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Articles in English Grammar

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Numan
Abrar Hussain (2021-4030)

Instructional Technology
Articles in English Grammar
• Definition:
Articles are words that define a
noun as specific or unspecific.
They are used before nouns or
noun equivalents and are a type of
• an honest man
• a car
• the teacher
Types of Articles
There are two types of Articles

• Definite Article • Indefinite Article

There are two words in indefinite articles, ‘a’
which comes before the consonant sound
• This article is named the word “the” and it words, and ‘an’ which comes before the vowel
refers to a specific noun or groups of nouns. sounds.
• Example: • Examples:
• The book on the table. • A helicopter in the sky.
• The car on the road. • Aslam is a doctor.
• The fish in the Lake. • Give me an Orange Please!
• The boys in the ground.
Definite Article (the)
If your reader or listener understands what you • Oceans, seas and many rivers –The Nile
are referring to, then you will usually need the flows into the Mediterranean.
definite article: • Plural or ‘united’ countries – The Maldives
• I bought a book last week. The book is about are much smaller than the United States of
trees. America.
• We went to a wedding yesterday. The bride • Adjectives used as nouns – The poor will
wore a lovely dress. always be a challenge for the rich in any
• Many organisations –The World Health
Some things are taken to be common
knowledge in English and therefore take Organization has a detailed definition of
the definite article: health.
• A symbol – The Merlion is a symbol of
Decades – He was born in the 1920s.
Currencies –The dollar is getting stronger
• Unique people, places or things – The prime
against the pound.
minister said she would call a conference on
Superlatives and ordinals – The second book in
• changes affecting the earth’s climate.
the series is the best.
Other word patterns which take ‘the’:

• Specific nouns modified by a relative clause • Common error:

– The paintings (which are) in the gallery. • You cannot write most of paintings or none
of paintings.
• Specific nouns followed by ‘of’. This is a very • It is either most of the paintings (definite) or
common pattern - The use of this procedure. most paintings (general).
• Plural nouns preceded by ‘of’ – e.g. Most of the paintings in the exhibition were
• Some of the paintings were interesting. landscapes.
• (definite – we know which specific paintings
– they are in the exhibition)
• Most paintings nowadays (general – not
specific paintings)
Indefinite Article (a, an)
• If the noun is singular and countable,
and this is the first time you have Selection of “a” and “an”
mentioned it, then you will usually
need the indefinite article: • If the noun starts with a vowel
I bought a book – we do not know sound, then the article an is used:
which book.
an ear, an uncle, an hour
There is a bird outside – we do not • If the noun starts with a consonant
know anything about the bird.
sound, then the article a is used:
There is an ugly duck- which duck
we do not know a school, a university, a book
• Measurements and rates also take
the indefinite article:
Three times a week.
How do you know whether you need an article and which
article to use?

A single, countable noun must have an article if

trees – you may need an article, depending on
there is no other number, determiner or
whether the noun is definite or not.
possessive (e.g. two, our, this). If the noun is
plural, an article may not be necessary. For example:
Trees are usually green – no article is needed,
because you are talking generally and
our house – you do not need an article,
because you already have the possesive our. the noun is not definite, i.e. you are not talking
about specific trees.
this year – you do not need an article,
because you already have the determiner this. The trees in the park are green – the article is
needed because you have specified
car – you need an article, because this is a
singular countable noun with no determiner which trees you are talking about.
No Article

• We do not need an article if a noun is

plural or uncountable and it is not
• Women generally live longer than men.
• Articles are difficult to use.
• Paint is hard to remove.
Choosing the right article
1) I visited--------Islamabad last summer.
• This car does 150 miles---------hour. a) the b) a c) no article

• Do you still live in---------Lahore. 2) Bilal plays _____instrument.

a) an b) the c) a
• Bilal has-----------terrible headache.
3) Intizar likes to be_______astronaut.
• Intizar’s father works as----------electrician. a) the b) an c) no article

• Where is--------USB drive I lent you last 4) Bilal works as______only teacher in this
week? school.
a) a b) the c) an
• Look at--------sea!
5) Abrar likes to eat________chocolate.
• Who is------lady in-------picture? a) no article b) a c) the

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