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Job Analysis

and Work Design

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 1

Learning Outcomes
Explain job analysis and how it is used in
conjunction with a firm’s HRM functions.

Explain how the information for a job analysis is

typically collected and incorporated into various
sections of a job’s description.

Provide examples illustrating the various factors

that must be taken into account in designing a job,
including what motivates employees.

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Learning Outcomes
Describe the different group techniques and
types of work schedules used to broaden a
firm’s job functions and maximize employee

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Relationship of Job Requirements
and HRM Functions
Job specification
• A statement of the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities
of the person who is to perform the job

Job description
• A statement of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of
a job to be performed

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 4

Relationship of Job Requirements
and HRM Functions
• Strategic HR planning
• Recruitment
• Selection
• Training and development
• Performance appraisal
• Compensation management
• Legal compliance

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Job Analysis
• A job analysis is the process of obtaining information
about jobs by determining the duties, tasks, or activities
of jobs.

• A job analysis should also outline the tools needed to

do the job, the environment and times at which it needs
to done, the people with whom it needs to be done, and
the outcome or performance level it should produce.

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Job Analysis

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Gathering Job Information
• Interviews
• Questionnaires
• Observation

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© 2013 by Nelson 11
Job Descriptions
Job Title
• Indicates job duties and organizational level

Job Identification Section

• Distinguishes job from all other jobs

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Job Descriptions
Job Duties, or Essential Functions, Section
• Indicate responsibilities entailed and results to be

Job Specification Section

• Skills required to perform the job and physical demands
of the job

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Problems with Job Descriptions
1. If they are poorly written, using vague rather than
specific terms, they provide little guidance to the
2. They are sometimes not updated as job duties or
specifications change.
3. They may violate the law by containing specifications
not related to job success.
4. They can limit the scope of activities of the jobholder,
reducing organizational flexibility.

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 16

Job Design
Job Design
• An outgrowth of job analysis that improves jobs through
technological and human considerations to enhance
organization efficiency and employee job satisfaction

Behavioural Concerns
• The job enrichment model and the job characteristics
model: two methods designed to increase the job
satisfaction of employees.

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 17

Job Enrichment
• Increasing the level of difficulty and responsibility of
the job
• Allowing employees to retain more authority and control
over work outcomes
• Providing unit or individual job performance reports
directly to employees
• Adding new tasks to the job that require training and
• Assigning individuals specific tasks, enabling them to
use their particular competencies or skills

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 18

Job Characteristics Model:
Designing Jobs to Motivate Employees
Job Psychological Job
Characteristics States Outcomes

 Skill variety  Meaningfulness of  Improved work

the work performed performance
 Task identity
 Responsibility for  Increased Internal
 Task significance motivation
work outcomes
 Autonomy  Lower absenteeism
 Knowledge of the
 Feedback and turnover
results of the work

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 19

Flexible Work Schedules
Compressed Workweek
• Shortening the number of days in the workweek by
lengthening the number of hours worked per day

• Working hours that permit employees the option of
choosing daily starting and quitting times, provided
that they work a set number of hours per day or week

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Flexible Work Schedules
Job Sharing
• The arrangement whereby two part-time employees
perform a job that otherwise would be held by one
full-time employee

• The use of personal computers, networks, and other
communications technology to do work in the home
that is traditionally done in the workplace

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 21

Activity #1
Prepare a job description for a job that a friend or colleague
holds. Ask questions about each of the specific areas
covered in the job description.

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 22

Activity #2
Using a job that you know well (or the job that you have
described in Activity #1), use one of these job design
techniques to make the job more rewarding:
 Job enlargement
 Job rotation
 Job enrichment

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 23

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