Industrial Automation - Lecture 2

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Industrial Sensors and Actuators

Evolution of Sensor Technology

• The earliest examples of sensing technology can be found as far
back as the nineteenth century with the invention of the bimetal
thermostat by Warren Johnson. The next several decades saw
the arrival of some of the first forms of discrete sensors,
including limit switches, photoelectric sensors, and magnetic
• The first analog sensors originated in the mid-twentieth century.
American inventor Samuel Bagno created the first motion sensor
in the 1940s, based on technology developed during the second
world war. The first infrared sensors were developed around the
same time. Other sensors, such as ultrasonic, humidity, gas, and
vibration, were created in the following decades
Significance of Sensors
Integration of Sensors
Advanced Capabilities of Sensors
Evolution of Sensor Technology
• As we know, humanity has already gone through three
industrial revolutions and is in the middle of its fourth
revolution. New benchmarks in sensor technology have
been developed in each of these eras. The first revolution
brought mechanical sensors, the second brought electrical
sensors, and the third brought electronics.
• Finally, the fourth revolution, Industry 4.0, has given birth to
smart industrial sensors. Smart sensors are fundamentally
the same as their earlier counterparts, with the big
difference being connectivity. Smart sensors can share
measurement data to a centralized system and into the
Industrial Sensor Types
• Electrical: voltage, current, resistance
• Optical: reflective, laser
• Thermal: temperature, thermal conductivity
• Magnetic: inductive, magnetic field
• Radiation: ultrasonic, acoustic, infrared
• Chemical: gas, humidity
• Mechanical: flow rate, pressure, vibration,
The traditional process control loop.
What’s So Important About Sensors Used in Automation?

• The brain is a central controller that receives

inputs from billions of nerves. Nerves are
terminals that capture information about the
outside world and feed it to the brain.
• Industrial sensors are just like human nerve
terminals. Without them, the industrial process is
blind to itself and its environment. In the
traditional control loop model, sensors are the key
devices that provide feedback about the process.
Sensor Interfaces and Signal Processing
• Analog and digital sensor interfaces
• Signal conditioning and amplification
• Signal filtering and noise reduction
• Sensor calibration and compensation
• Data acquisition systems
Analog and digital sensor interfaces
• Analog and digital sensor interfaces are the two main types of interfaces
that connect sensors to the electronic circuits or systems they are used in.
• Analog sensor interfaces use continuous analog signals to transmit
information from the sensor to the electronic system. Analog sensors
measure and produce signals that vary continuously over a range of
values, such as temperature or pressure. Analog interfaces typically
require signal conditioning to amplify, filter, and convert the signals to a
form that can be used by the system.
• Digital sensor interfaces, on the other hand, use digital signals to transmit
information from the sensor to the electronic system. Digital sensors
produce discrete signals or data that can be represented by binary
numbers. Digital interfaces are often easier to use and offer better noise
immunity than analog interfaces, but may require additional signal
processing to convert the signals to a format that can be used by the
• The choice of analog or digital interface depends on factors such as the
type of sensor being used, the accuracy and resolution required, and the
Signal conditioning and amplification
• Signal conditioning and amplification are important steps in the process
of converting raw sensor signals into usable data. Signal conditioning
refers to the process of manipulating the signal to improve its quality
and make it easier to process, while amplification involves increasing the
signal strength to improve its accuracy and resolution.
• Signal conditioning may involve a number of techniques, such as
amplification, filtering, linearization, and temperature compensation.
Amplification is used to increase the strength of a weak signal, while
filtering can be used to remove unwanted noise or interference from the
signal. Linearization is used to ensure that the output of the sensor is
proportional to the input, while temperature compensation is used to
adjust the signal output based on changes in temperature.
• Signal amplification involves increasing the amplitude of the signal while
maintaining its shape and other characteristics. This can be achieved
using various amplifier circuits, such as operational amplifiers,
transistors, or amplification modules. The choice of amplifier depends
on the characteristics of the sensor signal and the desired level of
Signal filtering and noise reduction
• Signal filtering and noise reduction are techniques used to remove
unwanted or extraneous signals that can interfere with the accurate
measurement or detection of a signal. Noise can be caused by a variety
of factors such as electromagnetic interference, environmental factors,
or imperfect sensor design.
• Signal filtering can be achieved through analog or digital techniques.
Analog filtering involves using physical components such as capacitors,
resistors, and inductors to remove unwanted frequency components
from a signal. Digital filtering involves processing the signal through
digital signal processing algorithms to remove unwanted frequency
• Noise reduction techniques include shielding the sensor from
electromagnetic interference, grounding the system, minimizing the
length of wires and cables, and using high-quality components in the
system. Additionally, signal averaging can be used to reduce the impact
Sensor calibration and compensation
• Sensor calibration and compensation are essential steps in ensuring accurate
and reliable sensor measurements. Calibration involves adjusting the sensor
output to match the known values of the measured parameter. Compensation
involves adjusting for any errors or variations in the sensor output due to
factors such as temperature, humidity, or aging.
• Some common calibration techniques include:
- Span calibration: Adjusting the sensor output over the full range of the
measured parameter.
- Zero calibration: Adjusting the sensor output when there is no input signal.
- Multi-point calibration: Adjusting the sensor output at multiple points across
the range of the measured parameter.
• Compensation techniques can include using temperature or humidity sensors
to adjust for environmental factors that may affect the accuracy of the sensor,
or using software algorithms to correct for variations in the sensor output over
Data acquisition systems
• Data acquisition systems (DAQs) are used to collect, digitize, and process
signals from sensors or other devices in order to obtain accurate
measurements or control processes. In the context of industrial sensors,
DAQs are used to interface with various types of sensors and collect data that
can be used for monitoring and control.
• A typical DAQ system consists of a signal conditioning stage, an analog-to-
digital converter (ADC), and a digital signal processor (DSP) or microcontroller
that handles data processing and communication with a computer or other
device. The signal conditioning stage includes components such as amplifiers,
filters, and voltage regulators that prepare the signal for digitization.
• Some common features of DAQ systems for industrial sensors include high
accuracy, high resolution, and the ability to handle a wide range of input
signals. DAQs may also include features such as built-in signal processing
algorithms, multiple input channels, and compatibility with various types of
software for data analysis and visualization.
Sensor Applications in Industry
• Process control and monitoring
• Quality control and inspection
• Safety and security
• Predictive maintenance
• Energy management
• Robotics and automation
• Internet of Things (IoT) applications
Challenges and Future Trends in Industrial
• Integration with advanced technologies such
as AI, machine learning, and big data analytics
• Miniaturization and wireless connectivity
• Cybersecurity and data privacy
• Cost-effective and sustainable solutions
• Emerging sensor technologies and their
potential applications
Industrial Actuator
• An actuator is a part of a device or machine
that helps it to achieve physical movements by
converting energy, often electrical, air, or
hydraulic, into mechanical force. Simply put, it
is the component in any machine that enables
Industrial actuators used in automation

• Electric actuators: These actuators use an electric motor to

generate rotational or linear motion, which is then used to control
a variety of machines and processes.
• Pneumatic actuators: These actuators use compressed air to
produce linear or rotational motion, making them ideal for
controlling valves, pumps, and other fluid-related equipment.
• Hydraulic actuators: These actuators use hydraulic fluid to
generate linear or rotary motion, making them ideal for
applications that require high force or torque.
• Piezoelectric actuators: These actuators use the piezoelectric
effect to generate motion when an electrical signal is applied.
They are used in applications that require precise positioning or
motion control.

Types of Actuators
Electro Hydraulic Actuators : The growth of electro-hydraulic actuator technology has been driving the hydraulic actuators
market growth. Electro-hydraulic actuators incorporate servo valves and electronic controls to provide rod position feedback;
thereby ensuring efficient machine operations. This amalgamation heightens accuracy, enhances functionality, improves ease-
of-use, and better controls performance. Industries such as material handling, steel mills, nuclear power plants, and elevator
manufacturers rely on its control of the speed and position of loads. These features of the electro-hydraulic actuator are likely
to gain importance and demand in the market in the foreseeable future.
• Hydraulic Actuator Systems: If you need equipment precision, reliability and performance, our electro hydraulic actuator
system for rotary and linear applications is an idea solution. The system is custom designed to meet your specific requirements
and can be used for virtually any kind of motion.
• Hydraulic Linear Actuators : Linear actuators accounted for more than 73% of the market share during 2015 and are expected
to maintain this market share until the end of 2020. These actuators are used to move linear valves such as a gate, globe,
diaphragm, and pinch valves by sliding a stem that controls the measurement. They can operate at forces of 500 PSI or greater,
and are suited for high force applications requiring precise control. They are used in engineered vehicles and the aerospace
industry. Retrofits remain a key contributor to this market’s growth.
• Hydraulic Rotary Actuators”:Hydraulic rotary actuators apply pressurized fluids to a circular piston inside a cylinder, pushing a
rack across the pinion gear. This stroke turns the shaft, thereby converts fluid power into rotary motion. Machinery requiring
upending, turning, roll-over, tilting, indexing, transferring, mixing, valve operating, tensioning, or clamping count on rotary
actuators. Whether you are looking for extra-heavy duty capabilities, ultimate control, or multiple position versatility, there is
a solution for you.
• Hydraulic Valve Actuators :2015 saw the oil and gas sector dominate the market, accounting for over 26% of the market
segment. Because the oil and gas industry needs valves operated under high pressure and torque, hydraulic valve actuators
are found in drill rigs, exploration, and offshore plants. Used in jacking systems to increase or decrease oil well drilling,
excavators, off-road dump trucks, and rigs; these actuators also automate valves within gas transmission pipelines operating in
remote areas and under harsh climatic conditions.
• Industrial Linear Actuators :Need to do some serious lifting? Our industrial linear actuators are designed specifically for heavy
duty applications. Rugged enough to handle fertilizers, mud, sand, high pressure water, slush, salt water, snow, heat, heavy
vibrations, and other unforgiving exposure; their durability, performance, and speed are unparalleled
• Slide Gate Actuators : Are you are looking for a reliable slide gate actuator to open and close a furnace; throttle the volume of
material exiting a container; or control sluice gates?
• Torque or force: Naturally, torque is one of the most important aspects to
consider in the performance of an actuator. A key factor here is to note that
there are two kinds of torque metric to consider, static and dynamic load.
Static load torque or force refers to the actuator’s capacity when it is at rest.
The dynamic metric refers to the device’s torque capacity when it is in
• Speed: Speed of an actuator differs depending on the weight of the load it is
supposed to carry. Usually, the higher the weight, the lower the speed. Hence
the speed metric should first be looked at when the actuator is not carrying
any load.
• Durability: The type of actuator and the manufacturer’s design decides the
durability of an actuator. Although those such as hydraulic actuators are
considered more durable and rugged compared to electric actuators, the
detail specs on the quality of the material used will be up to the
• Energy efficiency: With increasing concerns on energy conservation and its
direct impact on operational costs, energy efficiency is becoming more and
more a decisive metric in all kinds of machinery. Here the lesser the quantity
Examples of industrial sensors that can be used in an automated

• Temperature sensors: These sensors can measure the temperature of a

particular environment or process, and can be used to control heating or
cooling systems in an automated way.
• Pressure sensors: These sensors can measure the pressure of liquids or gases
in a system, and can be used to control flow rates or detect leaks in an
automated system.
• Proximity sensors: These sensors can detect the presence or absence of
objects in a system, and can be used to trigger automated actions such as
opening or closing valves, or starting or stopping conveyor belts.
• Flow sensors: These sensors can measure the rate of flow of liquids or gases
in a system, and can be used to control the flow rate or detect blockages in an
automated system.
• Level sensors: These sensors can measure the level of liquids or solids in a
system, and can be used to control the filling or emptying of tanks or
containers in an automated way.
Deploying industrial sensors to build an
automated system
• Identify the system requirements: Determine the specific tasks that the automated system needs to
perform and identify the sensors that will be required to accomplish those tasks.
• Select the appropriate sensors: Choose sensors that are capable of measuring the necessary parameters
with sufficient accuracy and precision. Consider factors such as the operating environment,
measurement range, and resolution.
• Design the sensor placement and wiring: Determine the optimal locations for the sensors based on the
system requirements and the physical layout of the equipment. Plan the wiring routes to ensure that the
sensors can be connected to the data acquisition system.
• Install the sensors: Physically install the sensors at the designated locations and connect them to the
data acquisition system. Test the sensors to ensure that they are operating correctly.
• Configure the data acquisition system: Configure the data acquisition system to acquire and process
data from the sensors. This may involve setting up signal conditioning and amplification, filtering and
noise reduction, and calibration and compensation.
• Develop the automated system: Use the data collected from the sensors to control the automated
system. This may involve developing algorithms to analyze the sensor data and trigger specific actions.
• Test and optimize the system: Test the automated system in a controlled environment to ensure that it is
performing as expected. Optimize the system by fine-tuning the sensor placement, calibration, and signal
processing algorithms to improve accuracy and efficiency.
• Monitor and maintain the system: Regularly monitor the performance of the automated system and
perform routine maintenance on the sensors and data acquisition system to ensure reliable operation
over time.

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