Jane Eyre Fairy Tale

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By Charlotte Brontë
Fairy tales
◦ Fairy tales are usually seen as children’s stories. They are related to mythical
figures and patterns that are often universal
◦ Each community has its own particular versions of these universal figures
◦ Fairy tales were reinvented by the Romantics, who transformed them into
allegorical stories
◦ Critics have seen popular folk plots reinvented and intertwined in Jane Eyre, a
Victorian novel
◦ Some of these plots are familiar to all readers, which is one of the reasons the
novel still appeals to new generations
◦ Cinderella, Arabian Nights, Beauty and the Beast are some of the plots critics have
recognized in Jane Eyre
Fairy tale elements
◦ Form related elements ◦ Content related elements
◦ Narrative patterns ◦ Occur in the actual story, not in the
◦ Common to most fairy tales way the story is told
◦ Studied by Vladimir Propp in his ◦ Can be character, figures of fairy
Morphology of the Folk Tale tales
(1968) ◦ Folk imagery
◦ Universal ◦ Situations
◦ Their combination generates new ◦ Are at the threshold of gothic
tales elements
Folk imagery. Case study: Jane’s drawings (Ch. 13)
◦ The first represented clouds low and livid, rolling over a swollen sea: all the
distance was in eclipse; so, too, was the foreground; or rather, the nearest
billows, for there was no land. One gleam of light lifted into relief a half-
submerged mast, on which sat a cormorant, dark and large, with wings
flecked with foam; its beak held a gold bracelet set with gems, that I had
touched with as brilliant tints as my palette could yield, and as glittering
distinctness as my pencil could impart. Sinking below the bird and mast, a
drowned corpse glanced through the green water; a fair arm was the only
limb clearly visible, whence the bracelet had been washed or torn.
◦ The second picture contained for foreground only the dim peak of a
hill, with grass and some leaves slanting as if by a breeze. Beyond
and above spread an expanse of sky, dark blue as at twilight: rising
into the sky was a woman’s shape to the bust, portrayed in tints as
dusk and soft as I could combine. The dim forehead was crowned
with a star; the lineaments below were seen as through the suffusion
of vapour; the eyes shone dark and wild; the hair streamed
shadowy, like a beamless cloud torn by storm or by electric travail.
On the neck lay a pale reflection like moonlight; the same faint
lustre touched the train of thin clouds from which rose and bowed
this vision of the Evening Star.
◦ The third showed the pinnacle of an iceberg piercing a polar winter sky: a muster
of northern lights reared their dim lances, close serried, along the horizon.
Throwing these into distance, rose, in the foreground, a head,—a colossal head,
inclined towards the iceberg, and resting against it. Two thin hands, joined under
the forehead, and supporting it, drew up before the lower features a sable veil, a
brow quite bloodless, white as bone, and an eye hollow and fixed, blank of
meaning but for the glassiness of despair, alone were visible. Above the temples,
amidst wreathed turban folds of black drapery, vague in its character and
consistency as cloud, gleamed a ring of white flame, gemmed with sparkles of a
more lurid tinge. This pale crescent was “the likeness of a kingly crown;” what it
diademed was “the shape which shape had none”
Works cited
◦ Kapurch, Katie. Victorian Melodrama in the Twenty-First Century. Jane Eyre, Twilight, and
the Mode of Excess in Popular Girl Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Ebook.
Pp. 40-43
◦ Propp, Vladimir. Morfologia basmului. Bucuresti: Editura Univers, 1973
◦ Paintings by: Caitlin Kuhwald; DeviantArt users: Square_Ball, Shawn, Tardis, Taurus
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