Culturally Responsive Assessment

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Culturally Responsive

“It is virtually impossible for a
teacher to work effectively with
classroom families until he or
she is able to empathize with
them. Every family truly stands
alone in its uniqueness.” (Home,
School, and Community

“It is vital that teachers make the

effort to become comfortable and
informed about the kinds of life
experiences, values, and behaviors
of diverse cultural groups and
develop nonjudgmental dispositions
toward working with the diversity of
individual families.” (Home, School, and
Community Relations)
“Teachers who practice culturally responsive teaching have a classroom
full of books featuring characters and images that represent a variety of
ages, genders, ethnicities, and other types of diversity. They share the
achievements and expertise of people from different ethnic groups in
every subject area. They include multiple perspectives when discussing
historical and contemporary events, including those from oppressed
groups who are often left out of the narrative. And they encourage
students to draw on their prior knowledge and cultural experiences to
make connections to the academic content”. (EducationWeek)

“The uses of multiple, formative assessments. Using multiple, formative

assessments can provide lenses into linguistically diverse students as
readers and writers. Encouraging students to use other languages as
resources in a translanguaging context gives linguistically diverse
students the opportunity to express what they know about reading and
writing, rather than what they know about English. The reading and
writing behaviors of students in English and other languages are less
likely to be misinterpreted if educators use a variety of formative
assessments in the classroom”. (NCTE)
I can do it!


A) Use multiple B) Use multiple ways C) Provide multiple ways

of having the students for students to express
means of their learning such as
introducing the interact with using different tools
material to help them
lesson such as learn such as teaching
(writing, art, presentation)
showing a video, or different activities
vocabulary, symbols, related to the
teaching a song, or using graphic concept. Choice Boards or
reading a story organizers, or provide Menus are a popular way
(The Inclusive Classroom)
guided practice (The of giving students ways to
Inclusive Classroom) express their individual
strengths. (The Inclusive Classroom)
•Introduce adaptive technologies. Adaptive technologies make learning accessible for all
students. This can include anything from speech-to-text software, talking calculators for
students with dyscalculia, or modified computer accessories for students with physical

•Use different types of instruction and teaching strategies. Techniques like project-based
learning, differentiated instruction and blended learning all allow teachers to help learners
with different needs.

•Create opportunities for all students to contribute. Within groups, have students take on
different roles that fit their strengths. Some students can act as note takers, while others
can facilitate the conversation. (Prodigy Education)
“10 Powerful Strategies for Teaching Students with Different Ability Levels in Your Classroom.”
The Inclusive Class, October 2, 2020.

“Assessing Linguistically Diverse Students.” National Council of Teachers of English, October 11,
“Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Balanced Assessment Systems.” Institute of Educational
Sciences. Accessed May 21, 2023.

Game, Prodigy. “7 Ways to Support Diversity in the Classroom [with Examples].” Prodigy
Education. Accessed May 21, 2023.

Will, Madeline, and Ileana Najarro. “What Is Culturally Responsive Teaching?” Education Week,
March 24, 2023.

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