English 10 1

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Presented by Cahaya Dewi

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define what is public speaking;
2. Identify the prepared and impromptu speech;
3. Show appreciation on the importance of pubic communication
Analyze the picture below:
What is Public Speaking?

Public speaking is an act or skill of speaking to a usually large group of

people, or it is a speech delivered by someone , so that someone is called
speaker. So a speech delivered by a speaker in front of the public or in an
audience. Thats what we call public speaking.
Prepared Speech
1. Prepared Speech- -the speaker was been given the topic in
advance,had time to do background research on it, and has
practiced delivering the speech.

- Presidential address or SONA
Types of Prepared Speech

1. MEMORIZED SPEECH- is it talks about the speech that is

recited from your memory.

- Janelle has been asked to give a speech to her school on
vaccines. She memorizes what she is going to say and walks
around the room while she speaks.
2. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH- An extemporaneous
speech is a type of speech that is delivered without
extensive preparation.

3. Manuscript Speech- manuscript it is a written

text that is read to an audience just like the host
IMPROMPTU SPEECH -The speaker is given with little or
no time to prepare
l NO chance to research about it or even make an outline as
When delivering this type of speech...
one must be able to fully gather his/her thoughts
✓ focus on the issue or topic at hand
✓ maintain composure
1. Know your purpose- Being sure on the purpose of your speech is
synonymous to knowing where to
focus on your discussion. It may be as basic as to inform, persuade,
or inspire.

2. Be familiar with your topic- The best way to do this is to

research. When you are sure of every piece of
information you are presenting, you will be more confident.
3. Know your audience
• It is essential to be sure of the kind of audience/people you
will be speaking to.
Knowing your audience will help you plan the appropriate content,
language, and techniques to use.

4. Plan ahead of time

• Cramming will reflect in the way you speak and behave in
front of an audience.
5. Use non-verbal cues
• The right amount of gestures at the right time are key
elements of public
speaking as these movements help convey ideas more clearly.
6. Remain calm
• Don’t show signs of nervousness and maintain your
7. Practice.
• Through constant practice, one may be able to identify areas
that can be improved.

8. Watch your words.

• One must be careful enough not to use words that might put
his or her reliability and
reputation into jeopardy.
9. Speak with clarity.
• One should observe proper pronunciation, stress, intonation,
juncture, diction, tone,
and pacing when delivering a speech.

10. Know the essential etiquette.

• As a public speaker, one should know the different DO’s and
DON’Ts when speaking before an audience.
1. What is Public Speaking?

2. What are the key differences between a prepared and an

impromptu speech?
Task: Let your voice be heard! Students will
perform an impromptu speech about familiar issues
in our
1. Students will pick a topic randomly from a bowl.
2. Students will given one 1-minute to deliver his/her
3. Consider the techniques in public speaking when
delivering your speech
4. Students will be graded on the provided rubrics below
Remember, public speaking sharpens your critical
thinking, hone your communication skills, and discover
the power of your own voice. So, take a deep breath,
embrace the unknown, and let your eloquence shine!
General Directions: . Read each question carefully. Write TRUE if
the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect
1. Impromptu speeches are delivered with little or no preparation.

2. Extemporaneous speeches do not require practice and


3. Non-verbal communication is just as relevant as verbal

4. When it comes to good delivery, there is no one formula that
fits all speakers.

5. We must always be mindful of distracting behavior and work on

improving our craft every chance we

6. Public speaking conveys purposeful information which aims to

inform, influence, or entertain a large
group of audience.
7.Being being calm, one may be able to identify areas that can be

8. One example of prepared speech is introducing yourself in

class during the first day of school.

9. Public speaking anxiety is usually the most difficult obstacle to

overcome for aspiring speakers.

10. Audience analysis is important when preparing for a speech or


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