SST Class 10th Project

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Made By
Yash Patel
Raghuvir Jadeja
Nishita Singh
Rudra Shah

● The pre-modern era lasted from the 15th through

the 18th centuries. Many centralized governments
were held throughout that era time, as were the
beginnings of various independent countries as
nation-states, and so on.
What is Globalization the Making of Global
● Globalisation is often referred to as an economic
system that has emerged since the last 50 years or
so. The making of the global world has a long
history of trade, migration of people in search of
work, the movement of capital, etc.
Silk Routes link the world
• The importance of West-bound Chinese silk cargoes along this
route earned it the name "silk routes."
• The route stretched from Asia to the Mediterranean, passing
through China, India, Persia, Arabia, Greece, and Italy.
• The Silk Route was a historical trade route that existed from the
second century B.C. until the 14th century.
Food Travels : spaghetti And potato
• Traders and travellers introduced new crops to the lands they visited.
• Noodles travelled from China to become spaghetti, or perhaps Arab traders took pasta to fifth-century
Sicily, an island now part of Italy. - Many of our common foods, such as potatoes, soybeans,
peanuts,corn, tomatoes, chilli peppers, and sweet potatoes, were unknown to our ancestors until about
five ago.
• The introduction of the humble potato allowed Europe's poor to live better and longer lives.
• Ireland's poorest peasants became so dependent on potatoes that when disease destroyed the crop in
the mid-1840s, hundreds of thousands died of starvation.
• Portuguese and Spanish conquest and colonisation of America followed and the
weapon used by them was smallpox.

• It spead deep into the continent, ahead even of any Europeans reaching there. It
killed and decimated whole communities, paving way for conquest
Conquest, Disease and
● European sailors found a sea route to Asia and discovered America.

● Goods, people, customs and knowledge were the few things due to which the
Indian subcontinent was famous for in trading.

● A transformation followed after the discovery of America, due to its abundant

lands, minerals and vast land.

● In Peru and Mexico–precious metals were found, especially silver which helped
Europe in financing its trade.
The Nineteenth Century (1815 to
● In the nineteenth century, three types of flow
existed within. international economic exchanges.
They were:
1) Trade flow
2) Labour flow
3) Capital flow
A World Economy Takes Shape

● Abolition of the Corn law.

● Under pressure from landowners groups the government restricted the
import of food grains.
● After the corn laws were scrapped, food could be imported into Britain
more cheaply than it could be produced in the country.
● British farmers were unable to compete with imports. Vast areas of land
were left uncultivated.
● As food prices fell, consumption in Britain rose.
● Faster industrial growth in Britain led to higher incomes and more food
The role of Technology

● Technology had a great impact on the transformation of 19th century

world such as Railways, steamship and telegraph.
● Technological advances were often the results of social, political and
economic factors.
● The refrigerated ships greatly helped to transport the perishable food
items over a long distance.
● It greatly facilitated the shipment of frozen meat from America,
Australia Or New Zealand to different European Countries.

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