Hci CH 1

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Chapter 1:- Introduction

Human Computer Interaction

Human Computer Interaction (HCI)


The person at using the system and the other people they work to
communicate with.
 End user of program
Other (friends, collaborators, coworkers)
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

 The machine or network of machines to run the system.

A machine program runs on.
Often split : clients and servers
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

It refers to the exchange of information, actions, and responses between
humans and computer systems.
Interaction design aims to create intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable
interactions between users and computer systems.
It involves understanding user needs, designing user interfaces, and
evaluating the usability and effectiveness of the interaction.
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

 Human-computer interaction is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the design,

evaluation, and implementation of interactive computer systems and the study of how
humans interact with technology.

 Human-computer interaction (HCI) is the field of study that focuses on optimizing

how users and computers interact by designing interactive computer interfaces that
satisfy users’ needs.

 It encompasses the intersection of computer science, psychology, cognitive science,

design, and other related disciplines.
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
HCI focuses on designing, implementing, and evaluating interactive interfaces that
enhance user experience using computing devices.

An interface that is easy to learn, easy to use and Affordable.

It’s focused on understanding and improving our interactions with technology and
information systems and how our behavior effects by that technology and how
coevolve with it.

Designing interactive computer systems to be effective, efficient, easy, and enjoyable

to use.
Why Human Computer Interaction ?
User-Centered Design: HCI focus on the needs, abilities, and preferences of users.

This user-centered design approach improves the usability, effectiveness, and overall user experience of
the systems.

Efficiency and Productivity: By considering cognitive processes, information organization, and

interaction techniques, HCI helps optimize workflows and minimize user errors, thereby enhancing

User Satisfaction and Engagement: HCI recognizes the importance of user satisfaction and

Satisfied and engaged users are more likely to be productive, loyal, and have a positive perception of the
Why Human Computer Interaction ?
Error Reduction: HCI principles and methodologies help identify and address potential
usability issues and user errors in the design process.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: HCI promotes the design of computer systems that are
accessible to a diverse range of users, including those with disabilities.

Innovation and Future Technologies: HCI plays a crucial role in shaping the development
and adoption of emerging technologies by understanding user needs and behavior.

Ethical Considerations: HCI takes into account privacy, security, data protection, and
ethical guidelines to ensure that computer systems respect user rights and societal values.
Key components of HCI
The user: HCI focuses on understanding the characteristics, needs, and goals of the
users who interact with computer systems.
• Users can vary in terms of their knowledge, skills, background, age, and abilities.

Considering the diversity of users helps in designing inclusive and user-friendly

Tasks and Activities: HCI considers the tasks and activities that users perform with
computer systems.
• This involves understanding the goals, workflows, and context of use.

• By analyzing and modeling tasks, HCI professionals can design interfaces and
interactions that support efficient and effective completion of tasks.
Evaluation and User Feedback: HCI involves evaluating the effectiveness, usability,
and user experience of computer systems.
• This can be done through user testing, surveys, interviews, and other evaluation

Key components of HCI
User Interface: The user interface (UI) is the medium through which users interact with
a computer system.
It encompasses the visual and interactive elements, such as screens, menus, buttons, icons,
and controls, that enable users to input commands, receive feedback, and access
HCI focuses on designing intuitive, usable, and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces.

Interaction Design: Interaction design involves the creation of interactive experiences

and interfaces that facilitate effective and enjoyable user interactions.
It encompasses the layout, organization, and sequencing of interface elements, as well as
the design of feedback mechanisms, dialogue systems, and interaction patterns.
Key components of HCI
Usability: Usability is a crucial component of HCI, focusing on how easily and efficiently
users can accomplish their goals with a computer system.
Usability includes aspects such as learnability, efficiency, memorability, error prevention
and recovery, and user satisfaction.
Context of Use: HCI takes into account the context in which the computer system is used.
This includes the physical environment, social factors, cultural aspects, and the specific
tasks and goals of the users. Understanding the context helps in designing systems that are
suitable for the intended use and the user's environment.
By considering these key components, HCI professionals can design and develop computer
systems that are user-centered, usable, and provide satisfying and effective interactive
experiences for users.
Goals of HCI
The Principal objective of HCI is to develop functional systems that are Simple,Usable,
Accessible,Safe, Affordable, Productivity, Efficient, Ethical for end-users.
The developer community can achieve this goal by fulfilling the following criteria:
1. Have sound knowledge of how users use computing systems.
2. Design methods, techniques, and tools that allow users to access systems based on their
3. Adjust, test, refine, validate, and ensure that users achieve effective communication or
interaction with the systems.
4. Always give priority to end-users and lay the robust foundation of HCI
Good versus bad design

Good design(user interface)

• Bring people’s joy.
• Impact on individuals ability and the society
• Connect people(read doc, connect family, share photo, find information)
 Good design requires enormous creativity and hard work.

Bad design
• Encumbering, Confusing, Slow
• Costs lives, money and time.
• Bad user interface in software's have costs serious injury and many deaths.

Eg:Medical devices, airplane accidents, nuclear disasters

Design for People
 People’s tasks, goals, and values drive development
 Work with users throughout the process

 Assess decisions from the vantage point of users, their work and their environment

 Pay attention to people’s abilities and situation

 Talk to the actual experts

Course background
 HCI is a Multi-disciplinary subject but it has an intrinsic relationship as a subfield to
computer science.
 The ideal designer of an interactive system would have expertise in a range of topics:
 psychology and cognitive science to get a knowledge of the user’s perceptual,

cognitive and problem-solving skills;

 Ergonomics for the user’s physical capabilities;

 Sociology to understand the wider context of the interaction;

 Computer science and engineering to be able to build the necessary technology;

 Business to be able to market it;

 Graphic design to produce an effective interface presentation;

 Technical writing to produce the manuals, and so it goes on.


• Until the late 1970s, only IT professionals and dedicated hobbyists interacted with
computers. This changed disruptively with the emergence of personal computing in
the later 1970s.

• Then HCI becomes an area of research and practice that emerged in the early

• HCI is initially as a specialty area in computer science embracing cognitive science

and human factors engineering
 Late 1970 saw the emergence of a big field:
 Cognitive science/psychology/
• Mental processes of human
 Cognitive Engineering
• Studying people interaction with objects
 It also saw the emergence of a small field
 Personal computing
needed to expand and succeed was to make computers more accessible and easy to

learn and manipulate by the average user

• Optimize usability: more people have an access to computers

Discusss about paradigm shift of HCI?

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