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Olist Store Analysis

As a data analyst at Olist, I have conducted a comprehensive analysis of various

key performance indicators. This presentation will delve into important
insights and statistics derived from the Olist store data.
Weekday Vs Weekend Payment Statistics

1 Weekday Orders
Weekday orders show a consistent pattern, with the highest number of purchases
occurring during peak hours of the day.

2 Weekend Orders
Weekend orders exhibit a more varied pattern, with orders spread throughout the day,
indicating different customer behavior.

3 Payment Trend
Analysis reveals that credit card payments are higher on weekends, while alternative
payment methods are more common during weekdays.
Number of Orders with Review Score 5
and Credit Card Payment
1 High Satisfaction 2 Customer Loyalty
A significant percentage of orders with This observation aligns with the notion
a review score of 5 are associated with that customers tend to use credit cards
credit card payments, indicating for repeat purchases, reflecting loyalty
customer satisfaction and trust in the and confidence in the Olist shopping
payment method. experience.
Average Delivery Time for Pet Shop
Standard Delivery Customer Expectations

The average number of days taken for order This data can be used to set realistic delivery
delivery for pet shop items is within an time expectations for pet shop customers,
acceptable range, indicating efficient logistics enhancing overall satisfaction and trust in Olist's
and fulfillment processes. service.
Average Price and Payment Values in São
Paulo City

Price Analysis Payment Trend

Customers in São Paulo city tend to make Credit card payments are predominant in São
purchases of higher average value compared Paulo, with an average transaction value
to other regions, reflecting a strong purchasing significantly higher than other payment
power and preferences. methods.
Relationship between Shipping Days and
Review Scores
Shipping Days Review Scores

3-6 days 4.5 - 5

7-10 days 4 - 4.5

10+ days Below 4

Comparison of Key Performance
Weekday Vs Weekend Sales Pet Shop Order Delivery Time
Distinct patterns in customer behavior Efficient logistics and fulfillment
and payment preferences based on the processes contribute to a consistent
day of the week. delivery timeline.

Customer Location Analysis

Different purchasing power and payment trends observed across various regions, such as São
Paulo city.
Conclusion for the Key Performance
1 Insights for Improvement 2 Trends and Patterns
Analysis of the KPIs provides valuable Identifying trends in customer
insights for optimizing marketing behavior, payment patterns, and
strategies, logistics, and customer regional preferences can drive targeted
engagement to enhance overall business decisions and resource
performance. allocation.

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