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Application And Online

Management System

01 02

Blood Bank Project Objective

03 04

About System Software Technology

Blood Bank ….
Blood banking is the process that takes place in the laboratory to ensure
that donated blood, or blood products, are safe before they are used in
blood transfusions and other medical procedures. Blood banking includes
typing the blood for transfusion and testing for infectious diseases. The
term "blood bank" typically refers to a division of a hospital where the
storage of blood product occurs and where proper testing is performed
(to reduce the risk of transfusion related adverse events). However, it
sometimes refers to a collection center, and indeed some hospitals also
perform collection.
Project Objective
We aim to facilitate the blood donation process by
directly connecting to the donor via the mobile
application and online management system which
enable the hospitals to have many donors, their data
and locations so that every hospital can reach their
nearest donors who will achieve the fastest and
purest blood donation so that we can save many
lives Who need a blood transfusion Immediately.
OUR System
Talking about the features of the Blood Donor
Management System/ mobile application, the user can
manage donors and blood campaign details.

In order to add donor details, he/she has to provide full

name, gender, date of birth, weight, and blood type.
Also to insert blood campaign details, the user has to
provide campaign name, organizer name, date,
location, and short description about the campaign.

The donor has to insert his home location and contact

number, so at hospital when they need an urgent blood
donation process they can contact with the nearest
donor via his location and his mobile number by using
the mobile application.
Software Technology Online Management System

Blood Donor Management System is

developed using PHP, CSS, Bootstrap,
and JavaScript.
Blood Donor Management System in
PHP helps the user in managing donors
and campaign records. To run this
project you must have installed virtual
server XAMPP on PC and MySQL

Mobile Application

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