Classroom Management Classroom Management

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Classroom Management
Quintanilla Middle School
What is Classroom
In The First Days of School,
Harry Wong states, “Classroom
management is the practices and
procedures that allow teachers to
teach and students to learn.”
Classroom Management

Teacher’s Instructional Procedures &

Role Strategies Routines
The Ideal Teacher:
• Enjoys students. • Is enthusiastic about the
• Uses different teaching subject.
techniques. • Is willing to listen to both
• Has a great sense of humor. sides of an issue.
• Acts like an adult and not a • Has a reputation for giving
child (or high school challenging work.
student). • Isn’t a pushover. Keeps
• Keeps promises. misbehaving students in
• Is organized. line.
• Knows the subject matter. • Keeps everyone busy.
• Admits when he or she is • Does not have favorites.
wrong. • Is polite to everyone all of
• Uses a pleasant voice. the time.
• Is friendly and fair.

According to Julia G. Thompson, author of Discipline Survival

Kit for the Secondary Teacher
The Teacher-Student
1. You should show that you care about your students.
Attend sporting events, ask about their hobbies, make a
2. You should have a thorough knowledge of your subject
matter. Being prepared builds trust.
3. You should take command of the class. If you are not the
classroom leader, the students will gladly assume the
4. You should act in a mature manner all of the time. Don’t
be sarcastic. Don’t tell lies. Don’t lose your temper.
5. You should maintain a certain emotional distance
between yourself and your students. Students have peers.
They need you to teach.

This sets a positive classroom culture!

From First-Year Teacher’s Survival Kit, by Julia G.

Effective Instruction

• Two of the most important key

factors in effective instruction are:
Room arrangement
Time management
Movement is the key
• Be able to have quick access to any student
at any time.
• Be comfortable moving around your room
during instructional periods.
• Being in close proximity to a student is an
effective deterrent.
Effective Time Management
Curbs Discipline Problems

• The more engaged a student is

the better he behaves.
• Students tend to be more
distracted during these 3 phases
of instruction:
» The beginning of class
» Transitions
» The end of class
Ideas for the Beginning of

• It is ESSENTIAL that • Have your students:

the students have an – Create a test question.
activity to complete as – Illustrate important
soon as the bell rings. information.
• Take roll while the – Scan the day’s reading
students are working
– Take a mini-quiz.
on the assignment.
– Draw a cartoon.
– Summarize the
previous day’s topic.

According to Julia G. Thompson, author of

Discipline Survival Kit for the Secondary Teacher
Managing Transitions
• Julia G. Thompson suggests the following
Time students between transitions.
Provide students with a checklist of the
day’s activities.
Give students activities to “sponge” any
dead time.
• List ten words associated with the
lesson today.
• Defend your position on…
• Make flashcards for this unit.
• Circle the key words from yesterday’s
Ending Class Without Chaos
• The end of class
should be as structured
as the beginning.
• Closing exercises will
provide a constructive
review of the day’s • Some more ideas to try
lesson. from Julia G. Thompson:
• Be sure that you – Chain Games
– Rapid-fire drills
dismiss the students
– Predict the next lesson
and not the bell. – Review homework
– Show a relevant cartoon
– Play a game for bonus
An Effective Discipline Plan

• The 3 most important

student behaviors to
teach on the first days of
school are:
– Discipline
– Procedures
– Routines

“If you do not have a plan, you are planning

to fail.”

From The First Days of School, by Harry

Your Discipline Plan

Class Rules

Abide by the Rule Break the Rule

Positive Consequences: Negative Consequences:

The Rules About Rules
• Wong writes, “The function of a rule is to
prevent or encourage behavior by clearly
stating student expectations.”

General Rules: Specific Rules:

Respect others. Be in class on time.
Be polite and helpful. Keep your hands, feet,
and objects to yourself.

What are the advantages and

disadvantages to both?
Creating Your Class Rules

• Only have 3 to 5 rules

• State rules positively.
• Make the rules easy for you and your students to
• Be able to enforce the rules consistently.
• Remember:
– Rules deal with behavior, not procedures.
• Harry Wong emphasizes, “The best reward is the satisfaction of a job well done.”
• Some examples include:

» Praise
» A note home (Good News Cards)
» Student of the day, week, or month
» Tangible rewards
» Work posted
» Certificates of Honor
» Coupons
• Time out
• Demerit or fine
• Detention
• Assignment to write ways
to correct problem
• Being last to leave
• Loss of reward
• Exclusion of class
Enlist Parent Support

• Be sure to send a copy of your discipline plan

home to parents the first day of school.
• Make positive parent contact before you need their
assistance with a problem.
• Contact parents as soon as you see a change in their
child’s behavior patterns.
• Parents can be one of your biggest allies in
managing the student’s behavior.
Procedures and Routines
• Harry Wong writes in The First Days of School,
“The number one problem in the classroom is not
discipline; it is the lack of procedures and

• Wong also states, “A procedure is simply a method

or process for how things are to be done in a

• Procedures answer the question, “What do I do

Classroom Procedures That
Must Become Routine:
1. Beginning of a period. Do students know
what to do?
2. Quieting a class. Do students know how
you will quiet them down?
3. Students seeking help. Do students know
how to get your attention?
4. Movement of students and papers. Do
students know how to move about the
room and pass papers in?
5. End of period. Do students know who or
what will dismiss them at the end of the

From The First Days of School, by Harry Wong

Procedures to Consider
• Entering the classroom • Asking a question
• Getting to work • Responding to fire,
immediately severe weather, and
tornado drills
• End of class dismissal
• Leaving the classroom
• Participating in class
• When visitors arrive
• Changing groups • Keeping a notebook
• Turning in papers • Interruptions
• When you finish early • Getting classroom

From The First Days of School, by Harry Wong

You Must Teach Procedures!



4 Actions That Helped Me and
Will Help You Too!

• Maintain a professional relationship with

students and fellow colleagues.
• Be fair and consistent with students
regardless of who they are.
• Use class time wisely to avoid
• Take an interest in students’ extracurricular

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