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By:Shivam Pal Class-IX B

1. History

2. Latest general rules 3. Specification of play field 4. Hockey stick and ball 5. Sports gear and its importance 6. Fundamental skills 7. Related sports terminologies 8. Important tournaments and venues 9. Sports personalities 10.India hockey team poster

Ancient Field Hockey players in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Exact origin of hockey is not known. In the past, the Arabs used curved sticks made of palm fibers and while Indians used bone sticks. In the 13th century, glass window of Gloucester Catherdals showed some youth playing with curved sticks and ball. In Chile, similar game was played which was named as cireca. British called it hurle, while in Ireland it was called shinty.

The world hockey was derived from the French word hoquet. The revised rules were published in 1875 in London. These rules were published by the Mens Hockey Association of London. Till 1887, hockey was played exclusively by men. After this, women also started playing hockey. Hockey was introduced in the Olympics in 1908. womens hockey was introduced in the Olympics in the year 1980. India also has an old history of hockey. The Beighlon cup was introduced in 1895 in Calcutta. However, Aga Khan Cup started in 1896 in Mumbai. The all India hockey federation was formed in 1925. first Senior National Championship was held in 1928 in Calcutta.
From 1928 to 1956, the Indian hockey juggernaut won six straight Olympic gold medals, while winning 24 consecutive matches. During this time, India scored 178 goals conceding only 7 in the process.

Duration of the game: The game is divided into two halves of 35 minutes. In between these two halves, an interval of 5 minutes is given. Start of game: The game starts from a pass. The pass is given in one half. At the time of passing, the players of the opposite team should be 4.5 m away from the ball.

Some main rules

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. If goal is scored from inside the striking circle , only then goal is considered. If the ball goes out from goal line and the ball is last touched by an offensive player, 16 yard from hit is given but if the ball is last touched by defensive player, a corner is given. If the ball goes out from side line, push or hit is taken from sideline . The plane side of the blade of stick is used. If other round projected side is used, a foul is given. If the ball touches any part of the body, a foul is given. Dangerous hitting and body contact is not allowed. The goal keeper is allowed to touch the ball with any part of his/her body but he/she should be within the striking circle. If the infringement is done in the striking circle, penalty corner is given. If a serious foul is committed for avoiding goal, penalty stroke is given. In the penalty stroke, all the players except the goalkeeper and the player taking stroke are not allowed to stay in 25 yards line. The stroke is taken 7 yards away from goal line.

Each team is permitted to substitute from its players not on the field of play as per the following situations: a) The substitution is permitted at any time except within the period from the award of a penalty corner until after it has been completed; during this period, substitution is only permitted for injury or suspension of the defeating goalkeeper. There is no limit to the number of players who are permitted to be substituted at the same time or to the number of times any player is permitted to substitute or be substituted. Substitutions of a player is permitted only after that player has left the field.



e) f)

Substitutions are not permitted for suspended players during their suspension.
After completing a suspension, a player is permitted to be substituted with out the rest returning to the field. Field players must leave or enter the field for substitution purposes within 3m of the center line on a side of the field agreed with the umpires.


Goal keepers are permitted to leave or enter the field for substitution near the goal they are defeating.
Time is stopped for substitution of goal keepers wearing full protective equipment but not for other substitutions.

The field: It is a rectangular field 100yards in length and 60yards in breadth. The playing
surface must continue for 2m at back lines and at least 1m to side lines. All the lines are 75mm wide and boundary lines are inclusive of field the other dimensions are explained in the diagram given in the next slide.

Goal post: The goal is made by two vertical goal posts jointed by horizontal cross bar.
The goal post and cross bar is 50mm wide and 50-75mm deep. The distance between the posts is 3.66m. The height of cross bar from ground level is 2.14m. The side boards are 46cm height and 1.20m long. The net is fixed at the back of goal posts with a maximum mesh of 45mm.

Flag post: Six flags are placed on the hockey field. Each flag should be 1.20m to 1.50m in
height. 4 flags are placed in corners and the rest 2 flags are placed at the centre.

Hockey stick: It is made of wood and has a curved end. The length of the stick should
be 86-94 cm. the hockey stick should weight not more than 737 grams. The wooden head must not be more than 4 inches in length.

Ball : The ball is spherical in shape weighing 156-163gms. The circumference to the ball
should be 22.4-23.5 cm. it must pass through a 5.1cm (interior diameter) ring.

Hockey stick: Each player carries a stick, normally made of wood. But nowadays
hockey sticks are also made by fiberglass and carbon fiber composited. It has a rounded handle, flattened on the left side and with a hook at the bottom. Metal is forbidden from use in hockey sticks.

Hockey ball: The ball is spherical, hard and made of plastic. Uniform: The hockey players wear a pair of shorts and a shirt. Protective equipments: Many players wear gum shield or mouth guards to protect
teeth and gums from the impacts of the ball or stick. Hockey players also wear skin guards. A goalkeeper wears a lot of protective equipments as he is at the high risk of injury. The protective equipments includes chest guards, padded shorts, heavily padded hand protectors, groin protectors, neck guards and arm guards.

Note : The proper use of shorts gear cam minimize the injury and this also helps in
exhibiting the best performance.

Goal keeper

Holding of stick: The hockey stick is held from the top and middle of the stick. Left

hand is placed at the top and the right hand below the left hand. The position of hands changes according to the strokes. During dribbling and scooping, the power hand is placed almost at the middle.
upper part of the stick but when a ball is moving, hitting is done by placing proper position of the feet.

Hitting: While hitting a stationary ball, both the hands should be placed closely at the Scooping: Scooping is done by placing right hand at the middle and left hand at the top

of the stick. The ball is scooped with the help of tilted stick so that the ball moves high in the air. Though the speed of the ball is less but more accuracy is achieved. It also helps in beating a player.
dribbling, the stick is loosely held wit the right hand so that the stick can be rotated with the help of left hand. ball, the stick should be held as it is held in the case of scooping. In this method, stick is placed vertical. Sometimes, the stick is tilted to horizontal position for stopping.

Dribbling: In dribbling, the ball is moved left and right with the help of the stick. While

Stopping: Generally, the ball is stopped with the blade of the stick. While stopping the

Hat-trick: If a player scores 3 goals consecutively. Penalty corner: An attacker pushes a ball from a mark which is 10 yards from the goal
post of any of the side the team prefers. 5 defenders including goalkeeper are allowed to stand behind the backline. Remaining defenders stand beyond the centerline.

Penalty stroke: A player is allowed to push or scoop the ball from the penalty spot

after the whistle. All the defenders excluding goal keeper must stand behind the 25 yard line.

Stick: When a player raises his stick above his shoulder while hitting the ball is called a

Tie-break: When no team is able to score a goal up to extra time, five penalty strokes are
give to each team, it is called a tie breaker.

Sudden death: When no goal is scored after tie breaker, the teams are give 1 penalty
strokes till the tie is broken. This is known as sudden death.

Cards: Cards are shown for rough or dangerous play, misconduct or intentional offences.
The umpire will issue an official warning to a player by showing the green card. Prior to that, the player would probably have been give a verbal caution. A yellow card mean the player will be off the pitch for 5 min or more. A red card give for more serious offences and sees the player leave the match for good.

1. Olympics : Hockey was introduced in 1908. 2. World championship: It was first held in 1971 for men and in 1974 for women. 3. Champions trophy: Top 6 teams of previous Olympics participate in this championship and it started in 1976. 4. Asia cup. 5. Sultan Azlan shah cup.

1. Rangaswamy cup: It was first held in 1928 at Calcutta. 2. Indira Gandhi Gold Cup. 3. Bombay Gold Cup. 4. Nehru Trophy. 5. Scindia Gold Cup. 6. Agha Khan Cup. 7. Abaidullah Gold Cup.

Arjuna award winners

Viren Rasquinha, Jyoti Sunita Kullu, Probhjot Singh, Surinder kaur, Ignace Tirkey etc.

Dronacharya award winners

Grudial Singh Bhangu, M.K kaushik, Rajinder Singh, Baldev Singh

Padma shri award winners

Charanjit Singh, Eliza Nelson, Mohd. Shahid, Ajit pal Singh, Pargat Singh etc.

Padma bhushan award winners

Dhyan Chand, Balbeer singh, Digvijay Singh Babu


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