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Asexual vs.

I Can …
 Define asexual reproduction
 Define sexual reproduction
 Define asexual reproduction
 Describe the differences between sexual and
asexual reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
 Sexual  1. 2 parents
Reproduction  2. Sex cells: sperm and
 3. Sperm and egg join=
 4. Offspring look different
from parent (mixed DNA)
Sexual Reproduction
 Sexual  5. Examples
Reproduction – Humans, some plants,
mammals, fish, reptiles, etc.
Sexual Reproduction

Fertilization: part of the process of sexual reproduction in which

a male reproductive cell and a female reproductive cell combine
to form a new cell that can develop into a new organism.
Asexual Reproduction
 Asexual  1. One parent
Reproduction  2. No sex cells
 3. Offspring produced by
cell division
 4. Offspring identical to
parent (same DNA)
 5. Several types in plants
and animals
Types of Asexual Reproduction
 Binary  1. Organism divides in half
Fission  2. 2 identical daughter cells
 3. Daughter cells are half
the parent’s size
 4. Daughter cells grow,
then divide too
 5. In bacteria
Types of Asexual Reproduction
 Budding  1. Small bud grows out of
parent cell
 2. Two different sized cells
made (with identical DNA)
 3. Bud breaks off and
 4. In yeast and hydra
Types of Asexual Reproduction
 Regeneration  1. Repair/ grow lost body
 2. Left over cells divide to
make more cells
 3. Lobsters, starfish, lizards
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
What type of reproduction is
this??? Explain…
Asexual vs. Sexual

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