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At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1.define what poetry is and what makes it different

from other genres;
2.Identify the elements of poetry.
More Than a Feeling

 What is the strongest emotion have you experienced? Is it

anger, happiness, or fear? Have you experienced
something you could not described because it was a mix
of different things?
 Often, we have emotions we are not sure how to label or
name, and POETRY, to a certain extent, helps in fleshing
out or putting into words that feelings.
Reading Activity
Each group will be assigned with various poem that
deal with the same general feeling of grief, but in
various situations.
1.Rain on a Grave by Thomas Hardy
2.Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen
3.The Dying Child by John Clare
4.Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost
Discussion Questions
1. What is the literal situation of the poem?
2. What point of view is used? Whose point of view? How
does that contribute to the effect of the poem?
3. Who or what is the subject of the speaker’s grief?
4. All four speak of death, but how did each present it in a new
5. Do you think the poems are self expression or are they
attempting for something greater? What else are they trying
to do aside from talking about feelings?
Defining Poetry
 William Wordsworth- “Poem is a spontaneous overflow of
Talking about it, it is easy enough to assume that all sentimental
writing is poetry. BUT, Wordsworth goes onto say that poetry is
“Emotion recollected in tranquility” – meaning, these feelings that
one attempts to put into words have been processed and meditated
on as represented by the word tranquility.
 Gemino H. Abad- The poem is not just about specific
experience; it is the experience itself. It is the moment lived.
POETRY- a word composition
arranged in a rhythmic pattern. It is
used to express one’s creative thoughts
and feelings through a specialized and
heightened language.
Poetry is another form of creative writing
which is a means to express one’s
thoughts and feelings.
Elements of Poetry
Poetry is a combination of words in lines, rhyme, tone, voice, theme
language, and emotion which makes it a creative means to liberate the
poet’s thoughts and feelings.
1. Theme
2. Tone
3. Rhyme
4. Line and Meter
5. Genre
6. Literary Devices
 Theme is the summarized statement containing the main thought or
meaning of the poem.
“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And-which is more – You’llbe a Man, my son!” – Excerpt from the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling
What is the message of the poem tries to express?
State the theme of the poem.
Tone - refers to the attitude and mood of the poem. It is the overall atmosphere of the
poem which influences the emotional response of the reader.

“I do not love you except because I love you;

I go from loving to not loving you,
From wanting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.
Maybe January light will consume My heart with its cruel ray,
Stealing my key to true calm.
In this part of the story, I am the one who dies
The only one and will die of love because I Love You,
Because I love you, Love, in fire and Blood.” –Pablo Neruda
 What is the tone?
 Can you feel the poet’s emotion in the poem?
Rhyme – the link between music and poetry. It adds music quality to the poem which gives
the readers reading pleasure.

Types Characteristics Sample

True Rhyme Rhyme that occurs on the words “Here captain! Dear father! This
arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.”
Internal Rhyme Rhyme that occurs within the “One upon a midnight dreary,
lines while I pondered, weak and
Off Rhyme or Slant Not a true rhyme but the sound of “In the sun and in the snow,
Rhyme the words are alike. Without pleasure, without pain,
On the dead oak tree bough.”
Forms Number of Lines

 The line is the line in Couplet 2

poetry. The verse is the line Tercet 3

of a poem arranged in
Quatrain 4
metrical pattern. Stanza
referred as the “unit of Quintet 5
poetic lines”. There are Sestet 6
different stanza forms.
Septet 7

Octave 8
Meter - The meter is poetry’s measured accents and syllables
arrangement. It is the systematic sound pattern of a poem.

Metrical Patterns Characteristics

Accentual Meter Lines have the same number of stresses and varied count
of syllables

Syllabic Meter Lines have the same number of syllables and varied count
of stresses

Accentual-Syllabic meter Line have the same number of syllables, both stressed and
non stressed; arranged in fixed order.

Free Verse Lines have irregular number of stresses and syllables.

Each group will research a poem sample of the forms assigned to
you. You will creatively present it to the class.
Type Characteristics Sample Forms

Descriptive Poem Focuses on Details Didactic Poem

Narrative Poem Tells a story Epic, ballad

Lyric Poem Expresses the feelings Ode, sonnet, dramatic

and thoughts of the monolog
Literary Devices

 The literary devices discussed in Previous discussion should be

incorporated in the poem such as IMAGERY, FIGURES OF
 This is to make the poem appealing to the readers.

 The Theme refers to the statement which summarizes the

meaning of the poem.
 Tone refers to the mood of the poem.
 Line and Meter deal with the structure of the poem which
involves from and accents.
 Rhyme adds music quality to the poem.
 Genre refers to the type of poetry used in a poem.
Rubrics for Poetry
Indicators Rating (1-5)

The poem contains all the elements discussed.

The poem is creatively written

The message of the poem is clear

It well-written with proper use of punctuation, correct spelling, and correct


Different Forms of Poetry

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