Respunsible Tourism PR

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How to be a

Radu, JINGA Robert
 What is responsible tourism?
 Why is responsible tourism
 How to be a responsible
 Bibliography
 Final thoughts…
What is responsible tourism?
 Responsible tourism strives to reduce the negative social, economic and environmental
impacts tourism has on the local communities we visit.
 Increased tourism has allowed extra the opportunity for damage to the environment,
however making choices and acting in a manner that supports the longevity of these
communities is what responsible tourism is about.
 Respecting the environment and improving, not damaging, the quality of life of the
local community is paramount to being a responsible tourist.
 There are a lot of misconceptions around responsible tourism – you don't have to be a
super eco-warrior to be a responsible tourist; you just have to be a positive force, as
opposed to a negative one.
Why is responsible tourism important?
 Sustainable tourism that benefits the local people whilst preserving the local nature and culture is
essential. However, cases of ‘overtourism’ have damaged many beloved destinations.
 ‘Overtourism’ is when a landmark/destination receives excessive visitor numbers that are
detrimental to the local community, wildlife, or tourist experience.
 There are obvious benefits of tourism, but tourism of this extent has strong negative effects.
‘Overtourism’ can cause damage to infrastructure; unrest with the locals due to the inconvenience
of masses of tourists; and can also affect the experience for the tourists themselves (visiting a site
surrounded by crowds of people detracts from its natural beauty).
 In a lot of cases, responsible tourism is a matter of respect for the local traditions, cultures and the
environment. It’s important to be ‘culturally sensitive’ in order to preserve the well-being of the
local communities, boost their economy and fully immerse yourself in your travels.
How to be a responsible tourist?
 Here are just a few simple tips for you to consider to help make your trips more
 Stay several nights
 Support the local economy
 Explore non-popular areas
 Become a temporary local, not a tourist
 Don’t purchase endangered species produce
 Avoid taking ‘natural souvenirs’
 Last but not least, one which we should all be doing anyway… don’t litter!
Final thoughts…
 There seems to be a shift towards more socially conscious travellers. When people
are looking for new adventures, they are seeking out opportunities to immerse
themselves in the culture, people and nature of a location.
This is furthered with millennials are being considered a more conscious traveller
than others, considering the environment much more.
Thank u for watching!😘

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