values 5

4 Our Vision 6

6. Our Strategy 8

8. Our Strategy Map 26

Our External Strategic ……….……….……….

9. 28
Objectives …………………...

Our Internal Strategic ……….……….……….

10. 31
Objectives …………………...

Exness Strategy - Management Pack 3

Introduction to “Balance” and Exness

Balanced approach
We are proud to have grown massively in size over the years, reaching record-
breaking $1.6tn trading volume mark. We have achieved this through taking
balanced approach to business.

In Exness, we accept that everything we do has two opposite sides, and the
further we go in one direction, the more impact we face from the other side. And
so, the concept of balance is embedded within everything we do here, starting
with our values.

From the beginning, Exness has always set a goal of being unique. We imagined
what the most ideal market maker would look like and set out to create an
ethically profitable and driven market maker. Today Exness is not only a
market maker but we have set a benchmark for the industry by living our values
and doing it the "Exness Way".

In the spirit of the well-balanced movement, we update and evolve our brand
values by expanding them and making them support and complement each
other. We intentionally combine values that others may treat as opposites, as we
believe this creates synergy and perfect harmony in everything we do.

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Below are our Exness values embedding
our balanced approach

Good people and Bold and

Tech professionals We need to strike a Reliable
balance in our values

➔ We are Ethical/Good people - We

➔ We are Bold - We are pioneers in
believe we can make money
everything we do, we set goals that
without doing evil.
others are afraid to set and successfully
achieve each of them.
➔ We are Tech professionals - We
use data and sophisticated models
to make decisions and solve
➔ We are Reliable - We always prioritise
problems. It's a part of our culture.
reliability and stable execution, despite
our endeavours to disrupt.

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Now that we have explained our
values, our ultimate Vision is to:

To“become the largest broker, globally recognized

as a science-driven market maker who
consistently provides the best pricing and
execution to traders around the world. ”

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Our Strategy defines ways to achieve our
Vision, which is all underpinned by our
values and our balanced approach

Within our Strategy execution, we must

embed our principle of Balance

TODAY The Destination

VALUES Ethicality Tech professionals Bold Reliability

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We define our Exness strategy through a
balance between External & Internal areas
of focus

We need to strike a
External Strategy balance in our Strategy Internal Strategy
➔ Supporting Exness Growth & Building a
➔ Existing Business
Healthy Enterprise
◆ Best trading conditions for the most traded
instruments. ➔ Developing Exness People
◆ Best payments, especially for established
➔ Building effective Structures &
◆ Best IB platform and account management.
◆ Best customer service especially for IB and ➔ Embedding Information Security
HV traders.
➔ Building a Data and Science Driven
➔ New Business
◆ New Countries ➔ Managing bottlenecks with
◆ New Acquisition Channels management & tech capacity
◆ New Trader Types

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Below are the key 2022 updates to our Exness

External Strategy Internal Strategy 2022 Focuses

We have three NEW strategic focuses,
which should be embedded in our entire
Our External strategy has not changed In 2022, we will support our company strategy.
much since the previous year with focus growth through building a healthy
still on our Existing Business Model enterprise and prioritising Exness
and New Business. To maintain a people. Other key areas highlighted are Crypto
balance between these two areas, we IT security and Data Governance &
have established an organisational Management. We will continue to
Risk Mitigation
structure with dedicated roles to execute develop software and development
the strategy. capacity and refine our existing
structures & processes that were built in Brand Awareness
2021 as part of Exness Transformation.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Existing Business
The following are the 4 main pillars to our existing business

Best Trading conditions Best payments Best customer service Best IB platform and account
The core part of our strategy is to Payments is a critical area of our We aim to focus on scaling our
provide the best trading conditions strategy, especially for established service to low-value clients and offer Our IB network is our largest
& environment to our traders for our markets, as deposits and withdrawals bespoke services for our IBs & High acquisition & retention channel,
most traded instruments. are core to our trading product. Value Clients, who generate the most therefore it is critical to continue to
NSR. improve our IB product & account

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Best Trading Conditions

We will provide the best trading conditions such as order execution, spread value, leverage etc. for our top most traded
instruments, especially crypto, by improving our market-making capabilities.

We will provide a bigger range of instruments for retail trading, in line with client demand and industry trends across
both established and new markets. To do this, we will develop our trading platform to have the ability to work with many
more data feeds and instruments.

To provide a better client user-experience, we will develop our commercial features and provide decentralized pricing
and execution for 10,000 instruments. We will provide more transparency to clients, through developing execution by
market depth.

We cannot just improve our product and expect the rest to work. We need to also balance it with our trading
environment and services. We will provide a comprehensive trading terminal, including mobile app, with integrated
analytics and other key trading tools, providing traders with all the information they need to make trading decisions. This
should also be convenient for our crypto traders.

We will focus on improving our monitoring tools, so that we can detect problems before our clients experience them,
and take the appropriate action. We will build our anti-fraud capabilities employing the most cutting edge techniques to
deter cheaters and protect Exness.

The above product and service solutions will enable us to attract and retain more high-value clients, as it will allow for a
more superior trading experience.
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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Best Payments

Payments is a critical part of our strategy, especially for established markets, because if clients cannot deposit or
withdraw, then we simply have no trading product.

Allowing instant withdrawals is a key differentiator to our clients, so we will continue to focus on improving our
algorithms to reduce the number of rejections, especially for high-value clients as well as increasing the number of auto
processed withdrawal transactions. We also will implement AWD rules, allowing asynchronous withdrawals. This will all
significantly improve customer experience.

We also want to improve our overall payment functionality to provide a commercially better product through adding
more deposit and withdrawal methods to our clients, such as bank-wire transfers, credit cards, wallet, crypto ETH, BTC
& TRN.

We will develop an optimal payment user-experience for clients, from client onboarding, through to withdrawals. The
payment user-experience should be segmented, to provide a better quality service to our high-value clients, who
generate the most revenue.

A core part of the payments process is KYC / KYT, so we will build a sophisticated model and processes to balance
security with a seamless client experience. Our KYC processes should allow clients with a lower risk to experience a
much more freedom for deposits and withdrawals.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Best customer service

To achieve our objective of adding and retaining high-value clients, who generate the most revenue for Exness, we need
to improve our customer service and relationship management through developing value-adding services that provide a
superior service.

In line with this, we will scale our services for low-value clients, utilising our CRM, to implement automation where
possible. We also will leverage our client and partner data to understand the different life cycles, demands and
expectations so we can build smart predictive patterns that can be leveraged by our front-office, especially for our high-
value clients and partners.

We will focus on our trading services & incident management to build the ability to serve clients needs in difficult times
caused by us or by extreme market conditions. We will use our data to build sophisticated dashboards and reporting for
more transparency on incidents both for Exness and to our clients & partners. We will streamline processes to equip our
front-office to service clients and partners in the most effective and efficient way in such circumstances, should they occur.

At the very core of our customer service, is our front-office Exness People. We will improve the level of knowledge of our
trading products, especially crypto, through specialised training programmes. Our employees should embed our values as
they are a key communication channel to our clients and partners, and should be ambassadors and representatives of the
Exness Brand.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Best IB platform and account management

Our IB network is our largest acquisition & retention channel for Exness, and undoubtedly is a critical part of our
Strategy. Our partners contribute to the overall growth of our business model as partners attract clients, clients become
partners, partners bring more clients and it continues. So, we need to be the best broker for IBs, servicing their different
requirements, through an appealing and competitive product and service.

We will provide greater transparency to our IBs, both existing and new, through sophisticated reporting and dashboards
for partners on our grace periods, commission level etc, to increase their trust in Exness. We also need to extend beyond
reports and find other ways to increase the overall transparency in our organisation to our Partners.

We will also establish a centre of responsibility for the IB business dedicated solely to focusing on improving the
existing product and service to our IBs. We will add master IB, IB sales and Franchise levels with ability to have
special account types. We will have proper commission level management with sophisticated rules and grace
periods. We will also provide different types of partnership models such as partnering and revenue sharing schemes in
different markets. We will build a fast and reliable model so that our partners can receive instant payouts when opening
a trade.

We will also enhance the partnership development program to improve the progressive development of smaller
partners to large partners. This will help Exness reduce dependency on a small number of large partners whilst also
creating a competitive service to our partners.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

New Business
To continue to grow, we need to find new revenues, which will inturn diversify exness against risks in particular countries by:

New countries New Acquisition channels New Traders

Expanding into as many countries as Significantly growing our media Attracting Stock, Indices &
possible focusing on developing buying and digital affiliates, as well as Commodities traders to grow each of
markets which are Asia, Latam, developing new paid media channels. these areas by at least by 5% Trading
Africa, MENA. Through brand awareness, we aim to Volume. We will also continue to
increase organic acquisitions. target Portfolio Managers, Algo-
traders and, of course, B2B clients.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

New Countries
Our New Countries strategy is to operate in as many countries as possible, focusing mostly on developing markets such
as Asia, Latam, Africa, MENA.

To enter a new country, we need to have an established payment solution i.e. connecting to local payment system
provides, obtaining local licenses for local banks set up, credit cards and a-synchronic solutions. We will establish a PSP
research group responsible for analysing our direct and indirect competitors to identify countries where such solutions
are available.

Another way we can enter a new country is to find local license partners, which we can run a franchise on their license.
This relates to countries where the CFD license exists, but we cannot obtain it as we are considered a “foreign company”
as per local regulations - Indonesia and Cambodia are examples of such countries.

Once we enter a country, we will focus on establishing a strong presence in the regions. We will increase our brand
awareness through establishing local offices directly or via local partners, participating in offline and online
meetings/events/campaigns with partners and clients and organising entertainment and educational activities. We will also
optimise our acquisition channels through expanding our partnership network, using digital acquisitions, especially
social media channels, influencers and PR.

We will focus on improving our products & services to target high value clients, crypto traders and local stock traders, in
areas of payments, trading experience, products ranges and specifications, customer experience, loyalty program and
partnership experience.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

New Acquisition Channels

New acquisition channels are crucial to develop our business, including entering new markets. Currently the majority of our
acquisitions are from IBs and we need to diversify this mix for financial diversification with focus on digital acquisition and
organic acquisitions.

We will focus on digital acquisition channels such as media buying capabilities, SEO, App Store optimisation, search
engine, and influencer marketing. We should also explore other possible digital promotion channels, where possible. We
will also leverage digital acquisition to generate new partners and affiliates which will in turn facilitate growth.

We will develop our digital affiliates as an acquisition channel by establishing a strong business department with well
developed products, tools, features and other promo tools. We will improve our payouts and current CPA program to become
more transparent and attractive with automation of fraud detection.

We will improve the trader acquisition and journey to allow newbies to become experienced traders by improving our
product marketing to be more prevalent during the early stages of trading.

We will also focus our digital acquisitions on bringing high-value traders, which generate the most revenue, by filtering
them from the mainstream audience and newbie traders.

Through improving our brand-awareness, which is a key focus for 2022, we expect to generate more organic acquisitions.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

New Traders
We will target new types of traders,stock, indices, commodities traders to grow each of the areas to at least 5% of trading
volume. We also will provide more account types and solutions for different types of high-value clients: Portfolio
managers, Algo-traders, Retail brokers & other institutional liquidity takers, who are our target new traders.

Portfolio Managers - We also will develop our money management solution which will help us target portfolio managers.

Algo-traders - is still a big focus for exness and we will continue to create our API and our trading product, which should
include low latency and decentralisation of MT servers, so that we can service these traders. We will build the proper
brokerage (middle and back office) operational department to support this. We will try to become the best broker for algo
traders as fast as possible.

Retail Brokers and other institutional liquidity takers - We aim, as part of diversifying our trader types, to develop the
B2B product focusing on small and mid-size brokers and professional traders to actively prepare to enter the market by the
end of 2022. To do this, we need to prepare to provide liquidity provisioning, build our back- and middle- offices, account
management, 24/5 risk and reconciliation monitoring, legal and financial framework, and B2B PA with all the necessary
reports and functionality.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Our External strategy strikes a balance between our … through an organisational structure with dedicated roles
Existing Business and New Business… for each part

1 Existing Business Balance by using a 2 New Business

proper organizational
structure and segregating
human resources
The key pillars are: ➔ New countries
➔ Best trading conditions for the most
➔ New types of traders (inc. B2B)
traded instruments.
➔ New types of acquisition channels
➔ Best payments, especially for established

➔ Best IB platform and account


➔ Best customer service especially for IB

and HV traders.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Internal Strategy (1 of 3)

Our Exness People are our Strategic Priority in 2022, so we will grow our internal talent,
revisit our existing benefits including our exness share programme, embed our culture &
principles in everything we do; find the best and most creative tools to retain and motivate
employees and attract the best people in the market through strengthening our external HR

In 2022, we will focus on fine-tuning and finalising the structures & processes we built in
2021 as part of the Exness Transformation, including the organizational structure, budgeting,
headcount planning, strategy, operational planning and process management.

We also acknowledge that naturally, our software development continues to be a bottleneck

for Exness as Technology is the foundation of everything we do and deliver at Exness. So we
will continue to invest in software development capacity and build the optimal structure for
this business line to support our strategic initiatives and product development.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Internal Strategy (2 of 3)

2022 also brings new a internal challenge of balancing our growth to a large enterprise with
flexibility and ease of operations. So we want to create a Healthy Enterprise that enables, fast
decision-making by empowering the right people to make decisions, growth opportunities and
flexibility for everyone, effective collaboration among all parts of the organisation, simple
processes and operations, open communication and minimised administrative burden.

Additionally, we need to start finding smart ways to utilising our internal data, which must
become one of the key functional strategies of the company. We need to plan what, how much,
how often and at what level of quality we will collect and store our client & partner data on an
ongoing basis.

We should be able to build smart models which use our data to generate client & partner value, as
well as internal efficiencies. We need to leverage advanced data analytics tools to perform analysis
much faster and more effectively.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Internal Strategy (3 of 3)

In 2022 there is an industry trend for more strict and aggressive regulatory pressure from
regulators. By being a market leader in our industry, we may face additional attention from
regulators and competitors by being in the spotlight and so we should be prepared.

Because of this, Risk Management should become one of the key priorities at all levels of the
organisation. In 2022, we will focus on identifying all potential risks, especially in the anti-fraud,
regulatory, banking and market risk space.

We also need to focus on Information Security to safeguard us from any external cyber-attacks or
data security threats. We should embed a security-first approach in our product development &
services so it becomes embedded within the “Exness DNA”.

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Internally, we cannot deliver everything at the same time, so we

developed Strategic Priorities to focus resources on common goals

There are a lot of things that we want to achieve internally but we cannot do
everything at the same time.

So we developed strategic priorities to help us focus our effort and resources Processes People
on a common goal to achieve significant progress & fundamental changes while

maintaining balance.

Internally, we have two priorities:

1. Process priorities for operational excellence Operational Excellence
Attract & Develop
2. People priorities to attract & develop talents Talents

We will swing every year so a year of process will follow a year of people.

Key changes to priorities from 2021: In 2021, we also had external priorities which were
Platform vs Commercial. Note, we no longer swing between those priorities, but rather aim to
achieve a balance between the two every year, please refer to slide 26 for more details

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

In 2022, we swing towards the People Priority

People In 2022 we swing towards Processes

➔ Growing expertise ➔ Work on the organization
structure and revenue
➔ Growing internal talents allocation models
➔ Revising existing benefits ➔ Integrating process
management framework
➔ Improve Exness Share programme
➔ Improve operational
➔ Indoctrinate Exness culture values excellence
and principles

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Crypto Focus
In line with recent market trends and demand, crypto exchanges are now obtaining higher trading volumes than
Forex and CFD trading and payments in cryptocurrencies are growing in demand. So we need to become competitive in
both areas.

In the Trading space, we will offer a higher variety of crypto trading instruments as well as providing the best
trading conditions for the most popular. We will look at ways that we can offer many tokens e.g. through STP. We will
develop our trading terminal in line with crypto traders demand. To do this, we should first imitate other crypto
exchanges to then develop it into something even better.

In the Payments area we will become professionals in accepting crypto payments. We will add Etherium and Tron
blockchains, keeping BTC and USDT omni as well. We will strike a balance between a simple experience for traders,
whilst maintaining secure regulation and AML practices.

Following this in the regulations space, our regulatory set up should allow us to work with crypto. We will develop the
ability to work with banks, whilst processing a lot of deposits/withdrawals for crypto. We will also enable crypto
payments/wallets. We will establish proper KYT, with good risk models to control limits for deposits and withdrawals
in crypto for traders. We will look at ways we can balance regulations with client user journey such as potentially
holding our crypto and deposit withdrawals in a separate entity.

None of the above would be possible without having the right knowledge & internal capabilities so all our Exness
people need to quickly adapt and build expertise in this area e.g. anti-fraud, reconciliation etc. We will establish good
knowledge about crypto especially in the technology department, payments, compliance, AML officers and among

Exness Strategy - Management Pack 25

External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Risk Mitigation Focus

Platform vs New Functionality Balanced Approach

Previously, we used to prioritise every year between Platform and

Commercial development, so that a year of Platform development is Fu N
followed by a year of Commercial Development: nc ew




1. Platform development refers to securing profits y
2. Commercial / New Functionality development refers to maximise

In 2022, we have changed this approach so that we do not

swing, we balance.

Every year, we should strike a balance between Platform and New

Functionality development within our External Strategy across our 4 key
areas which are Trading, Payments, IB & Affiliates and Regulation &
Taxes Balanced approach

Exness Strategy - Management Pack 26

External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Risk Mitigation Focus

Platform vs New Functionality Balanced Approach
However, as we are growing very fast, we need to have special focus on securing our revenues and risk mitigation to enable new functionality
development through building platforms; in 2022, for Technology teams, Platform will be the focus.

We are more slanted towards

Building platform platforms in this dilemma for New functionality
➔ Good technical architecture ➔ New trading instruments
➔ Focus on IT security ➔ New crypto coins for
➔ Focus on quality
➔ New PSPs, banks
➔ Regulatory and tax platform,
liquidity transferring ➔ New functionality for IBs
➔ Antifraud in product ➔ New licenses
➔ Banking, settlement and cash
management platform

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Risk Mitigation Focus

We will build a comprehensive platform for 10,000+ instruments, which can easily provide decentralized pricing and execution, hundreds of data feeds and a solid trading risk and
anti-fraud system. We also need to have execution by market depth for greater transparency to our clients. We will balance this with commercial features of each of these areas and
have best conditions for top trading instruments, especially crypto, with a crypto-friendly trading terminal.

Platforms Functionality

● Decentralized pricing and execution 10 000 instruments

● Ability to have 10 000+ trading symbols Many instruments & best conditions for crypto

● Anti fraud and market risk management No holding time

● Market depth Market depth

● Best conditions especially for crypto Crypto-friendly trading terminal

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Risk Mitigation Focus

We will build a platform which will allow an easy integration of any new PSP, a proper multi-entity solution and wallet. We should develop a sophisticated system which collects
KYC, KYT, payment history, trading history and behavioral data to allow or restrict traders certain actions via limits. Commercially we will build many options to deposit or
withdraw in crypto, bank wire transfers, wallet and significantly improved the user-experience on withdrawals to achieve less rejections.

Platforms Functionality

Payment profiles, KYC, KYT Bank wire transfers

Risk management, limits, scorings Wallet

Wallet and multi-entity Many options to deposit and

withdraw via crypto
New internal transfers platform
Easy to add new PSPs
Crypto platform for BTC, ETH, TRN
blockchains and its stablecoins Almost 100% rate of successful
instant withdrawals

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Risk Mitigation Focus

IB & Affiliates
For IBs, we need to revise our payout algorithms making it instant upon opening a trade. We also need to have a proper commission level management system with sophisticated rules,
grace periods and manual tools.For digital affiliates we need to have a transparent, fast and reliable CPA payouts model. This should be balanced with commercial features to provide the
best CPA program and instant payouts for IBs and affiliates. Also we need to try to launch Master-IB and IB-sales models.

Platforms Functionality

Instant IB payouts Instant IB payouts

IB payouts on a special agent wallet Easy to do internal transfers/rebates

Commission levels and grace period of agent commission
automated platform
Master-IB, IB-sales functionality
New CPA payout platform
Fastest CPA payouts
Control tools over the commission payouts
Transparency of agent commission levels

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Risk Mitigation Focus

Regulation & Taxes
We need to have a platform which allows us to work in many regulations and easily migrate traders from one to another. We should also have a platform for inner-group liquidity
transferring. Our KYC and AML procedures should be on a very high level with proper controls and monitoring especially around credit cards, exchanging activity, and internal
transfers. This should be balanced with providing the freedom of doing deposits and withdrawals for those who are not at risk.

Platforms Functionality

Liquidity transferring
Investment bank activation
Proper distribution of revenues between
Bank wire transfers
licensed companies and within the group
Free to allow deposits and withdrawal
AML monitoring
via crypto
Solution for crypto+banking

Wallet or intergroup payment company

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External Strategy Internal Strategy Strategic Focuses

Brand Awareness Focus

In 2021 there was a significant effort in defining our new Exness Brand and 2022 is all about implementation and
commercialisation. Our new identity should be understood and embedded in every part of our organisation.

We need to roll out effective brand awareness campaigns and work towards maintaining a good image of our brand
globally. For example, we should be able to attribute every dollar which goes to media buying or affiliates, to our
brand value. To do this, we need to ensure all our marketing and PR communications Professionals adopt the brand
values and create the right image of Exness in the minds of our viewers.

We need to be well presented in all local trading communities, including crypto, in all the key countries where we
work. Our Exness Brand should dominate all our marketing platforms and the social media space to be visible to all
traders worldwide.

Exness Strategy - Management Pack 32

Balanced Scorecard is a tool we use to balance the execution of our strategy; a
Strategy Map is visualisation of our Balanced Scorecard

A strategy map is a tool created by Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

pioneers, which provides a systematic strategic management What we want to
process that aligns strategic initiatives to targets and a desired

strategic objective. It is also used for organisation-wide
communication purposes. Customer

It categories Strategic Objectives into 4 ‘lenses’ to provide a

balance: Financial Lens, Customer Lens, Process Lens and
Learning & Growth Lens. The first two define “what we’re doing,”
while the latter two define “how we do it”.
How we plan to
accomplish it
Each Lens contains specific strategic objectives (S.O), which

should be measurable by clear KPIs and assigned targets. These
are represented by the individual boxes in the map. Learning & Growth

Each Strategic objective will in turn be supported by strategic

initiatives, which you can find the details too linked here

Exness Strategy - Management Pack 33

Exness Strategy Map

Maximize Profit

Increased NSR Scalability

Enable the business to scale

What we want to
Develop New Countries Strengthen IB
Add & Retain HVC

Business Model
Promote our Im
Improve MM Capabilities Advance Payments

Improve Customer Support/ Excel in innovations & Enhance Acquisition Improve Operational
Improve Customer Support/ Excel in Innovations & Pro Enhance Acquisition Chann Improve Operational Excell
Relationship Management
Relationship Management ductproduct development
Engineering elsChannels & Marketing
& Marketing ence Excellence

How we plan to
accomplish it
Learning &

Invest in Talent Development & Expertise

Exness Strategy - Management Pack 34
Description of our Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objective Intended Results

Enable the business to scale up “Scalability” refers to the ability of company to grow the operating model without losing the operational efficiency. Such
growth includes:

➔ Accessing new regions or increasing presence in existing regions

➔ Implementing structural changes or creating new functions and departments;
➔ Launching new products on the market or implementing changes in existing product line

To scale effectively, there is needs to be a flexible operational model in the company, that allows us to grow our operations
at high speed and minimal loss.

Add & Retain High-value Clients This goal of this objective is to increase the number & lifetime of new and existing high-value clients through the product &
service provided.

Develop New Countries This objective focuses on penetrating new countries and actively growing the profit distribution to a certain level as well as
achieving a managed level of risk in terms of legislation, licensing and regulatory landscape.

Strengthen the IB Business This objective aims to increase the number and lifetime of active IBs and Partners, our main channel of acquisition

Improve Market Making & This objective is about increasing client satisfaction through improving our trading conditions in comparison to our
Build a World Class competitors such as order execution, spread value, number of trading instruments as well as our trading terminal.

Exness Strategy - Management Pack 35

Description of our Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objective Intended Results

Promote our Image This objective is about defining our brand and market positioning in line with our ideology and value proposition; as well as
increasing Exness brand awareness through proper external communication

Improve Customer In order to achieve our objective of adding & retaining high-value clients, we need to constantly improve our customer support
Support & Relationship & relationship management for superior service.

Excel in Innovation & Excelling in innovation & product engineering means to provide a superior product to the market by a superior engineering
Product Engineering team. This can be measured by:
- Launching & increasing product features on the market
- Reducing the no. of incidents per month
- Increasing the recovery rate after incidents increased

Advance Payments This objective aims on improving our payment functionality which is one of our key product features by adding more deposit
functionality and withdrawal methods to our clients, monetising our USP by improving instant withdrawals as well as streamlining internal

Enhance Acquisition channels Increase the share of a marketing channel for attracting clients by the numbers of clients and NSR in comparison to the
& Marketing partnership channel. To increase the number of the digital channels with positive ROI increases

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Description of our Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objective Intended Results

Improve Operational This objective aims to increase efficiency and effectiveness of company operations through building a healthy enterprise, as well
Excellence as measuring the success of implementation of company strategy.

Invest In This objective is about increased professionalism, performance and engagement of our company's employees.
Talent Development
& Expertise

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