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UNIT:1 C.C. :8602 B.Ed.

After studying this unit, the prospective teacher will be

able to:
 indicate the primary differences among the terms
measurement, assessment and evaluation
 explain the types of assessment used in the classroom
 compare and contrast the assessment for learning and
assessment of learning
 summarize the need for assessment
 highlight the role of assessment in effective teaching-
learning process
 describe major characteristics of classroom assessment


In order to ensure and enhance the effectiveness of

teaching- learning process teachers need to get
information regarding students’ performance. Based
upon this information, teachers make critical
instructional decisions for example whether to use a
certain teaching method or not, whether the progress of
students towards attainment of educational goals is
satisfactory or not, what if a student is having learning
deficiency, How to motivate a student etc.
Measurement, testing, assessment and evaluation
primarily aims to yield the information regarding
students’ performance in order to help the
teacher and/or stakeholders to determine a
certain degree, to which a learner has acquired
particular knowledge, has understood particular
concepts or has mastered certain skill. This
information is used to scaffold the next step in
the learning process.
Concept of Measurement, Assessment
and Evaluation
 Measurement:

In general, the term measurement is used to determine the

attributes or dimensions of object. For example, we
measure an object to know how big, tall or heavy it is. In
educational perspective measurement refers to the process
of obtaining a numerical description of a student’s
progress towards a pre-determined goal. This process
provides the information regarding how much a student
has learnt. Measurement provides quantitative description
of the students’ performance for example Rafaih solved 23
arithmetic problems out of 40. But it does not include the
qualitative aspect for example, Rafaih’s work was neat.

A test is an instrument or a systematic procedure to

measure a particular characteristic. For example, a
test of mathematics will measure the level of the
learners’ knowledge of this particular subject or field.
Test definition, the means by which the presence,
quality, or genuineness of anything is determined; a
means of trial.
A test is a deliberate action or experiment to find out
how well something works.


Is the process of gathering, recording,

interpreting, using and communicating
information about a child’s progress and
achievement during the development of
knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes
Assessment means
 Evaluation
 Evaluation is a systematic determination of a
subject's merit, worth and significance, using criteria
governed by a set of standards.
 It gives the value judgment to the numerical value. It
includes both tangible and intangible qualities
 Evaluation is much more comprehensive term than
measurement and assessment. It includes both
quantitative and qualitative descriptions of students’
performance. It always provides a value judgment
regarding the desirability of the performance for
example, Very good, good etc
Need of Evaluation
Evaluation helps us to know whether the
instructional objectives have been achieved or
 As such evaluation helps planning of better
strategies for education.
 A sound program of evaluation clarifies the
aims of education and it helps us to know
whether aims and objectives are attainable or
Classroom Assessment
Why to Assess: Teachers have clear goals
for instruction and they assess to ensure
that these goals have been or are being
met. If objectives are the destination,
instruction is the path to it then
assessment is a tool to keep the efforts on
track and to ensure that the path is right.
After the completion of journey
assessment is the indication that
destination is ahead
What to Assess:
Teachers cannot assess whatever they
themselves like. In classroom assessment,
teachers are supposed to assess students' current
abilities in a given skill or task. The teacher can
assess students’ knowledge, skills or behaviour
related to a particular field
Who to Assess: It may seem strange to ask
whom a teacher should assess in the
classroom, but the issue is of great concern.
Teachers should treat students as 'real
learners', not as course or unit coverers. They
should also predict that some students are
more active and some are less active; some are
quick at learning and some are slow at it.
Therefore, classroom assessment calls for a
prior realistic appraisal of the individuals
Assessment as Learning
Assessment as learning means to use assessment to
develop and support students' metacognitive skills.
This form of assessment is crucial in helping students
become lifelong learners. As students engage in peer
and self-assessment, they learn to make sense of
information, relate it to prior knowledge and use it
for new learning. Students develop a sense of
efficacy and critical thinking when they use teacher,
peer and self assessment feedback to make
adjustments, improvements and changes to what they
Characteristics of Classroom
Effective assessment of student learning
begins with educational goals.
Assessment is most effective when it
reflects an understanding of learning as
multidimensional, integrated, and
revealed in performance over time.
Assessment works best when it has a
clear, explicitly stated purposes.
Assessment requires attention to outcomes but
also and equally to the experiences that lead to
those outcomes.
Assessment works best when it is ongoing not
Assessment is effective when representatives
from across the educational community are
Assessment makes a difference when it begins
with issues of use and illuminates questions that
Role of Assessment

"Teaching and learning are reciprocal processes

that depend on and affect one another. Thus, the
assessment component deals with how well the
students are learning and how well the teacher is
teaching" Kellough and Kellough, (1999)
role of assessment in learning
It fulfills student expectations • It is used to
motivate students • It provide opportunities to
remedy mistakes • It indicate readiness for
progression • Assessment serves as a diagnostic tool
• Assessment enables grading and degree
classification • Assessment works as a performance
indicator for students • It is used as a performance
indicator for teacher • Assessment is also a
performance indicator for institution • Assessment
facilitates learning in the one way or the other
functions of assessment :
1. Capturing student time and attention 2.
Generating appropriate student learning activity 3.
Providing timely feedback which students pay
attention to 4. Helping students to internalize the
discipline’s standards and notions of equality 5.
Generating marks or grades which distinguish
between students or enable pass/fail decisions to
be made. 6. Providing evidence for other outside
the course to enable them to judge the
Principles of Classroom Assessment
Assessment should be formative
Should determine planning.
Assessment should serve teaching
Assessment should serve learning
Assessment should be curriculum-driven.
Assessment should be interactive.
Assessment should be student-centered.
Assessment should be diagnostic
Assessment should be exposed to learners
Assessment should be non-judgmental.(no praise or blame
for a particular outcome of learning.)

Assessment should lead to learner's autonomy.
(Autonomy is a principle in which students come to
a state of making their own decisions in language
learning. They assume a maximum amount of
responsibility for what they learn and how they
Assessment should involve reflective teaching.
(Reflective teaching is an approach instruction in
which teachers are supposed to develop their
understanding of teaching (quality) based on
data/information obtained and collected through


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