Pesticides and Their Market

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Poornima -12207947-primary research
CREDITS jai chopra-12211979-hand written copy
 Introduction
 A brief history
TABLE OF  Pesticides market definition
CONTENTS  Pesticides market drivers
 Consumption analysis of pesticides
 Key opportunities for the market
 Market trends
Pesticides are chemicals used to eliminate or control variety of
pests related to agriculture that can change crop and livestock
and reduce farm productivity. Agricultural chemical (also
known as agrochemicals) are chemical agents such as
fungicides, herbicides and insecticides that are used to control
crop harming organisms. (e.g; fungi, mites, insects, insect egg
INTRODUCTION and larvae) or viruses.
Other agricultural chemicals are agricultural agent such as
rodenticides, nematicides, bactericides and other to control
crop harming organisms such as rodents, nematodes, bacteria
and others
Pesticides are not recent inventions. Many ancient civilization
used pesticides to protect their crop from insects and pests.
Ancient sumerians used elemental sulfur to protect their crops
A BRIEF HISTORY from insects. Whereas, medieval farmers experimented with
chemicals using arsenic, lead on common crops.
However, twenty years later, due to biological effect and humans
safety, DDT has been banned in almost 86 countries.
The pesticides manufacturing market consist of the sales
of pesticides by entities(organizations, sole traders or
partnership) that formulate and prepare agricultural and
PESTICIDES MARKET household pest control chemicals(except fertilizers). The
DEFINITION pesticide and other agricultural chemical
industry/companies comprises establishments that
primarily engage in thee formulation and preparation of
agricultural and household pest control chemicals.

Farmers globally are adopting intensive farming techniques to

increase productivity per hectare, driving the demand for
pesticides. Intensive farming is an agricultural intensification and
PESTICIDES mechanization system that aims to maximize yields from available

MARKET DRIVERS land through means such as heavy use of pesticides and chemical
fertilizers. These techniques help to meet the rising demand for
food from the growing population and prevent food shortages.
Intensive farming techniques such as monoculture drive the
demand for pesticides. Monoculture is a practice of growing one
type crop intensively over a large area, depleting the nutrients in
the soil and making it heavily depending on pesticides.
Revenue from conventional pesticides, including crop
protection chemicals, herbicides, insecticides and
fungicides, collectively totaled more than us$103.5 Bn as of
2020, respresenting a decline of 3.4% compared to the
Extensive adoption rate of modern farming methods and
policy support from government and policy support from
government agencies is expected to elevate demand for
agrochemicals, including pesticides, over the forecast
period of 2021-2031.
Increasing deforestation and urbanization directly contributes to a decline in
cultivable area, and one way to do this is by using crop protection chemicals.
Advancement in new and innovative technologies improve the yield as well as
lifespan of crops for this, genetic transformation and modification to increase the
KEY production of crops and increase life are done. Adoption of new and innovative

OPPORTUNITIE laboratory-prepared species of crops are tending to increase productively.

Moreover, crop also need agrochemicals such as pesticides for pest control and
S FOR THE maintaining optimum yield. There is rising demand for pesticides for genetic
MARKET modified crops.
Therefore, development of innovative and effective technology to enhance crop
yield with better quality in cultivable land is expected to create significant growth
opportunity for the agrochemicals market across the globe over the coming years.
The global crop protection chemical chemical market is highly
consolidated, with major player accounting for major share of the
market. Bayer crop science, syngent international AG,BASF SE,
corteva agriscience and sumitomo chemical are the leading
players in the market. New product launches, mergers and
acquisitions, and partnerships are the major strategies adopted by
the leading companies in he market. These companies also focus on
COMPETITIVE making investments in innovations, collaborations and expansion to
LANDSCAPE increase their market share.
 Syngenta international AG
 Bayer crop science AG
 Corteva agri science
 Sumitomo chemical
In may 2021, China’s two centrally-administered,
state- owned chemical manufacturers-Sinochem and
ChemChina- were being restructured and merged to
RECENT form a behemoth. Both the companies are based in
DEVELOPMENTS Beijing, with each holding several subsidiaries across
industry segments. The new chemical giant in wide ray
of sectors like life sciences,basic chemicals,
environmental science, rubber and tires, machinery
and equipment, and industrial finance.
Major trends influencing the pesticides market include:
Increase in the scope of nano-insecticides
Toxicologists and horticulturists globally are adopting nanotechnology and
nanoparticles in the development of new, environmentally friendly insecticides.
LATEST TECNOLOGIES Nano particles have revolutionized the pharmaceuticals, medical equipment,
and chemical industries. Most engineers believe that nanotechnology can help
make insecticides much safer as a large variety of them are non-toxic.
Moreover, with proper study and development, insecticides can be made more
effective, significantly reducing the amount of insecticides sprayed on
agricultural fields.
Companies in the herbicides industry are increasingly
investing in the research and development to develop
environmentally friendly alternatives. Many countries are
Environmentally friendly considering banning harmful herbicides such as glyphosate.
alternatives For instance, in may 2016,Syngenta AG developed ”acuron”, a
herbicides targeted against difficult weeds in corn. Companies
are expected to continue developing new kinds of herbicides
which have limited impact on the environment.
 This report concludes that there is a tremendous
increase in the pesticides market due to
growing agricultural needs.However,using
CONCLUSION nanotechnology and environmental friendly
alternatives would benefit the agricultural
needs as well as environment.
 fortunebusinessinsights

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