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2023 November


Presentation is prepared by: Charity M. Amparado

Competitive archery – that is, archery that In the Olympics competitors aim at a target from a
involves archers aiming arrows at a target – has distance of 70 metres, and rounds include a ranking
various forms, but all have the same aim: to round where the overall scores determine the
shoot your arrows as close to the centre of the athletes’ rankings priors to a head to head
target as possible. elimination format.
Archers must, of course, have a
bow, which is described by the
PLAYERS World Archery Federation (WA)
AND as “an instrument consisting of a
EQUIPMENT handle (grip), riser (no shoot-
through type) and two flexible
limbs each ending in a tip with a
string nock.”
The bowstring may have any
number of strands as long as it
fits the bow, and an adjustable
arrow rest and a bow sight may
PLAYERS also be used.
There is little restriction over the
types of arrows used, other than
those that may cause undue
PLAYERS damage to targets, though the
AND maximum diameter of the arrow
shaft should not exceed 9.3mm
EQUIPMENT and the diameter of the tips
should not exceed 9.4mm.
AND The athletes’ arrows should all
EQUIPMENT be marked with his or her name
or initials on the shaft and all
arrows used by a competitor in a
particular round (or “end”)
should be identical.

Finger protection (including tape

or gloves) may be used, as are
chest protectors, arm guards and
other such accessories that offer
no explicit advantage other than
of a protective or comfort-
enhancing nature.
The target itself varies in size –those used in
Olympic archery events measure 122cm in
diameter – but all contain 10 concentric rings
which represent the different scoring sectors.
The outermost two rings (called one ring and
two ring) are white, three and four are black,
five and six are blue, seven and eight are red and
nine and ten – the innermost rings – are gold.
Ten ring also has an inner ring (known as “inner
10” or “X ring”) which is sometimes used to
decide ties.
SCORING Scoring in archery is
very simple: you just add
up the number of points
based on where your
arrows hit the target. The
highest score for a single
arrow is 10 for hitting
the inner gold ring, while
the least (for hitting the
outer white ring) is one
point. Arrows missing
the target altogether do
not score at all.
In Olympic competition athletes
must shoot 72 arrows in 12 phases,
with the overall cumulative score
deciding their ranking. They then go
into a head to head knockout
competition where they must simply SCORING
score more than their opponent.
Tournaments vary in format and the
number of arrows competitors must
shoot and the distance to the target.
As mentioned it would depend on the
specifics of the tournament in which the
archer is competing, but in an archery
competition the winner is either the person
who has the highest cumulative total score
after a set number of arrows, or the one who
has successfully overcome all opponents
faced in a knockout scenario.

In the event of a tied score the archer with
the highest number of 10s (including inner
10s) is declared the victor. If that number is
also equal the one with the greater number
of inner 10s is the winner. Alternatively – or
subsequently – a shoot-off can be used to
separate the competitors who have tied.
• Archers must adhere to all official rules in terms of the equipment they use
in the performance of their sport, with the main emphasis being on them
using no equipment or accessories that would give an unfair advantage
over an opponent.

• The maximum time permitted to shoot an end of three arrows is two

minutes, and four minutes for an end of six arrows.

• Athletes may not raise the bow arm until the signal to start is given and

RULES OF penalties can be given – in the form of points forfeits – if the bow is drawn
after the official practice has been closed.

ARCHERY • An arrow cannot be re-shot under any circumstances. The arrow may be
considered not to have been shot if it falls from the bow or misfires, or if
the target blows or falls over. Extra time would be given in such
• An arrow that rebounds or hangs from the target will still score based on
the mark it makes on the target face. Arrows that stick – Robin Hood-style
– in the nock of another shall score the same as the arrow in which they are

• Athletes can be disqualified, have points deducted or be banned from

competition for various breaches of rules, based on the severity of the

RULES OF • If equipment is damaged, appeals can be made to the judge for such

ARCHERY equipment to be replaced or fixed, and any time allowances will be at the
judge’s discretion.

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