Sample Majed Informal Caregivers

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P R E S E N T E D B Y:
Describing caregiving and its Significance.

Explaining Informal Caregivers.

Discussing roles and responsibilities of Informal Caregivers.

Describing classification of Informal Caregivers.

Discussing personality and physical traits of a good Informal Caregiver.

Enlisting problems faced by Informal Caregivers.

What is Caregiving?

Significance of Caregiving

Informal Caregivers

Statistics from the KSA

Roles and Responsibilities

Classification of Informal Caregiver

Personality Traits of a Good Informal Caregiver

Physical Traits of a Good Informal Caregiver

Problems faced by Informal Caregiver

What is Caregiving?

Caregiving is providing care for

the physical and emotional needs
of a family member or a friend at
What is Caregiving?
Caregiving may involve

Assisting with meals, personal care and


Helping with medical procedures and


Devoting just a few hours weekly or many

hours each day
Significance of Caregiving

Rosalyn Carter is often quoted for her observation

that “there are only four types of people in the

• Those who have been caregivers

• Those who currently are caregivers
• Those who will be caregivers
• Those who will need caregivers.”
Informal Caregivers

"Informal" caregivers, also called

family caregivers, are people who
give care to family or friends
usually without payment.

A caregiver gives care, generally

in the home environment, for an
aging parent, spouse, other
relative, or unrelated person, or
for an ill, or disabled person.
Statistics from the KSA
Most of the caregivers are family members (87.9%)

Young (43.8%)

Female (52.7%)

Unemployed (54.6%)

Unmarried (58.1%).

Most caregivers suffered from musculoskeletal problems

Roles and Responsibilities
Role and responsibilities of informal caregiver include

(1) • Companionship

(2) • Housekeeping

(3) • Personal Care

(4) • Bathing

(5) • Positioning
Roles and Responsibilities
• Toileting
• Safety

• Transferring

• Transportation

• Technical Tasks like ostomy bags, caring for feeding tubes,

(10) administering injections
Classifi cation of Informal caregivers
There are three distinct groups of informal caregivers, roughly
defined by the age of the people they care for:

• Children with chronic illness and disability are typically

1 cared for by young adult parents

• Adult children with such conditions as mental illness

2 are cared for by middle-aged parents

• Older individuals are cared for by their spouses or

3 their middle-aged children.
Personality Traits of a Good Informal Caregiver

Following personality traits should be present in a informal caregiver

• Patience
• Compassion
• Humor
• Being Present
• Detail Oriented
• Able to Accept Help
• Willing to Set Boundaries
• Cooperative
• Assertive

People who need care often take longer

to complete simple tasks.

As a caregiver, one might have to

answer questions over and over.

Good caregivers need patience to deal

with anything from a loved one’s
memory lapses to angry outbursts.

They practice staying calm and avoiding


Empathy and understanding

are absolutely necessary.

Even when they are caring

for an abusive person,
caregivers try to find balance
and understanding.
Being Present
Good caregivers know the importance of
respecting their loved one’s current
Rather than focus on what your loved one
can no longer do, be in the moment with

Look at photos, listen to music, cook a

favorite meal.

At the same time, remember that they

weren’t always sick.
Detail Oriented

They create
schedules, plan for
Good caregivers emergencies, and
are good organize
managers. information so
they don’t have to
Able to Accept Help

Asking for help is not a sign of


A good caregiver realizes they can’t do

it all alone.

They line up friends, family, or

professionals to step in when they
need a break.
Willing to Set Boundaries

Respecting limits, and saying no to

demands, is an important trait.

A good caregiver is part of a

care team that may include
doctors, family, and friends.

Being understanding and

flexible goes a long way
toward being a successful
team player.
Physical Traits of a Good Informal Caregiver

Physical traits of a good informal caregiver are

Fit In Good Health

Caregivers may make several trips up and down stairs every day.

Others need to help their loved one move from bed to chair.

Helping with these transfers can cause injury.

Being strong isn’t always enough to avoid hurting yourself.

Caregivers need to know how to manage these chores safely (or get help).
In Good Health
Taking care of his/her health might be the most important
quality of a good caregiver.

It’s important to eat well, get enough sleep, and get regular

Making and keeping his/her own doctor appointments is also


And a good caregiver finds time to do something they enjoy.

He/she can’t take care of others well if you don’t take care of
Problems faced by informal caregivers

1 •Burdens related to care giving

•Stress (physiological/psychological), depression,
anxiety, poor physical & emotional health

3 •Decreased immune function

Problems faced by informal caregivers

4 •Isolation

5 •Information needs

6 •Economic implications of caring


An informal
Informal caregiver, often
caregivers are a acritical
family resource
member, provides
to theircare,
and anto someone
essentialwith whom they
component of have a personal
the health care
system, yet their role and importance to society as a whole
have only recently been appreciated.
Alshammari, S. A., Alzahrani, A. A., Alabduljabbar, K. A., Aldaghri, A. A., Alhusainy,
Y. A., Khan, M. A., ... & Kariz, I. N. (2017). The burden perceived by informal
caregivers of the elderly in Saudi Arabia. Journal of family & community
medicine, 24(3), 145.

Best Qualities of a Good Caregiver. (n.d.). Visiting Nurse Ser vice of New York. /article /best-qualities-of-a-good-caregiver /

National Research Council. (2010). The role of human factors in home health care:
Workshop summar y.

What is Caregiving? (n.d.). /wp-content /uploads /2015/01/What-is-

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